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Too Much Concentration - Fleeting Attention And Disidentifying With My Hand

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The concentration exercise from Leos latest video was really enjoyable but I couldn't keep my attention stable for that long, so I decided to combine it with some rest. I did 2 minutes of concentration on the feelings in my left hand and then 4 minutes of do-nothing meditation repeatedly for 3 hours.

In the beginning the do-nothing became more focused in sensory experience rather than thoughts. After doing this for three hours I noticed how I daydreamed, but I was aware watching it rather than being sucked into it, which has never happened before. Usually when I notice that I'm in a daydream it just ends. My left hand didn't feel like my hand at all anymore either. I didn't even feel like a hand, it was just a bunch of sensations, not like the rest of my body.

When I walked away to continue with my day my hand relatively quickly returned to normal, but my attention has been wandering a lot more than usual, much more monkey mind. I'm wondering if this Is like muscles pain after a hard workout? Can doing too much concentration too fast be detrimental?


I'd be interested to know if you know any good books on concentration?

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@MaxiI'd say your just more aware of monkey mind than you were before. Your seeing from the silent witness within you.

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It's like repeating a single word over and over again until it loses its meaning and becomes just sound. As you lived your life you felt those sensation in your hand over and over again and then you created a concept that this is your hand and this is how it feels like to have hand. Then you forgot it is a just a group of sensations and you believe it is your hand. It's just like our concept of ourselves got created. We just felt some sensations in our body and parallel to that everyone around us told us this is us so we started to believe this is how it feels to be us.

With awareness these concepts can disappear.


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@Maxi just what @cetus56 said.

At the beginning, it seems there is more wandering, but actually it was there before and you just did not see it as clearly, seemingly ;) Keep doing it every single day is the most important advice :) Great to alternate between concentration and open awareness

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When you do concentration meditation, it can be helpful to catch your mind wandering, think "aha!", and redirect your attention back to the object.  Be happy for the learning experience. This both reinforces the interruption of the thought process, and makes you diligent of wandering happening. It also keeps you positive. Experiences happen as they should, transcending challenges is the purpose. This practice is what helped in my experience, and continues to help. This is why I think an extended practice is ideal, it is the opportunity to catch yourself until you hit absorption.

Those day dreams really sneak up on you. Also, I agree with@Guivs . Alternation within a practice was good in my experience,  because it helped to quiet the mind or at least redirect my focus from thought so I would have a more productive awareness/ inquiry sesh. I haven't tried very short durations like you explained, but it seems like it may be counter productive in training a longer concentration. Having not tried it though, all I can say is do whatever works for you. Concentration practice is so important. I'm happy Leo put that out there.

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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