
stop chasing after passion

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Buddhism is just wrong. Desire/passion isn’t the cause of suffering. It is the opposite!!! Apathy and dispassion!!! Just think it through.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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4 hours ago, Intraplanetary said:

Remember this, there is something off with depending on emotions; and passion is one of them.

You are not depdended on it, you just recognize whats in your toolbox and then utilize it to the best of your ability.

Thats like saying there is a needle and you have a hammer "don't be too attached to the hammer, when you can just use a big rock to do the same work" -sure you can use the rock if you want to, but if your goal is to be as efficient , and as good as possible in what you do, then you learn how to utilize all the tools in and around you.

4 hours ago, Intraplanetary said:

I remember on a meditation retreat, a while ago ago, I was talking with a german woman who told me that word passion in german translates as suffering. Also, latin root 'pati/passio' means suffering too. Think about this.

You should have asked her, why she is spending so much time doing spiritual work rather than any other work (why is she so attached to spiritual work)? - Maybe because she think it is important and meaningful and she is passionate about it?

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2 hours ago, Intraplanetary said:

Dispassion: absence of passion, coolness, independence, freedom.


softly into the Abyss...

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Life work does not need to have an emotion of passion involved. You can do your life work and be detached from it.

Where there is passion involved (and if something goes wrong with your life work) there will be suffering because passion = suffering.

Freedom - True Liberty is the higher goal. It's Cosmic.


case closed. stop chasing after passion :P

Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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38 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

Life work does not need to have an emotion of passion involved. You can do your life work and be detached from it.

Where there is passion involved (and if something goes wrong with your life work) there will be suffering because passion = suffering.

Freedom - True Liberty is the higher goal. It's Cosmic.

I will be contemplating on your view; not that I resonate, but to make sure my own mind isn't just believing what I believe because of the majoritys' stance or my own biases. However, I do believe if it's your life's work, you will be guided throughout all challenges to make it through if you learn how to listen to that guidance. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Leo Gura

22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Passion is essential, but passion is a much deeper notion than feeling excited all day. And passion is not mutually exclusive with tedius grinding work.

If you are doing passionate work there will still be much grind and tedium. There's no way around that. Passion helps make it meaningful and helps you endure it. It's like having children: you love them but they will still annoy you many a day. And it's the love that makes enduring their crap worthwhile. Without the love there would be no point in dealing with all their crap.

Your life's work is almost the same as having a child. It's a non-biological child. So you better love it.

   Yes, I mostly agree, with every start of a hobby or work, there needs to be love and passion to help lubricate the friction that is boredom and tediousness. IMO obvious but not so with Buddhists and spiritualists??

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

IMO obvious but not so with Buddhists and spiritualists?

Spam, lots of Spam.  It gets so bad; you barely pay attention to your email.  The more you read it, the less time you have.  With less time- you half ass things more. Eventually, you get used to do things half-assed. It becomes a way of life.

That's my half-assed theory anywayxD

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Chasing your passion is not the same as living your life passionately.

In other words, you can disengage from what you are passionate about (let's say filmmaking) and you can continue to live your life in an incredible way doing other job. 

You are half alive and you want to make yourself fully alive by attaining success through gaining mastery or wealth or success. But the truth is you can make yourself alive consciously. You are suffering from your own misery thro ur own intellect.


Edited by hyruga

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He wrote a book about following your passion . Now he is telling us there is  no passion. how convinient

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54 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:

He wrote a book about following your passion . Now he is telling us there is  no passion. how convinient

Who wrote what book on passion and then what book on no passion?

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11 minutes ago, hyruga said:

Who wrote what book on passion and then what book on no passion?

his book mastery by robert greene is about following passion

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