
Body language analysis is a thing to study. megathread

169 posts in this topic

   This video, while it's 3 years ago, provides additional context about BXBeastBoy, his beefing with MichelleShow and closer as to why he's like this currently. Like with all videos I covered I will be analyzing her body language and tonality here. Also seems like this specific event has another bigger drama with her and a few other YouTubers so I may have to see snippets, or low possibility but may even discourse analysis that drama too:


Body Language:


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Dope thread

Does there exist a semiotic language for body language beyond the scarce terms in natural language?

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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   A continuation of this drama, not between BXBeastyBoy and MichelleShow, but MichelleShow and Knox Hill, reacted to by RedTop who's likely biases with MichelleShow and not Knox Hill and others like him. Again I will body language analysis and tonality of both MichelleShow and RedTop's reactions here, and may cover that Knox Hill and Cashis interview which IMO felt usspect and more aligned with clout chasing:


Body Language:


Word Choices:

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   Another body language analysis of Reactors, but viewing a live stream between Stevie Knight and Benzino:


Body language:


Word Choices:

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On 2024-02-24 at 0:54 AM, Reciprocality said:

Dope thread

Does there exist a semiotic language for body language beyond the scarce terms in natural language?

   Thanks! Yes there's a semiotic language for body language before English language or verbal language in general. The most objective so far is what Paul Eckman's micro expression books and videos cover, as well as the evolution of primate communications being facial and postures.

   IMO though body language is mostly a soft science, mostly qualitative rather than quantitative, which is why sometimes there are different interpretations of behaviors or non-verbals that can  happen. This is why establishing a baseline is so important because anyone can take out of context one non-verbal like scratching or rubbing your nose as if it indicates the following: increase in stress, feeling uncertainty, anxious and uncomfortable with what was said/done, without factoring in baseline or other factors for that irritation some could jump to conclusions right that you're nose rubbing, so you're feeling defensive or distressed or feeling uncertain/uncomfortable/anxious, or that you subconsciously 'don't like the smell' of what you said/done or what the other person said/done, see?

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   I can't believe I can't edit my past posts that are 4 days to a week or more, mods like @Carl-Richard or @Leo Gura please let me know if there were changes as my style of writing and posting consists of me making simple posts, and overtime I come back later to fill in and edit the post. I guess I'll have to add the quotes here for referral for now on. So again I'll be going back to the lady YouTuber who covered the BXBeastyBoy situation and analysis her body language then and compare that to the video afterwards:


Body language:


Some word choices:

comparison(I'll be writing inside the quoted post, as I'm unable to edit posts past 4 days it seems😪):

On 2024-02-23 at 11:53 PM, Danioover9000 said:

   This video, while it's 3 years ago, provides additional context about BXBeastBoy, his beefing with MichelleShow and closer as to why he's like this currently. Like with all videos I covered I will be analyzing her body language and tonality here. Also seems like this specific event has another bigger drama with her and a few other YouTubers so I may have to see snippets, or low possibility but may even discourse analysis that drama too:


Body Language:



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   Great analysis of Dana walking out of a podcast:


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   This is a great example of why you should take body language analysis and tonality seriously. I will give a detailed analysis of this man:

   Seems very calm individual right? Had multiple felony charges, served about 25 years to life, got out. Generally his body language was calm in mannerisms right? Some time later, same guy was caught by police and found some severed body parts and a head in his apartment. Now Joe Rogan's gonna have to handle this scandal of inviting a risky guest, that some time later repeated that same offense.

Body language:


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Not sure if relevant enough, but here is a book that wandered into my consciousness and seems to fit here:

Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication

Book by Vanessa Van Edwards

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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On 2024-03-11 at 2:32 AM, ZenSwift said:

Not sure if relevant enough, but here is a book that wandered into my consciousness and seems to fit here:

Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication

Book by Vanessa Van Edwards

   Thanks for the share! I'll check it out and in the future may post a review in the books review sub forum. 

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Posted (edited)

   I'll try to do a body language analysis and tonality, and word choice of everyone here, but given it's 5 hours long I'll have to be selective:

Discourse: A 2 versus 2 debater setup, Lex Fridman as moderator, Lex's biases are that he's part Jewish and half Ukraine/Russian, and has western culture and western values, also preferences and biases for Israel more so than Palestine worth noting here. The pro Israel side includes Destiny which I've covered here, next to him is professor Rabbani. Pro Palestinian side has Benny Morris and Normand Finkelstein, I have watched some of Normand and did a general body language analysis of him, but not Benny Morris yet. Topics covered:



October 7(IMO I expect high tension and emotionality from either side especially Mr. Rabbani and Destiny, Destiny due to the sunk cost fallacy of and virtue signaling of pro Israel side for months.)



Hope for the future.

Body language: In regards to Lex Fridman it's generally forced openness, mostly feels like he is distant, and closed off from Normand's side, a bit defensive in moments when Normand rebuttals Mr. Rabbani for instance here 55:30 Lex Fridman using right hand to gesture to Normand about him quoting, and being pedantic in his view, briefly looks to Normand but mostly keeps looking at the middle of table and does a sharp inhale(sudden inhales typically mean the the person ran out of air, needs to refill, but also the forceful and sudden inhalation is self soothing gesture, very similar to sighing or loudly sighing, a loud audible inhale is seeking stress relief). Also he does eyebrow flash(indicates feeling surprise, emphasis or social approval seeking) then says 'um, you know, We are lucky to have Benny in front of us right now(illustrates with right hand, karate chop motions, passive aggressive in chastising Normand here.) then he looks to Normand, then down to his papers and books saying 'like we don't need to go to the quotes-' then emphasizes again with right hand, like the quotes shouldn't be evoked in the conversation even though they're talking about 1948 which is history which also needs quotes...also him saying 'like we can legitimately ask.', then scans both sides for social approval of what he stated here.


Tonality: Generally slow pacing from Normand and Morris, both generally calm and leveled. Normand has more moments of projecting and raising his voice for comebacks and rebuttals but is much slower in pacing. Morris is slightly faster but has more filler words like 'um' and non-verbally the filler words signal internal processing of the brain to figure out the next word in the sentence being spoken. Other side pacing is much higher, airtime dominance is definitely on Destiny's side, also similarly both are calm too but have even more moments of emotionality and sudden raising of voice and projection when fighting back points, and also more dodging and deflecting than Normand's side.

Some word choices:

Edited by Danioover9000

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   Shout out to @Bazooka Jesus for this interview, I will be doing body language analysis and tonality of this interview, and what may have went wrong:


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   Short body language analysis and tonality of this clip:


   Yes, it's missing some prior context but within this 1 minute I can already tell, intuitively that she's lying and performing more so than being genuine of her retelling of this story and situation. Basically according to her she was sexually assaulted, which IMO is a dark subject matter for anyone to have survived from. Main problem with her retelling is that there are 3 moments of dubious delight, and 3 moments of small smirking(half her face smiles more than the other, indicative of feeling contempt or feeling morally/intellectually superior). Also a lot of head movement and shaking, and no shakes plus some moments of eyebrow flashes(feeling surprised, emphasis, and social approval seeking) and brow furrows(frustration or concentration).

   IMO I feel she's mostly being fake and performative, and has that guilty pleasure AKA dubious delight of knowing she's lying and changing versions of her story, as if she knows this will go more viral, and knows this'll stir up drama regardless of the defamatory/slander she's doing against the other guy.

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Posted (edited)

    A cover on Destiny again, body language analysis of these 2 clips. I'm an ex fan of Destiny and have seen his content for more than several years so I have a great knowledge of his baseline, and when he's lying, deceiving, performing, and moments when he's telling the truth or being genuine:


   This one is interesting. Some moments of furrowed brow(concentration/feeling frustrated, likely he was focusing) a few eyebrow flashes(emphasis, feeling surprise, and social approval seeking), and around 1 minute in you see a BIG nose rubbing(rubbing/touching/scratching nose is indicative of feeling uncomfortable, anxiety or uncertainty, likely it's anxiety of what he's saying here).


   This is Destiny trying to confirm and elaborate that the first 1 or so clip was just him baiting in pro Palestinians. Interestingly you see him do a posture shift/modal shift(if we're feeling so defensive, stressful, uncomfortable, anxious, adjusting our posture, sitting position, body position in a big way like this indicated he was feeling uncomfortable and defensive about trying to bait the other side into clipping him out of context). Intuitively I feel like these are him farming drama and public outrage yet again for content.


Edited by Danioover9000

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Interesting to do body language analysis:


Body language: Within a few seconds of intro to this clip we see him adjusting his tie and his suit button, fastening them up, quick signals of self soothing gestures here(touching of face, neck, and articles of clothing like a suit label, adjusting tie or collar or sleeves, or smoothing wrinkles in one's clothing before delivering a charged speech are self soothing gestures to sooth distress/defensiveness) which IMO is likely him dealing with stage fright and dealing with the negative potential ramifications of screwing up delivering this conference and speech to a crowd. At 0:13 he does a smirk(raising of one cheek smile more so than the other side of the face, unusually indicates feeling contempt or feeling morally/intellectually superior) IMO it's likely moral/intellectual superiority than contempt for foreign changes being implied by Israel to Americans. Last 30 seconds is note worthy as there's an eyebrow flash(feeling surprised, emphasis or social approval seeking. Likely seeking social connection and emphasis) and eyebrow furrow(either concentration or feeling frustration) on once again the idea of USA government changing their foreign policy over Israel not sending their delegates over.

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   May do some body language analysis and tonality:


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   A good coverage on Adin's behavior:

   Counter intuitively this is actually what you do to your enemies and people you don't like in a social context, you delay your acknowledgement of that person in your list of people to greet or say bye to, and what Adin ultimately did what antagonized him non-verbally, his body language miscommunicated his intent here. Adin thought  he was being sincere when in fact he's unintentionally antagonized Joe here. I intuitively speculate here but either Adin's not that socially intelligent, or he miscommunicated his intentions here.

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   Interesting news! Comedian Baker gets backlash from telling a breastfeeding mother to leave:

   And IMMEDIATELY after watching this the first time I intuitively didn't trust what the comedian was saying, from how Barker introduces himself to the reporter felt manipulative and scripted between 1:09 to1:25, bunch of building rapport, band wagon and using words to try and get immediate friendliness from the news person like 'Carl my friend!' then arms spread wide and claps together like that is a bit manipulative.

Body language: Generally a lot of hand illustrators and active hands from Barker, but micro expressions of distress/defensiveness in his face and head movement. From small smirks mid sentences like in 1:25(when one cheek small smiles or micro raises, that's typically feeling contempt or feeling both moral/intellectual superiority, which IMO in that moment due to the topic is a small red flag). Then after that baby joke sequence 1:27 tp 1:40 he's blink rate increased followed by left hand rubbing his nose(blink rate indicates increased thought processing here, and scratching/rubbing nose usually means feeling uncomfortable, nervousness and anxiety of what's said/did, which IMO here is Barker). Also moments of him mentioning the mother breastfeeding and the stories circulating is where you see his micro expression of small smirking, again feeling contempt and some moral/intellectual superiority here.

Verbal and tonality: Very strange, mostly calm but artificially projected. I don't know but it's a mix of Australian and New York to me.

My conclusion, and intuition, is that Barker here is mostly in PR damage control, trying to obfuscate from one issue of his audience and viewers online potentially accusing him of kicking the mother out because it's specifically the breastfeeding and not for the crying that could be disruptive, here the crying I could partly agree on. The fact that even he himself let slip out is a few male voices in the crowd yelling 'Rake off!' like...and this is my rapper dark side coming out...WTF are you on???Alcohol and high? OBVIOUSLY THAT COMMENT IS TARGETING THE MOTHER! And you as the comedian failed to crowd control the male voices on stage attacking her, it's so easy to crowd control for a comedian IMO that Barker SHOULD HAVE PUT DOWN THE VOICES WITH HUMOUR! You see enough good comedians that can handle heckles and put them down, so treat the male voices like hecklers and put them down and defend the mother.

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   A decent body language analysis take, yes avoidance of eye contact and choosing to initiate the end of a conversation is more dominating tactics in socialization:


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   A fascinating watch, and if you could check it out on Joe's podcast. This is a great example of bias, ego and preference at play, how the ego coopts arguments and logic to defend it's own intuitions and emotions, how powerful worldviews and environments are, and why study and contemplation of Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego developments, Architypes, and many other developmental psychology modals, and being aware of our metanarratives, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by cultural/societal programming, information ecology leveraged by big tech and big companies, mainstream bias manufacturing consent in majority of population.

   Even in the tonality and body language of this Dibbi guy, the one with the Indian Johns looks, see how emotional, dismissive, and defensive he really is. Observe and pick that up, along with his refusal to look at Graham Hancook on occasions, mostly blocking gestures with his left hand on left headphone piece. Look at how emotionally defensive he is, both non-verbally and tonally he's insecure and passive aggressive, hear that inflex at some of his defensive statements. Already betrays how deeply biased he is, in fact this guy's has just stated outright how passionate he is, how much he takes and follows on his father's footsteps, it a narrative in his mind that anchors and tethers his ego's existence here. Already shows how biased he is and the confirmation and cognitive biases at play in his metaprogramming in his mind!

   Which not to say that Graham Hancook is right in his theory. I do think both are being a bit biased here, and considering the canceling and censoring attempts by mainstream science it's understandable to see him also a bit emotionally charged, yet I found his performance here in some of the debate moments as measured and calm when the other Indiana Johns guy was a bit defensive. 

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