
Yes, dating for men is better in other countries

78 posts in this topic

I’ve often seen guys from western countries like the USA talk about moving abroad to meet women and saying it is so much better. I was extremely skeptical of this and thought they were just quitters. Now a days they are even attacked and called passport bros.

I was completely wrong. I have briefly attempted dating in foreign countries and talked / learned from many other men who’ve done the same. The difference is night and day, it’s almost insane how much easier and better the results are if you know what you are doing. This is a controversial topic and many will even be offended by it, but you should at least consider it for yourself if it interests you.

These are the main reasons I believe (these are generalities, I’m not saying everyone is like this, just general trends):

-More quality women, in western countries, especially America, there is a huge excess of lower quality women. A large segment is overweight or obese (something like 40-70% in the USA), many have hard leftist or feminist beliefs that seep into their lives in strange ways (getting easily offended, resentment of men especially higher status men they are interested in). Whether the actual ideas are correct or not it is very difficult to reason with someone like this who has a perpetual victim status and views you at least subconsciously as an oppressor, and huge entitlement due to all the men constantly buying stuff for them, paying for dates, etc. The women in many of these countries even seem to have deeper interests and attention spans. In Russia a lot of the time I’d ask the women what they are reading and it was some huge dense book, meanwhile in America a lot of the women seem like they just scroll through Instagram all day and always reflexively check their phone.

-Way less competition. In western countries especially the USA there is a huge excess of high status men, any one of these wealthy, famous, or handsome guys could be seeing 5-20 women at a time. The result is many more men competing over the minority of women. A lot of the women also become jaded after spending time with so many of the attractive men who never commit to them. Meanwhile in many foreign countries a lot of the male population is so poor they work all day and have no time to date, joined a gang or something, or got murdered from crime or in some war. 

-Different culture. Cultural differences can make dating easier or harder depending on your goals, but a lot of foreign countries have a better dating culture in many ways. In the more traditional countries hooking up and casual dating is harder, but women are way more feminine, pleasant and polite. In the more open countries getting a long term relationship can be harder, but women are way easier to talk to and hook up with.

Countries I’ve heard or been too that are strongly recommended: Russia, Ukraine, Columbia, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, Switzerland

Haven’t been there myself to confirm but I’ve heard a lot of women in Finland like brown / Arabic men because they are “exotic”.

Countries I’ve heard bad things about regarding dating (not that you can’t date there, just that it might be harder not easier): Japan, India, China

Some warnings:

-if you get absolutely no results in your home country, you should probably try improving yourself there first rather than using it as an easy escape, you may have bigger issues a move can’t change. At the same time, the approach that works in one country doesn’t necessarily work in others. See this Todd V video on his experience with American vs European women and what they respond too for an example.

-aim for a second tier city, the big tourist spots and first tier cities have more attractive women but are way harder because all the high status men and tourists go there as well

-be prepared for many logistical challenges such as language barriers and safety. RSD Madison was drugged, robbed, and r*ped while visiting Columbia. He gives some safety advice here.

-you will always be a foreigner. Most men will ultimately not do this not just because of the effort required, but because it will always be harder to relate to someone you grew up in an entirely different culture from. 

some more resources on the topic:







Edited by Raze

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Learn Game ?‍♂️

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Learn Game ?‍♂️

If you think that conflicts with anything I’ve said you don’t know anything about what game actually is, lol.

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@Raze That's possible so tell me what game is?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Raze That's possible so tell me what game is?

Game is a demonstration or amplifier of mate value. Changing your circumstances to inflate your mate value will automatically make game more effective. One of the most important aspects of game is logistics, that includes changing location to change results.

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@Raze What's a mate value? What is game about?

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Raze What's a mate value? What is game about?

Mate value is how attractive you are as a potential mate, your game is how effectively you convey it.

imagine, a rich guy with a great personality, but he is nervous and awkward around girls. High mate value but poor game. He will struggle initially but be better long term.

imagine, a poor guy with a crappy personality, but he is outgoing charismatic and fun around girls. Low mate value but good game. He will excel initially but struggle long term.

Edited by Raze

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@Raze So game is how i am attractive to a woman aka demonstrating how valuable i am to her?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Raze So game is how i am attractive to a woman aka demonstrating how valuable i am to her?

Game is how you demonstrate how attractive you are. That can even be talking to a girl with no intent to get her to like you at all and just being yourself, but you attract her with your natural qualities you express.

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@Raze If im attractive in my city what changes if i go to other country?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Pickup is def less popular outside of United States and other English speaking countries. The rest is just preference, and preference matters. Women from other countries can be a lot more fun and open depending on which country it is (compared to the US). 

There are also physical trends, I like girls leaning towards the chubbier side (usually latin American types) because they please my eyes way more then e.x French women who are very skinny on average.

I legit spent an hour and a half walking around Paris counting women I'm attracted to, didn't like it. meanwhile Brazilian & Spanish girls get me purring like a cat. (on average) I also acquired this weird taste in ginger girls recently, which is pulling me towards Ireland. 

1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Learn Game ?‍♂️

You come into every thread with a spear and a shield. Bro just likes foreign women better. He's not making any excuses and based on what other members have said about American women here, I'm keen to believe him. 

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@MarkKol Ofcourse when i read something like girls get me purring like a cat i want to come with a tank on you ? you represent Croatia so dont want to hear that....

You purring for girls is reason for creating the American woman and she having an attitude...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Moving to a poorer country purely to get laid is usually a degenerate mindset IMO.

You are reshuffling your entire life to take advantage of the fact that women in poorer countries will see you as a ticket to a less poverty-stricken life. It works, but it's hard to make a high quality relationship out of that dynamic because of the exploitative nature of it.

It's even worse if you're doing it because you can't find women who like you in your home country.

There are exceptions to this for sure. It's not a hard rule. But I would argue that 90%+ of the dudes who travel to poorer countries wanting to get laid more easily are not people that you would want to spend much time around.

Edited by something_else

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24 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

You purring for girls is reason for creating the American woman and she having an attitude...

What I meant by that is I'm attracted to them more on average, neediness is not one of my biggest problems right now. It's logic and struggle with purpose.

24 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@MarkKol Ofcourse when i read something like girls get me purring like a cat i want to come with a tank on you ? you represent Croatia so dont want to hear that....

Take the tank in Vukovar I'm right next to it as well. :)

There's not enough quantity in Croatia, I don't really have any motivation to purpose women here. Mind you I'm not unsuccessful with girls either, I choose my path.

Edited by MarkKol

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@something_else ??

@MarkKol Dude why lying you saying im not unsucessful with girls(idk what that should mean) and saying you unmotivated to talk to Croatian girls im done with internet today ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, something_else said:

Moving to a poorer country purely to get laid is usually a degenerate mindset IMO.

You are reshuffling your entire life to take advantage of the fact that women in poorer countries will see you as a ticket to a less poverty-stricken life. It works, but it's hard to make a high quality relationship out of that dynamic because of the exploitative nature of it.

It's even worse if you're doing it because you can't find women who like you in your home country.

There are exceptions to this for sure. It's not a hard rule. But I would argue that 90%+ of the dudes who travel to poorer countries wanting to get laid more easily are not people that you would want to spend much time around.

I never said any of this. I don’t lead with money and if a girl starts asking about an allowance or me paying for her when we aren’t even in a relationship I instantly reject her. Most of the foreign girls I date have good careers or are in college and going to have one.
I never said I can’t find someone who likes me in my home country or there aren’t good options here, just that there are less / harder to get.

Edited by Raze

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30 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@something_else ??

@MarkKol Dude why lying you saying im not unsucessful with girls(idk what that should mean) and saying you unmotivated to talk to Croatian girls im done with internet today ?

I deliberately choose not to pursue girls here. I've developed a kind of anti-patriotism for my own country because of It's shitty culture and feeling like I don't belong here since I was a kid. I wouldn't move to a different country for pick up specifically, but I would move nevertheless.

The value to belong is way more Important for me than pussy

"In my search for home I ended up in a tiny country I knew nothing about, I want to tell this story for anyone who doesn't feel satisifed with the place they were born in, to all the people that are curious to see more"

Go touch grass, in a foreign country. Live more like a nomad rather than sticking your head up your country's asshole

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9 minutes ago, Raze said:

I don’t lead with money and if a girl starts asking about an allowance or me paying for her when we aren’t even in a relationship I instantly reject her.

Whether you make it explicitly about money or not doesn't really matter, you're still exploiting the power dynamic of being a rich Westerner in a poor country either way.

That dynamic is always there whether you are bringing money into the equation early or not.

Again, my point is not that this dynamic itself bad, more that the guys who try to exploit it heavily are usually pretty degenerate. That may or may not be you, I don't know.

The degeneracy comes from the fact that many (not all, there are exceptions) are looking to make the game easier through exploitation rather than through making themselves better and more attractive people.

21 minutes ago, Raze said:

Most of the foreign girls I date have good careers or are in college and going to have one.

Again it doesn't matter. Just by living in a rich country you provide many opportunities not available easily to people living in poorer countries.

29 minutes ago, Raze said:

I never said I can’t find someone who likes me in my home country or there aren’t good options here, just that there are less / harder to get.

I'm not targeting this at you, my point is more generally about the type of guys who tend to travel to poor countries to get laid and my opinions on them.

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4 minutes ago, something_else said:

The degeneracy comes from the fact that many (not all, there are exceptions) are looking to make the game easier through exploitation rather than through making themselves better and more attractive people.

Why should we (men) have to work 8x harder for results in a rigged game?


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4 hours ago, MarkKol said:

 I've developed a kind of anti-patriotism for my own country because of It's shitty culture and feeling like I don't belong here since I was a kid.

this is interesting to me, do you wanna elaborate a little because as a croatian living in sweden ive for a long time judged crotian culture a little for being "bakcwards" and compared it to sweden. But then recently ive gotten more in touch with my roots but not in an egoic way

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