
stop chasing after passion

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@zurew i like your POV's. The "why" is crucial. Without it, you can lack motivation. It's like the gas in the car. It's needed in order for you to get to where you're going. Or better, where you'd like to go, because you always end up somewhere.

Know thyself....

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2 hours ago, Intraplanetary said:

Not in my experience. When I start going to a gym, I have to literally drag myself there, I'm not happy to do it, I don't like it, I don't want it, It doesn't feel passionate. I just do it because I know it'll be good for me. 

When I push through the difficulty and get into a routine to exercise, then it becomes easy and fun and some days I'm even excited to get there real early. 

Another scenario where passion didn't play a role in getting something done but it got fun and exciting after it has been adapted and repeated to become familiar.

passion is what gets your heart beating, it is not a grind or a chore or a duty

good to have a list of half dozen things you are passionate about

in the case of the gym if you push yourself, it can certainly evolve into a passion

so our passions are certainly within our own hands to some extent

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41 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

And so it comes and goes and people often jump from one passion to another never really committing nor mastering any skill or field.

Emotions are important but managing your emotions and rising above your emotions is as important.


Character traits are important. Yes, they are. You can't accomplish anything without them.

Actually, I don't know what that means. Rising above your emotions.

To me, passion is a superpower. I can use it to grind through the roughpatches. Just because someone doesn't use their power properly doesn't mean it's overrated.

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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23 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Interesting thread. I love talking about passion. Something to consider: What if you were "assigned" (not as in some master, but by your higher self perse) a mission to complete while here on earth in the form of passion. What if you, and only you, can fulfill this in your own unique way, like a fingerprint. What if your contribution to society was to honor your passion, the reason behind your passion. I believe everything in life has a purpose, not necessarily in the Absolute sense where there's a purpose for life itself because life itself is its own purpose. Hard to really relate this, but you guys are intelligent enough to read between the lines of what I'm trying to say here. Not that I actually believe this, just a thought that popped up while reading the thread. Thoughts?

What makes sense to me is the mindset that I am the source of what I do and think and experience. It all comes from me. So If  A passion comes into my consciousness, I am the one that is creating it, I am the one that is developing it, I am the one that is nurturing it, I am  the reason it exists and I am the reason it remains. It is all on me.

So it is not about finding the purpose or where I fit in, or what I am supposed to do. No, I create it. If I dont have it, I find it or I build it. I am the one who decides not the one who has decision made for me. I create my passions.  I choose to demonstrate my powers and abilities freely.

I am the one who refuses to accept others labels of me.  I am the one who rejects accepting blame. I am the one who loves.

Of course this is a perspective and consideration and it would not say this aloud, publically. I might get punched in the face or worse?

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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We are drawn to things for unknown reasons, and if we are drawn sufficiently to them we call them our passion.

Robert Greene says that passion alone wont get you very far, that is, being draw to things does not make us proficient in relation to those things.


This is self evident,

..on the other hand, passion is likely going to be necessary.


Edit: but if you think pragmatically about it, you don't actually need to be proficient in your passion, and may very well be very adept in relation to this passion without ever making a burdensome chore out of it, this is unheard of of course in the domain of business and successes that Greene is so familiar with.

Edited by Reciprocality

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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From even a higher view, let's say that the only thing that really matters is contribution and service. Imagine we live in an advanced world where we all make a contribution to the planet or planets and we all play a role in providing a service. We are already highly advanced beings who have risen above emotions and can observe them from above and work with them without attachment and we are highly intelligent too.

In this case, the only thing you would want is to find a niche where you could contribute and it wouldn't even matter what that would be because you are no longer led by your emotions, you're in charge of them. The most fulfilling thing is just to provide a service in an exceptional way, no matter what that would be. It would not be your choice exclusively, you would just pick something where is the need.

Emotions, your passions, your needs, your desires are all removed, only the service for the highest good remains.

Picture a bee hive.

Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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@Intraplanetary That thought scares like living crap outta me.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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3 minutes ago, Ajax said:

@Intraplanetary That thought scares like living crap outta me.

haha why?

That's how the Unity would look like on the advanced material plane.


softly into the Abyss...

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Star Trek and the Borg maybe?

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Just now, Ajax said:

Star Trek and the Borg maybe?

haven't watched these so not sure

softly into the Abyss...

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53 minutes ago, Ajax said:

What makes sense to me is the mindset that I am the source of what I do and think and experience. It all comes from me. So If  A passion comes into my consciousness, I am the one that is creating it, I am the one that is developing it, I am the one that is nurturing it, I am  the reason it exists and I am the reason it remains. It is all on me.

So it is not about finding the purpose or where I fit in, or what I am supposed to do. No, I create it. If I dont have it, I find it or I build it. I am the one who decides not the one who has decision made for me. I create my passions.  I choose to demonstrate my powers and abilities freely.

I am the one who refuses to accept others labels of me.  I am the one who rejects accepting blame. I am the one who loves.

Of course this is a perspective and consideration and it would not say this aloud, publically. I might get punched in the face or worse?

I get what you're saying and, yes, you're the source from which everything comes. But think about this, maybe the passion came into your existence because you were given that passion from Source, almost but not necessarily like a talent, and that passion was a sign from you (the true you) through communication that that's what you (lower self) was meant to pursue on behalf of the higher you. Remember, the Universe is living life through you and it manifested itself into a body in order to experience what it couldn't experience because of its infinite nature. Who is this "I" you're referring to. I'm not necessarily saying you're supposed to do anything but this being your life's blueprint for you to follow in order for you to feel more joy. Kinda like a road map. This is the route for you to take. Like our emotions are our guiding systems to tell us where the negative thoughts we're entertaining doesn't align with how Source sees itself or us.


Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I get what you're saying and, yes, you're the source from which everything comes. But think about this, maybe the passion came into your existence because you were given that passion from Source, almost but not necessarily like a talent, and that passion was a sign from you (the true you) through communication that that's what you (lower self) was meant to pursue on behalf of the higher you. Remember, the Universe is living life through you and it manifested itself into a body in order to experience what it couldn't experience because of its infinite nature. Who is this "I" you're referring to. I'm not necessarily saying you're supposed to do anything but this being your life's blueprint for you to follow in order for you to feel more joy. Kinda like a road map. This is the route for you to take. Like our emotions are our guiding systems to tell us where the thoughts we're entertain doesn't align with how Source sees you. 


Really beautiful thoughts, I love them. So beautiful in fact. I imagine these are related to the divine power, which you are very developed in receiving. I myself have no experience with such things, so your words have some purely simple beauty, but I must reflect to make sense of them. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom with me.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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@Intraplanetary Borgs are pretty much a humanoid robots. They operate like a beehive, and all share access to a hive mind. They all have their roles assigned to them and their only directive is to achieve perfection and follow the orders of the Queen.

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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42 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

From even a higher view, let's say that the only thing that really matters is contribution and service.

That's a very mechanical worldview. This can be as unconscious as blindly painting your way through life because that's what you're passionate about.

You can be wildly successful at something that you think is important and doesn't mean shit in the long term, or worst of all, contributes to the worsening of society. Think of investment bankers that guarantee many jobs in mega-corporations, but also screw millions of people worldwide? Is his mastery good or bad? Is the hippie guy surviving selling artisanal honey in some way contributing less to society? The metric you set here is open and, in the end, arbitrary. People that follow their passions often not only do so simply for self-interest, but also because in their worldview, they're doing the best they can for "the hive".

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3 minutes ago, Ajax said:

Really beautiful thoughts, I love them. So beautiful in fact. I imagine these are related to the divine power, which you are very developed in receiving. I myself have no experience with such things, so your words have some purely simple beauty, but I must reflect to make sense of them. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom with me.

One doesn't have to be developed in receiving divine power only aware of it. Your heart is beating, isn't it. You can move your hands can't you. Are you doing this. No. Its divine power. The energy that's flowing through you which is prior to biology. Think of it as a circuit breaker and a stroke is a malfunction in the circuit just like if you put too much power in a socket it might blow. Also if the nervous system isn't developed enough it cannot handle all of Sources' energy so it flows through you at a slower pace. This is why some cannot handle certain things in Spirituality because the nervous system is weak and can cause mental illness according to society's standards. The higher you upgrade your nervous system the more power you can handle and Source is aware of that, that's why we shouldn't force Spirituality on anyone because they might not be ready to handle whats ahead.

Know thyself....

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1 minute ago, Israfil said:

That's a very mechanical worldview. This can be as unconscious as blindly painting your way through life because that's what you're passionate about.

kiss my sweet @ss :P you know nothing 

Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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Funny, this just popped up into my email. It's an article by the Chopra Foundation. Interesting read about passions; and, to my surprise, it also mentions how we have an internal GPS system (Guided Passion System) leading us to our purpose through our passions. I kinda mentioned to @Ajax that maybe it's our "soul's" way of guiding us to our purpose. Check it out if you're interested.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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20 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

kiss my sweet @ss :P you know nothing 

   I'm sorry I hurt your feel feels, but even some users in YOUR thread are agreeing with me over you because they intuitively get which order is important here: FINDING PASSION first, then DEDICATION. It's like if Robert Green here is over emphasizing the discipline and hard work ethic and dry logical and logistics of mastery that comes later over passion, passion that sparks that fuels the liveliness of seeking and the journey to mastery, he's overlooking HOW IMPORTANT PASSION IS for MASTERY, the thing he's DEDICATED to talking about, like he's LOVING JUST TALKING about MASTERY yet FORGETTING how IMPORTANT PASSION IS! It's like talking about sex and pornography, and the speaker ignores the passions and lusty feelings and joys and the sexual visions of a sexy life of having proper sex, and only focuses on one sexual technique and the mechanical-robotic-business-transactional-like-nature of pornography, like using one finger. Nobody cares enough to master the one finger technique if NOBODY is encouraged to find what makes them passionate deep inside in themselves, to seek and find that passion to improve their sex lives, yogic sex positions, and so on. It's a big journey that needs a spark, that needs MOTIVATION, that needs LONGING, that needs AMBITION AND DRIVE, that NEEDS DESIRE! And that spark is PASSION! Something this robot in this video LACKS because he ONLY LOVES TALKING ABOUT MASTERY AND NOT PASSION!! HE'S A SEELOUT OF REASON AND LOGIC AND BETRAYS THE EMOTIONAL AND INTUITIVE, THAT WHICH IS IMPORTANT FIRST BEFORE LOGIC!!!

   And YES! It's in a spectrum, but the order of importance here is find that which makes you passionate FIRST, then dedicate time and energy and other resources. FIND WHAT MAKES YOU PASSIONATE FIRST. That's the proper order.

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4 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I'm sorry I hurt your feel feels, but even some users in YOUR thread are agreeing with me over you because they intuitively get which order is important here: FINDING PASSION first, then DEDICATION. It's like if Robert Green here is over emphasizing the discipline and hard work ethic and dry logical and logistics of mastery that comes later over passion, passion that sparks that fuels the liveliness of seeking and the journey to mastery, he's overlooking HOW IMPORTANT PASSION IS for MASTERY, the thing he's DEDICATED to talking about, like he's LOVING JUST TALKING about MASTERY yet FORGETTING how IMPORTANT PASSION IS! It's like talking about sex and pornography, and the speaker ignores the passions and lusty feelings and joys and the sexual visions of a sexy life of having proper sex, and only focuses on one sexual technique and the mechanical-robotic-business-transactional-like-nature of pornography, like using one finger. Nobody cares enough to master the one finger technique if NOBODY is encouraged to find what makes them passionate deep inside in themselves, to seek and find that passion to improve their sex lives, yogic sex positions, and so on. It's a big journey that needs a spark, that needs MOTIVATION, that needs LONGING, that needs AMBITION AND DRIVE, that NEEDS DESIRE! And that spark is PASSION! Something this robot in this video LACKS because he ONLY LOVES TALKING ABOUT MASTERY AND NOT PASSION!! HE'S A SEELOUT OF REASON AND LOGIC AND BETRAYS THE EMOTIONAL AND INTUITIVE, THAT WHICH IS IMPORTANT FIRST BEFORE LOGIC!!!

   And YES! It's in a spectrum, but the order of importance here is find that which makes you passionate FIRST, then dedicate time and energy and other resources. FIND WHAT MAKES YOU PASSIONATE FIRST. That's the proper order.

If you notice my question to her about logic and reason and if that was her thinking style, but she didn't respond...maybe she didn't see it. I believe in what you're saying, also, didn't watch the RG video; but from what you're saying, he probably is coming from that style of thinking. 

Know thyself....

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