
Body language analysis is a thing to study. megathread

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   IMO, this is a very interesting video. Will body language analysis, verbal, discourse and some statement analysis for the context of communication and speaking, less on defensiveness and deception:


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   Really good example of narrative warfare, so much to break down especially in terms of discourse, and some body language and tonality analysis:


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   I will do some body language, tonality, statement and discourse analysis of this guy who calls himself Shaun:

   Prior context and simple background: YouTube fight commentator, part fight instructor in martial arts. Here he's covering Sean Strickland and his extreme right wing views:

Discourse: He makes quite a bit of edits/jump cuts, fast paced speaking and illustrators more with his left than right hand, so a bit harder to get a more authentic read of his behavior just from the jump cuts. Has a purple hue background, which in colour psychology purple in western culture associates to relaxation, in UK/Europe purple signifies royalty. He also has a black board with those mini LSD ball lights and a similar set up to live streamers. Combined with lots of jump cuts is his coverage of taking pictures or reacting/commentary(which I have biases against due to React community doing legal plagiarism and piracy of small content creators, another video on that), Shaun'll do his commentary while show pics or shorts, reacts to them, sometimes changes camera so it zooms to him, gives his opinions, then zooms out to show footage or the picture or headline he's reacting to.

Verbal/tonality: This person has a Scottish accent and dialect, so he's origins are from Scotland, which currently has a more left wing party political leadership. Also my bias is I am part UK/Britain, so I'm likely to not like this person due to my biases and preferences against Scotland people, sorry.

Body language: So far, his baseline's average, generally expressive with face, some head movement and hand illustrators, which I generally assume is typical for most YouTubers who film themselves going into performance mode, playing for the camera. In this instance it's 50/50 for me, I don't detect high-mid narcissism from him in terms of dramatic performance in verbals/non-verbals. Interesting to note that part of his baseline is that his cheeks rarely activates or rises up, but when he refers to 'Woke', 'Canadian', 'reporter'(referring to the left wing biased social media reporter asking questions to Sean Strickland in a bad framing for gotcha moments and for clout about LGBTQ issues, knowing what kind of answer he'll get from Sean who's IMO right wing biased and copies Donald Trump) his cheeks raise up, likely micro disgust or some emphasis from him as a negative. Also prior to this edit he was also waving his hands around in that shrugging position, while similarly shaking his head in similar fashion to emphasize, in a negative, about the 'LGBTQ community' as if it's 'THOSE GUYS', to insinuate it's be the typical annoying left wing liberal democrat.

   Also, around 0:46 to 0:48, very brief moment of self soothing gestures, when he's saying 'the reporter in the audience asked Sean Strickland about the comments he made in Twitter a while ago' we see his left hand rub right shoulder, while his right hand rubs left elbow, brief scratches, but this micro expression of defensiveness and closed off body language to me indicates non-verbally he's uncomfortable thinking about this reporter, or what he represents, or the Twitter mob, and some nonverbal worry. Plus, when he said the word 'comments' Shaun had a eyebrow flash(which in body language analysis eyebrow flashing may indicate surprise, emphasis, and social approval/connection). In this moment, I feel like he's mostly surprised about the 'comments' made by Sean Strickland in Twitter, or maybe the reporter's framing, but very likely surprise, and less emphasis or social approval. Also when he said 'I said to everyone in that video LIKE the video if you agree with this, or DISLIKE if you disagree with this(referring to Sean Strickland's comment of 'not wanting a gay son because it'll end his bloodline and he wants grandchildren') on this part heavy emphasizing using karate chop motions of left hand, and head/face followed by prolonged eyebrow flashing which very likely emphasizing here too. IMO manipulative to reframe likes/dislikes as a political issues, when the purpose of a like/dislike is for viewers to rate based on VIDEO CONTENT/VIDEO PRESENTATION! Here I'll admit I got triggered because NOBODY SHOULD POLITICIZE THE RATIO OF LIKES/DISLIKES! Just not cool and unethical IMO.

   Okay, maybe for further context I'll add that video here, maybe do a mini body language analysis of that too, a miso analysis within this analysis beneath the video(miso is basically the opposite of meta, similar to micro):

   As stated, I will do this analysis of this video, but before that body language analysis of this video, I must preface first: IMO it's really fucking funny that this Shaun shouts that he 'LOVES THIS GUY!'(Sean Strickland) when to me Sean's a copycat of Donald Trump, who's not such a good male role modal for, so if a male person says that they love someone who's so bravado and machismo in behavior, says outlandish things to media to 'stick it up to them', then this alone gives me all the clues to this person's worldview, their Spiral Dynamics stages of development and values, their cognitive and moral development, their personality types/traits, their ego development and shadow aspects, their other lines of development in life and society domains, their ideological beliefs indoctrinated by cultural/societal programming, their self image and biases, and many other developmental factors. I've been a pundit and studied enough sociology, psychology, body language, and have a more open minded nature, and am more intuitive/emotional than rational to intuit this Scottish guy's characters flaws DEEPLY, In my beliefs, it's so twisted and ironic. However, it is what it is with this guy, and in his video descriptions you could reverse engineer his psychographics from his word choices and word values what he values and biases for. Another fake rationalist/objectivist fake agnostic when actually his far more conservative/traditional...maybe Neo Nazi if he likes Sean this much? Food for thought.

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   This is another interesting video of this comedian:

   Due to the video presentation, I'll try to do body language analysis from the limited clips shown, but it seems like it'll be more tonality/verbal analysis, discourse, and especially statement analysis on each person's word choices here.

   Discourse/framing analysis:

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   Will do some body language analysis, some verbal, discourse and statement analysis as well from the film maker to the people reacting to him filming them, this'll be a short one:

   So generally throughout, dark humour and satire, undertones of racism and condescension towards some of the pro Palestine supporters, and some police too. At 18:35 to 18:45 minutes you see, after his statement of 'the government has banned the river to the sea business(referring to the Palestine, not HAMMA originally, slogan of 'from the river to the sea Palestine will be free)', some chin jutting and head tilt back, indicating he's 'looking down' on viewers, and on those he's speaking about, and a micro expression of contempt and moral/intellectual superiority which IMO likely is moral superiority and contempt for Pro Palestinians here. throughout that speaking he emphasizes with head while 'looking down' and he then tilts his head downwards, forces a frown and disgusted face when he says 'slow motion crystal gnat' or something like that which I assume is some negative metaphor here. A quick check of his YouTube Channel and he's 'one of THOSE GUYS' that does reactionary content and chases clout/drama.

   From about 20:00 minutes to the end, this guy deals with a masked guy and another black raincoat guy. This is a good case study for verbal escalation, and touching, which almost leads to a confrontation. IMO, this YouTube guy invited that kind of energy when he's here being mister moralizer, mister 'I'm so morally superior to you lot'...just fucking unbelievable and irresponsible IMO, like what if he encountered an actually crazy person there, and he actually escalates to eventual assault? Well, him being a father to his children, meaning he has at least a wife and kids at home to feed and provide/protect, yet here he is making these videos of protests and saying these ridiculing dark humour lines at them...just pure numbers game here, probability is low but eventually he'll encounter that guy you 'fuck around and find out.' IMO that's a stupid Dad to put himself in such a legal situation.

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  Such a funny body language analysis😂:



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   Did cover this Levy guy, and may give some body language and tonality breakdown here:


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   Oh this is fun video. I'll be breaking down the body language, verbal, tonality, and discourse of this situation:

prior context: Mind Smash YouTube Channel is about fight commentary and some martial arts breakdown, one of those soft types where he dabbles in react content, then fight commentary, or some breakdown analysis of fighting techniques. Here he's reacting and addressing this SNEAKO vs Mikey, and obviously will bias in favor for Mikey against SNEAKO.

Start of this is in SNEAKO'S Streaming and Chat, where he belittles, mocks, and taunts Mikey, making fun of him being a nerd/geek, an autistic, like Mark Zuckerberg, and BJJ is for monkeys(IMO kinda agree, got a few laughs). So the following are clips of SNEAKO reacting to clips of Mikey:

Body language: SNEAKO is likely more in performance mode, as a streamer and social media influencer role, but I do pick up on some mannerisms and micro expressions here and there. At 0:01 to 0:03 you see SNEAKO briefly scratch chin(likely just irritation) but when he heard 'Aoki lock' and Mikey describing his technique, quick eyebrow furrow to main screen, then to chat window(furrowing signifies frustration, or concentration/focusing, the mind trying to figure out and sort it's confusion) and SNEAKO says 'Jiujitsu is(jump cut here, in fact throughout many jump cuts of this short)for autistic people' and looks at chat. Here feels way more performative, and to provoke. Next, we see SEANKO give a quick smiled and a quick lip retraction, typically lip retraction is distress but also could mean withholding an opinion, then he gives his performative statements and voice mocks Mikey's nerd tonality. Repeats this again on the master and student line that Mikey was giving, brief smile then nervous laughter, laughter here that SNEAKO finds hilarious and unbelievable Mikey thinks of the master and student line, again very performative and demeaning Mikey's tone and nerdiness while using his right hand to illustrate this mock master and student relationship. Last 0:30 to 0:32 SNEAKO responding to a chatter saying Mikey would make you tap, to which SNEAKO responds with, after recovering from laughing and a big smile, 'he probably would' followed by shoulder shrugging his left shoulder and eyebrow flashing(feeling surprised, emphasis, or social approval/connection seeking, IMO likely felt surprise) which is also an 'epistemic shrug' meaning feelings of uncertainty and an 'I don't know', sometimes meaning dismissive and a 'I don't know much, nothing to add here to what you're saying chatter', but IMO this is him going 'I don't know the outcome of a boxing/wrestling match, probably would tap me out, probably, not feeling too certain about that' like this or could have been him shrugging in a 'it is what it is, nothing to add here of Mikey tapping me out in a wrestling match, you're probably right'. I believe it's the later because the second 'probably would' is SNEAKO shrugging again, but this time both shoulders shrug and his head lowers, not tilts low, but lowers, as if he's turtling, protecting his vulnerable neck in admitting that yes Mikey probably would tap me out followed by slight side tilt of head. I feel like the second repeat is his shoulders emphasizing this,

Mikey's response, and body language: I generally felt Mikey's frustration and anger here is genuine, as you can see plenty of facial tensions, some eyebrow furrowing, some micro expressions of disgust, and eyebrow flashing here which IMO likely is emphasis on SNEAKO's bullying behavior. At 0:34 micro expression of disgust/revulsion towards SNEAKO/his behavior of bullying him. Baseline of him is when he emphasizes he uses some eyebrow flashing and almost like a head jut forwards here, maybe a micro chin jut. Also IMO, at the last 1:02 to :05 after his tense statements of SNEAKO being a boxer and Mikey being an MMA fighter/BJJ guy, and challenging SNEAKO to an MMA match we see a almost satisfied small smile, small grin, almost like a 'dubious delight' which to me is like a gloating or guilty pleasure of trapping SNEAKO, which IMO he subconsciously believes he got SNEAKO into his framing, but IMO Mikey is still caught under SNEAKO'S framing.

   Also, let Mikey be an example of achievements and trophies and pathos appealing as not enough to protect one from mockery and jokes and trolling. 

Edited by Danioover9000

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   Another video of the SNEAKO and Mikey situation and drama, reactor shown decent body language and tonality, has his biases though:

   Honestly still IMO Mikey getting this triggered is not a good look for him, especially him being world champion 4 times in BJJ and some MMA. Proof that Accolades and trophies and accomplishments don't protect your ego from trolling.

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   I'll be doing a body language and tonality analysis of this verbal conflict in TYT:


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   A more light hearted body language and tonality analysis, one of my favorite Youtubers who's also  an entertaining hater. I will analyze in terms of discourse/presentation/framing, tonality/verbals, body language of facials/head/neck/shoulders/arms/hands/posture/legs, and word choice/statement analysis:



Body language:

Statements, word choices, words of power/value:


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   Came across this video, and looks interesting so I'll do a body language and tonality analysis:

   This video is in response to earlier one by Nicky Rodriguez, of which I'll analyze as well:


So discourse is this all is a post conference I believe, in some UFC press conference, may factor in reporter questions here.

Body language of Gordan Ryan: he communicates pretty fast, sometimes needs to catch his breath, and chest breathing. mid to high blink rate, in some moments he blinks quite fast, fast pacing. About 1:55 to 2:00 when Ryan says "it's better for everyone.' his eyes goes away from reporter to drifting upwards from right to left, NLP right side eye cues are constructions/imaginings, while left eye cues are recollections so he's both remembering and imagining 'everyone' here, in regards to converting MMA fans to BJJ fans. It's better for us-" He says a bit quicker, higher blink rate and down casts eyes slightly, but also does a, eyebrow flash(social approval seeking, emphasis, feeling surprised) and this moment I felt like he's surprised at 'better for everyone-' as if he knows or has doubts that BJJ is for everyone. Also lots of left hand illustrators, and right hand holding Microphone throughout, which means I'm guessing he's left handed.


Body language and tonality of Nicky Rodriguez: Generally confident communication, body language is confident as well as tonality, although I detect some performance art in his tone, in moments when he's belittling Gordan Ryan a bit like he's a spoiled brat to him. His tonality may have this condescending tone but also this playful drawling tone as well, definitely feels to me Nicky clowning on Ryan and the whole BJJ sports that uses steroids.


   Now here's Ummah Fight Camp and his take on MMA:


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   Hey y'all, been taken a week off. I'll start this off by doing a body language and tonality analysis of two YouTubers who are in conflict, and analyze their body language for progression of defensiveness and distress, maybe deception if I pick it up:

   Some prior context/discourse: After his reaction to Eminem's Doomsday part 2 remix of some artist IDK, which is mostly positive and gleeful when he heard he took shots at Benzino, and after his reaction to Benzino's Vulturius and Rap Elvis(IMO decent diss tracks), so he dressed in some black hoodie with a black durag. The shiny black hoodie also has white font lettering of H.OE.S R HEADACHES. The word 'hoe' here is slang for prostitutes, whores, sluts, promiscuous young women, the R is mirrored and also a phonetic for likely 'are' here, and the word 'headaches' here would like mean altogether 'hoes are headaches' meaning sluts, bitches, whores, prostitutes are a problem/hindrance to deal with in your man life. 

   Body Language: Generally speaking good communication with hands and head/face, but overall pretty defensive every time he mentions Coi Leray and this Eminem/Benzino drama. Introduction is interesting, between 0:00 to 0:08 you see, right away small head shaking of disagreement/disapproval, then Stevie give micro expression for contempt or moral/intellectual superiority by small tension on one cheek, says 'Coi Leray is really talking blank(likely shit, meaning BS). During the middle of that statement, Stevie gives small nods, micro raise of left cheek(contempt or feeling moral/intellectual superiority), but see his blink rate spike to 3, looks his left quickly with 2 quick blinks,(rapid blinking is likely information or internal processing) and as he looks left he also does a mouth shrug small tension(shrugging is feeling of 'I don't know, uncertainty, or no information to add to a statement or situation here), looks back at public cam and says "Yeah.", then returns to left and AGAIN a quick 2 blink. Also next 10-15 seconds of promo and shout out of his sales, energetic tone and delivery, left hand more active in illustrators and pointing here and there. You can also see around 0:50 to 0:56, Stevie raises his voice around naming her and recollecting Eminem's bars, does a head roll and eye rolls(like an eye roll, the 'here we go again' feeling disbelief and bracing oneself of the uncomfortable feeling to come) while saying "Something to the extent of" followed by lots of head shaking and tension around eyes, then  jerky motions of head and shoulders, here I feel it's both feeling uncertainty and anxiety of trying to remember his lines but also defensiveness of her perceived statements against Eminem, his idol he adores. At the end before a jump cut he does a head tilt back and a tensed sniff, almost like a sign of disgust with rapid eye blinking again.


   Tonality: Clear American English, I hear a southern accent maybe, or maybe he's in the NYC area IDK. Some moments in this video there's undertones of anger/frustration, of hurt towards this young women, who's a daughter of Benzino, who to him is an ideological enemy because of past drama and conflict with Eminem, who Stevie here admires and respects more.

   Now let's do the same for the second guy, RedTop:


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   Another study on defensiveness and distress, also will be doing body language analysis and tonality:


   Videos for context and establishing his baseline: these 2 are when he's defensive.


   Next 2 are when Cliff Beats isn't as defensive and is more relaxed and supportive:


Lastly this livestream is to establish how he interacts with his GF:


Body language:


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   A very interesting interview of Cashis, a rapper who diss track Benzino twice. Will do a body language analysis, tonality and discourse analysis of him as this interview is asking decent questions to get him to answer more frankly:

Body language:


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   A recent drama in YouTube within the YouTube rap react sector, related to Eminem vs Benzino, now involves Knox Hill. However this one is adjacent to that and it involves a rap beef, and diss tracks between Upchurch and Tom Macdonald, with Upchurch's n word usage in that track 'Why Boys'. I'll be doing a body language and tonality analysis, and comment on the discourse and may do statement analysis as well:

Prior context:


Body language and tonality:


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   Okay, I have this and maybe another 2 in a few days, which I'll mostly do statement analysis, time to work on that specific type first and take some break from body language analysis and tonality analysis, still work on discourse analysis but for now and next 2 mostly statement analysis. May even include NLP as well and potential meta programming of the person via linguistics, so:


   So for context, this is some transcripts from Twitter with Cliff Beats doing a Q&A on livestream. Cliff Beats complaining about his health issues, about Covid-19 and the vaccination side effects, complaining about the hospital visits and all this in a Q and A in a livestream, plenty of paragraphs and tweets to do statement analysis of. However I will first zero in on this tweet that has mention of him as a ghost writer:

'Cliff Beats: I work nonstop, and people don't believe me. "Oh, he's an industry ghost writer but he's always on youtube." Yeah, motherfucker, I work a lot. That's what I do. I enjoy working. I don't have time to sit around. I don't like to sit around. My mind fucks with me when I sit around. So I'm always moving. I'm always working.

This is just, wow.:'

'I work nonstop, and people don't believe me'. So very interesting we have two absolute statements, one affirmative and the other negative general statements. So 'I work nonstop' means he's referring to himself working 'nonstop', which is language that workaholics and those who value over achieving and working hard and long would say, although this is dubious because he's not just an 'industry ghost writer' but also a Reactor doing react content, which IMO is the EASIEST type of work available, just take a small or larger content creator from YouTube for example, make a few edits, a few public persona and interesting personality, a few comments and pauses and that's it. So it's likely he's not referring to his reactor job of reacting to other people's work, but more of his ghost writing job if he actually does ghost writing. 'I work nonstop, and people don't believe me.' it's interesting in syntax that he adds a comma, a space and the word 'and' to connect the 'I work nonstop' framing of himself, to then join it with the ', and people don't believe me.', and to me it's interesting his mind is comparing/contrasting 2 metaprograms of itself as a self image of a nonstop working person, to the absolute general negative public image of 'people', an undefined grouping here, IMO likely referring to viewers/general public/subscribers and viewers in YouTube, albeit it's technically undefined grouping, followed by the negative linguistic of 'don't' short abbreviation of 'do not' 'believe me', as if he's painting himself as the target object of hatred objectification of other people's disbelief, of not believing he's a nonstop worker, as if he finds it hard to believe that it's hard for others to view him as a workaholic...

'"Oh, he's an industry ghost writer but he's always on youtube." Yeah, motherfucker.'. So this 2nd sentence contains a dialogue quotation, very likely of him impersonating either this undefined grouping or 'people', or impersonating the trolls/haters/critics portion of the 'people' that according to him is in disbelief that he's a nonstop worker. '"Oh, so he's an industry ghost writer', this part IMO has syntax and semantic red flags. In NLP this is known as a 2nd point of view/perspective the mind does, assuming another's view, but what's interesting is in this 2nd person view he refers to himself in the 3rd person perspective while being in an assumed 2nd person's view, labelling himself with the self identity and social role from that, albeit this sentencing should have been written in this sentence for example 'Oh! He's an industry ghost writer!' because the word 'oh.' is both filler but also signals surprise or an ah-ha moment! But notice the role his mind assumes which is likely a troll/hater/critic so the surprise which should be pleasant isn't as pleasant and more like a surprising disappointment. I also find it suspicious that in a sentence like this that's normally an expression of surprise he's referring to himself as any other industry ghost writer, and not THE ghost writer or one of the few most talented, but a more subdued expression of himself from this assumed 2nd point of view using 3rd person limited linguistics as if to create disassociation of himself in this timeline. '"Oh, he's an industry ghost writer but he's always on youtube." Yeah, motherfucker.', the second part of this sentence is a negative contraction, after 'but' would normally be another sentence, but what's interesting is the absolute general follow up 'but he's always on youtube.', which firstly generalizes time, as if demeaning this hater/troll/critic's sense of time thinking that Cliff Beats is always in YouTube. Also interesting that the word 'youtube' the y and t are not capitalized, which is likely that he's on livestream and typing on keyboard or mobile to tweet this, or that he thinks not as highly of YouTube? It partly makes sense given the past several copyright and legal issues he faced with YouTube and Record Labels or other businesses filling a copyright claim onto his Channel. Finally the 'Yeah, motherfucker.' is a dead giveaway for the point of view he assumed as the hater and again the sentence should read like an expression of surprise or exclamation or loud declaration of what's obviously impossible: that Cliff Beats cannot be BOTH just an average industry writer AND always on youtube which he doesn't like as much nowadays right?!, which IMO is a dead giveaway of him setting up this straw man perspective of the dumb hater to then ridicule it via rhetorical statement, when he himself just set that up on himself...also the word 'motherfucker' is negative sexual derogatory term to refer to a 'fucker' a person who 'fucks' his own mother, basically incest, which basically is universally a negative role...unless it's another person's hot MILF or wait what🤪


Next several bits are short phrases so I'll just copy and then insert my commentary in brackets:

'I work a lot(repetition and follow up of first sentence). That's what I do(stating the obvious to this hypothetical dumb hater, again repetition). I enjoy working(this sentence feels like it's further elaboration of the first statement, yes it's affirms more the workaholic nature of himself, and now he fetishes and projects enjoyment onto him working too much). I don't have time to sit around(very ironic statement as Cliff Beats fashioned his self worth and self identity as a React content maker, taking other smaller content creator's videos to react to, yes very demanding work there, just sitting on one seat and doing a few edits and recordings off of reacting other's content, in one room.). I don't like to sit around(Again it's like a performative contradiction of self identity. Firstly saying and referring to himself as an industry ghost writer, yet he also does react content and livestreaming, both jobs selves require long time periods of being in one room sitting on one chair! I'm sorry but I'm triggered a bit and a bit sarcastic if you can't tell, but this is such a contradiction of character and self images he has!). My mind fucks with me when I sit around(so he's referring to himself possessing his own mind, which is cute given spirituality and meditation techniques and theories of no self experiences and the monkey mind and all that. Firstly nobody can actually claim ownership of their own minds, unless with very trained focusing ability and grounded mindfulness, but claiming a mind as if grasping it with one's own hands is near impossible, so it's to me an exaggeration or some linguistic error here. Also his own mind 'fucks' with him when he sits around, is a limiting belief of himself and condition setting of his mind fucking with him only when in a room sitting alone for long periods of time. His ego has set up that false and limiting belief of his own mind, which he assumes he can grab at and own, fucking himself whilst sitting alone in a room...just cringe!😂). So I'm always moving(Again that repeat of the word 'always', as if time is a continuous flow to him, which likely gives hints to how his own mind shapes his timelines, NLP term there, timelines is how our minds make sense of a past/present/future events involving groupings and ourselves, our minds also has sense making apparatuses for timelines and locations in working memory and imaginations too. SO! I intuit that he views himself in a linear timeline which isn't like a ruler that he's viewing like from afar or from a omniscient 3rd person view, he very likely has a timeline that runs through him, and part of that timeline stretches forwards into the future in some direction, and his past the opposite direction of that). I'm always working(At this point I'm confident in saying he values work a lot, or working quite a lot to the point of workaholic levels. It also can very well be an affirmation he has for himself, a limiting believe of viewing oneself as ALWAYS working, because GOD only knows what might happen if I STOPPED WORKING RIGHT?! OMG, THE END OF THE WORLD IF I EVER REST PROPERLY!).

This is just, wow.:'(This part I do agree, this tweet is just wow, it's amazing how yu view yourself like this, and how you assume a negative point of view to view you like this. Yeah it's amazing...please get help with your workaholic and maybe alcoholic addictions too.)'

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   Gonna do a body language and tonality analysis of this, covering some statements and discourse. I am a fan of both these YouTubers, so it's a shame they beefing, but I'll analyze and break it down, see who's being defensive, stressed or is likely lying:


Body language and tonality:

Some statements and word choices:


P.S the videos below provide context, may analyze in the future. Keep in mind these 3 videos are from 4 months ago:




and this MichelleShow video is 5 months ago, meaning that there could be other videos from BXBeastyBoy missing:


and him doing a live which is 3 months ago, after the 3 videos released:


and this video he mentioned him:





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   I will do a body language analysis of this Knox Hill video in response to a Benzino interview, dissect it for defensiveness, possible deception and genuine truths from his POV:

Prior contexts and discourse:

Body language and tonality:

word choices:


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Nice share by Leo Gura. I will be doing a body language analysis of this individual, see how defensive, likelihood of deception, or genuine truth telling from his body language and tonality, as well as word choices he makes:


Body language:


Word choices:

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