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Biden cringe- Is this the best the democratic party of USA can bring?

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I am not American so i am writting this from an outsider perspective (I live in Western Europe).

I have seen so many blunder videos of Biden followed up with this cringe 

Joe Biden: “I Love Kids Jumping On My Lap” - YouTube.

It makes me think is this really how bad USA politics are? They cannot put a sane, mentally stable guy that knows in what planet he is and can articulate himself properly for 1 hour without saying dumb shit?

No offense to Biden, he is old and age can do all sorts of things. I am sure he was capable when he was younger.

But since the democratic party is huge, how hard is it to put a normal guy as President??

I am not comparing him with Trump here, but with other political candidates the democratic party can bring.

Personally I really really liked Sanders proposals but I assume he is too green for current America so he could not win. 

Fine. So maybe another less green mentally stable guy? How hard is that seriously!


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7 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

But since the democratic party is huge, how hard is it to put a normal guy as President??

Very hard.

Don't underestimates what it takes to win a presidential election.

Specially with a real neo-fascist threat waiting if you fail.

Biden already won one election, he is the best bet. 

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Did you check out this thread of mine?



Edited by Hardkill

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Bernie Sanders was cool, but too old as well.

I don't think Democrats have shown any other outstanding candidate, like Obama was in his time, for now. Buttigieg or Warren are meh.

Ocasio-Cortez is too young, maybe in some years. There are some barriers for her yet.

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Most recent Biden cringe moment:


Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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