
Share your first ever God realisation moment

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My first ever God realisation moment was when I was high on weed whilst doing nitrous oxide. I saw everyone in the room as just God who forgot itself in its own dream. The funny thing was my friend at the time said to me before the experience "you'll become God doing this". I didn't believe her but BAM off I went. 

Went back to my retail job after that with a total different perspective on what life was. 


Edited by Taya

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In an ironic twist of fate I had embarked upon arguing down a Christian about how wrong they were. In order to do that I had to find out first how to discern what was absolutely true. I’d got to the stage of removing bias by attempting the ‘no self’ and had been meditating for two years when, one day, sitting in a cosy chair contemplating and removing all the things i was still in existence without, my body and the room suddenly disappeared.if I wasn’t shocked enough at dissolving my reality I went a little deeper and enquired what I was experiencing. There was no distinction between me and the blackness so if I tried to move anywhere, I was already there, already everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I knew everything but there was nothing to know. Everything was nothing and infinite, it just, I just went on forever. A singularity of awareness. I jumped out of the chair in shock whispering to myself “I’m God! I’m fucking God! That’s what God is!”. So yeah the Christian was wrong but I was also wrong… about everything. ?‍♂️

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I was depressed and going to kill myself caused by my soul crushing fear of death and abusive household that caused me to have neurological problems where I would blame myself for everything and make up situation in which I did something wrong all the time. I decided I was going to try shroom to heal me if it didn't work I would kill myself. I take only 2 grams and my Indentity instantly went off like a switch and I'm looking at my hand and I say to myself I'm not even real I'm just making everything up. If I'm not real that means I can't die if I can't die that means I'm immortal. Then I hear a voice ask me if I'm not real than what am I? Oh my God i have to be God. Suddenly I feel my life energy crushed in my feet and it starts raising up my legs up my torso into my brain. Fireworks start going off in my brain. I feel like god is pushing really hard on my forehead and my third eye and crown chackra just blow open and my soul gets torn off my screen and blows off reality. I'm looking at my soul and all I hear is 1000 voices saying I love you I love you you are perfect you are perfect you are beautiful you are beautiful over and over again and in just orgasming times a million then I started laughing and screaming and crying as hard as I could for like 6 hours. Every neuron in my mind firing straight up all at the same times in orgasmic bliss

Edited by Hojo

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Had a longstanding curiosity about dreams and hallucinations. I just found them interesting. Ordered acid and took quarter tab to test. Kept taking acid over months... I must have somehow believed I was enjoying it.

Migrated onto DMT. Took an enormous combination dose of psychedelic drugs, as I had come to reason that these things have such a great safety profile that the only possible negative effects would be an unpleasant mental state. I just wanted to see how far these things can take me and to where they might take me.

Intense trip for what in retrospect feels maybe 10 to 20 seconds, but MUST have been much longer based on the length of other DMT trips (likely I just forgot many minutes of it). Searched online for nondual religions as I had experienced something along those lines to a degree I felt was literally divine, and wanted to read if such a thing existed to better understand what had happened to me.

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This is more like 2 trip reports but on 5 g penis envy mushrooms I was Vishnu dreaming all realities and I saw Lakshmi caring for me as I dreamt. I saw how all emotions are great and everything is perfect. I swear I was never exposed to Hinduism or any of the polytheistic Hindu gods. I swear this must be an archetype from inside me.

Another time I was on 2 tabs of LSD and I saw Krishna and Radha dancing the lila or maybe the rasalila. They were composed of stars and galaxies and they were very big and then I realized I was them and I was a single proton or quark in infinite time. We were all one. Once I again I swear I was never exposed to Hinduism. Only later did I google these experiences and find images and stories which matched my trips.

These were mystical experiences.

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47 minutes ago, Soul Flight said:

This is more like 2 trip reports but on 5 g penis envy mushrooms I was Vishnu dreaming all realities and I saw Lakshmi caring for me as I dreamt. I saw how all emotions are great and everything is perfect. I swear I was never exposed to Hinduism or any of the polytheistic Hindu gods. I swear this must be an archetype from inside me.

Another time I was on 2 tabs of LSD and I saw Krishna and Radha dancing the lila or maybe the rasalila. They were composed of stars and galaxies and they were very big and then I realized I was them and I was a single proton or quark in infinite time. We were all one. Once I again I swear I was never exposed to Hinduism. Only later did I google these experiences and find images and stories which matched my trips.

These were mystical experiences.

Check Google, this is VERY common. Particularly Lakshmi, in people without knowledge of these archetypes...

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In my case it's a gradual awakening process spanned across 15 years. The final realization is transcending both mind/body duality and going through death experience, dessolving self in all.

Links to the story:






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No human understands what God is. God is too profound for the human intellect.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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13 hours ago, Hojo said:

I was depressed and going to kill myself caused by my soul crushing fear of death and abusive household that caused me to have neurological problems where I would blame myself for everything and make up situation in which I did something wrong all the time. I decided I was going to try shroom to heal me if it didn't work I would kill myself. I take only 2 grams and my Indentity instantly went off like a switch and I'm looking at my hand and I say to myself I'm not even real I'm just making everything up. If I'm not real that means I can't die if I can't die that means I'm immortal. Then I hear a voice ask me if I'm not real than what am I? Oh my God i have to be God. Suddenly I feel my life energy crushed in my feet and it starts raising up my legs up my torso into my brain. Fireworks start going off in my brain. I feel like god is pushing really hard on my forehead and my third eye and crown chackra just blow open and my soul gets torn off my screen and blows off reality. I'm looking at my soul and all I hear is 1000 voices saying I love you I love you you are perfect you are perfect you are beautiful you are beautiful over and over again and in just orgasming times a million then I started laughing and screaming and crying as hard as I could for like 6 hours. Every neuron in my mind firing straight up all at the same times in orgasmic bliss

That's beautiful brother.  That sounds like a true no self awakening (kundalini and all).   That was the Love of God in you.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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17 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

No human understands what God is. God is too profound for the human intellect.

Of course not.  What is meant by realization is at the level of being not conceptual understanding. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1  thank you it was the beautiful thing ive ever experienced I was like homer simpson. I wasnt sure if it was kundalini cause people say its super intense which is was, but id do it again in a heartbeat.



Edited by Hojo

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I was in college at the time.  I had been reading Ayn Rand at the time, whose main premise is selfishness, and was contemplating how to achieve pinnacle selfishness, when the division between actions taken for "self" and for "others" became so blurry when closely examined.  It was a normal day, except for some reason the word "is" kept bouncing around my head.  My mouth kept wanting to say sentences with "is" in them, but I also couldn't complete those sentences.


I went on a walk, then sat down to meditate.  After a while I saw my body floating in a field of pure white.  "Is this me?"  No, I'm not my body, I could lose an arm and still be me.  So my body dissolved, leaving only a brain and spinal cord.  But that was still my body.  So that dissolved too, leaving just white.


That's when I realized that "I" is actually "IS".  There are no objects and no nouns, only actions and verbs.  It's impossible to describe in a language fully dependent on nouns, but ISing is the only existence I have, and actions are timeless.  They only exist in the present, and never extend back or forward beyond that.  The act of existing, of ISing, is the only existence anything ever has.  Anything that does not act as itself, is not.  This also dissolves the dispute between "self" and "other", because neither are anything.


It's not exactly a God realization, but an IS realization.  I started laughing, and couldn't stop giggling for about an hour afterward.  From then on, it was tough, though.  I had no framework to actualize this realization in my life, so for a few years after that, I was groundless and bitter until I started figuring things out.

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I had these very intense desire to understand what reality it's all about, i took ketamine and meditate , i came to a state where my belief system was crushed,


it open up a possibility everything i knew it's just ideas and concept and it could be wrong, and here comes the big question, what is the ultimate Truth? I put my focus on what is really going on right now, i came to the conclusion, it's only an appearance and sensation,bubble of consciousness constantly shape shifting into different motion that play out story of my life ,


how is this even possible? later on i having a full blown energy rising shit going on,that moment i had a strong sense of my entire reality its made up of consciousness and i realize god decide to manifest my entire reality this is why im having this first person experience 

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