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Not needing and wanting makes you MAGNETIC to people

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You aren't going to be able to get rid of your neediness over night so its something to work on, your neediness is there for a reason you've probably experienced bullying or ostracism in your past so you have a belief you have to prove yourself to be good enough, but acting like your worthless only communicates  that to the other person and that you have nothing to offer, instead change the narrative "im already complete" , "theres nothing wrong with me", "i am divine perfection." When you no longer focus on yourself you have nothing left but to give, this energy is absorbed by the other person and its just so attractive, i switched the narrative now i have people pursuing me instead of me trying to get validation from them,  I have adhd and autism so im very high energy and enthusiastic i dont need cocaine lol id be bouncing off the fucking walls, i also have a part time customer service job and last night i had some friends of this girl said she was telling her that he sounded like a bubbly guy on the speaker then they were teasing her saying why dont u ask for his number and she was just blushing. but i also had multiple people saying they loved my energy and had female coworkers trying to grab my attention rather than me chasing after them as i usually did, when you stop needing and wanting , you communicate you are high value and have a lot to give. The beauty of it is you dont have to change anything physical to get to this its all about changing the narrative in your mind.

Edited by Chives99

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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