charlie cho

Problems With NoteTaking: Either on the Spiritual or Personal Development Front

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It was very obvious to me note taking is overrated when doing spiritual work. I've tried it inspired by The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. One soon realizes however one tries, it's all a lie. Not only do people lie when writing to others (it's very easy to see if one is very conscious), but people (in this case, me) lie to themselves in their own diary! God's sake.

But I didn't know that note taking could be overrated when one studies for self-actualization. 

Note taking mindlessly is, not can be, but is! an excuse to think critically, rationally, and deeply about a topic. 

Pythagoras had said, never speak in many words if it can be said in a few words. He also said 'think before you speak'. Well... this applies to note taking and writing.

It's very easy to see academics speak nonsense without speaking about anything, and teaching students to do the same. See Jordan Peterson, for example. Though I like him, he does make this mistake from time to time.

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It depends on the contents of what's being written and what the intention is.

Something dead simple like a single-line entry on what made you happy today (drinking a coffee, eating an ice cream etc.) has value.  If you feel writing too much isn't doing it for you then just keep it short.

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It can feel very forced and unnatural at least for me. It’s the best when it comes spontaneously, the notes app on the phone is great for that as it is available at all times

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Indeed, I try to follow the 3c's of writing, whenever possible.Clear, Concise and Compelling. ( The 4th is correct, which means accurate form and information, but I avoid that one when I can,lol)

For me, writing, is a form of discussion with myself to process what I have just read. This allows me to understand the material in my own way and come up with new ideas I can make my own. That way it sticks with me better.

Accordingly, if I must take notes, I design it to be used in my personal writing discussion. I  often write the notes in the form of a question with this purpose in mind.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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powerful realizations I have had regarding "note-taking" that I would like to share:

1) "Just because I wrote it down doesn't mean I learned it" - Context being: You can come across information or even derive truth for yourself via insight but it is borderline pointless if you don't INTEGRATE it (Learning = Behavior Change, by Leo)

2) *Particularly within HIGH states of consciousness, such as tripping on LSD/shrooms or VERY deep meditation* - I become aware of the frugality of "writing something down" because....why would I? Lol. I already know it.

  • This second point bring an interesting notion of Duality; you wouldn't write something down that was obvious to you in the same way that you wouldn't take a picture of something you may see all the time. 


Like many things in Life, it is how you take it to be.

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