
Body language analysis is a thing to study. megathread

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   I want to say it's a good conversation between Daniel Schmachtenberger and Joe Rogan, but...

   First ten minutes in and this Tristen guy, IMO this third wheel in this discourse is just interrupting and interjecting himself over Daniel Schmachtenberger! I'm like Jesus Christ let Daniel talk a bit longer to Joe here!

   But whatever, here's my general take so far, first 10-20 minutes, general body language: Daniel Schmachtenberger's is decent, subdued a bit and closed a bit, hands on hips together, also level tonality and good pacing of speech, all over calm and level. Tristen's is higher energy/vibe and higher activity, like generally good illustrators with hands, hands gesturing as he speaks, lots of eye contact and eye brow flashing(in body language eye brow flashing is a ratio of either feeling surprised, seeking social connection, and emphasizing) I feel like his eyebrow flashes are more seeking social approval and connection, with a close second to emphasizing points and words he's been saying. Also Tristen keeps, around 3-6 seconds ranges looking to Daniel, then to Joe Rogan, then sometimes to his left, as if he's doing what we body language analysts call confirmation glances(confirmation glances are the glances liars and sales people give to see if their statement has the intended effect it has), which gives me the impression that Tristen is more likely lying or more like trying to manipulate and interject himself more into the conversation, IMO trying to conquer the airtime of this podcast more than Joe Rogan or more than Daniel Schmachtenberger, which is a shame because Schmachtenberger has great takes and great points to make IF ONLY HE HAS ENOUGH TIME TO LAY THEM OUT! Which Tristen isn't letting him rift off from! Like COME ON!🤣🤦‍♀️

   And finally Joe Rogen has got decent body language and he's a good host to either one, IMO he should have probably tried to engage more with Schmachtenberger and put Tristen on his place, via social and framing Tristen's place in this conversation. I mean Joe's a comedian and they do have the skill to use jokes or humour to put someone in their place, honestly he should've put Tristen in his place for interjecting too much. How? So few ways I can think up right now are to ask follow up questions to Daniel Schmachtenberger, and when Tristen tries to interject Joe should immediately command Tristen to 'hold on, Daniel's talking. I want to hear him give a full answer.', or 'wait a minute, let Daniel finish.', or even if he allows the interjection to happen, Joe should immediately reframe and repeat the question to Daniel, and with illustration and eyebrow flash at Daniel, give an open palm gesture towards Daniel, and maybe use pointy fingers to Tristen when he's addressing the interjections. IDK these are some things I came up with. Honestly Joe should've moderated this better. IMO that's one too many interruptions Tristen was getting away with.

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OMG I hate this moment! 28:00 to 28:10 Schmachtenberger was just finishing his answer to Joe, then Tristen interjects and prompts Daniel to explain what the ChatGPT overlord is or the deep fake thing. And mid way in that timeline when Daniel's is explaining Tristen INTERJECTS! Damn, Imma be honest and straight up tell Tristen I'm fucking speaking here, you promtped me to explain, let me freaking EXPLAIN!👿 Dude like WTF OMG Daniel's patience is god like!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Honestly, if you're experienced body language analyst and know personality traits/types and other factors, 29:04 to 29:20 is Tristen in a nutshell in this conversation, always trying to interject, control, and direct the conversation, trying to compete for airtime and frame controls, meanwhile Daniel Schmachtenberger was trying to condense his communication down, trying to fit the necessary points he wants to cover, in a calm manner, and Joe is just chilling back, and loosely controlling and moderating the conversation dynamic happening. Man I hate Tristen!

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   Credit to @Scholar for sharing this! This is Destiny again in live stream trying to justify his inflammatory language in Twitter, with the guy called Elon Musk who's also a hypocrite for freedom absolutism. I will definitely body language analysis and mostly their tonality and words/statements made as I can't see Elon's body language as he's talking but seen enough footage from him, so Imma have to analyze his voice and tone and wording, meanwhile Destiny's is more body language because I can see him, and his word choices too:


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    This is a great video showing 2 type A personalities and arguably very skilled sales people go at it in this podcast, and also suggest the original for longer body language observation.


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   At 3:24-3:27 Destiny thinks Alex O'Connor mispoke when he said 'I didn't mean to equivocate you-' which in Destiny's perspective he thinks Connor meant to say equate. However, this IMO as I'm body language analyzed his tonality and word choices in Jorden's podcast with Alex, I think this is a big red flag, a big Freudian slip or self snitching moment from Alex here because he ACTUALLY is being equivocating here, trying to set up traps for Jordan to fall into in his own argument. I find it telling that Destiny wouldn't word or say that, but try to downplay that slip up from Alex when IMO as I've seen the original podcast it's clear he wanted to bait Jordan into a deeper mistake.

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Credit to @Rafael Thundercat for suggesting this video for me to share some body language analysis on:

   My first impressions on this is yes, her behavior is strange, and right before she raised that sign she was having this 'dubious delight'(a non-verbal tell of feeling some guilty pleasure) or showing smirking(signs of feeling contempt or feeling moral/intellectual superiority) and looking 3-4 times to her right, to the general direction of where the shooter's at which IMO is strange. I also see that after she crouched like everyone, she immediately raised her hands holding the phone and probably taking pictures. I can safely assume that she values social media and values 'capturing the moment', like she values capture the moment of this event and her value IMO is greater than her common sense and preservation of SURVIVAL, like that's my interpretation. 

   Now above is all from a hyper zoomed in footage of her, but if you look at the second footage that's zoomed out it makes sense why she's looking to her right-upper right multiple times, she's actually looking at some people to her left and right, and she's maintaining her personal value of social media and 'capturing the moment'. This is my general take of it and all those conspiracies of this women, IMO falls flat. This to me is another example of people too long in social media speculating and theory crafting like conspiracy theorists. This is why it's valuable to give more context to these footages to contextualize the behavior. My personal best guess about her, these are psychopathic/sociopathic traits and behaviors developed because she values 'capturing the moment' and lives for the social media stuff which makes her behavior strange enough for those to speculate this and that, but really IMHO she's just acting strange than the average normal behavior of other people, my best guess.

Edited by Danioover9000

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