
Body language analysis is a thing to study. megathread

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   Another interesting video to analyze the body language, tonality, non verbals, and framing of the situation:


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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Another interesting video to analyze the body language, tonality, non verbals, and framing of the situation:


   Imma first analyze this rattle snake guys takes, and determine if he is a deceptive snake or defensively coiled, no pun intended:

1. Heavy emphasis and appealing to logos throughout the video, and some ethos and least pathos(guy covering a debate and argument of capitalism and communism, with a strange hairstyle and weird plain T-shirt? Come on, the guys debating at least make better appeals to authority and pathos by trying to look the part, but you just look poor and strange). Lots of hand emphasis and activity and around the face in the intro, although IMO the intro is misleading because in this debate there's not a clear dunk or clear victor, just two debaters and the rattle snake reviewer here, who are all ignorant of the developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, 9 stages of ego development, other lines of development in one's life domains and societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from upbringing and culture, and self biases and preferences from which these debates and arguments serve to protect and defend each egos' biases and ideas and SURVIVAL, which is why ALL HUMAN BEINGS are DEEPLY BIASED, and use logic and reasoning and appeals to such to disingenuously look and appear superior to the other. Because if true that LOGIC and OBJECTIVITY are infallible, then I couldn't lie and bend and invent numbers and statistics up in my English presentation class back when I was in high school, I wouldn't and couldn't lie with logic, yet I pulled it off, and given how liars and manipulators use alibis to defend themselves, guilty or not, and the detectives using logic to, in good faith or not, try to get a confession, already I intuitively grasped the limits and corruptions of logic.

2. In the debate itself, Hasan's posture remains consistent, mostly crossed leg, left leg pointing to mod and debater, usually legs point away as non verbal defensiveness, left hand mostly rests on left knee, for bracing and applying some tension later on when he feels defensive, and mostly stays leaning onto the chair, with subtle variations, tonality is also consistent with sometimes spiking in louder volume for emphasis and for ethos appealing, more empathy seeking and softer, slight confidence and assertiveness but I'm picking more supplicative tone, appealing to the humanity more than to the logic. The capitalist debater here, in contrast, mostly maintains upright sitting, or leans forwards with elbows resting on knees, forwards more to audience than to Hasan or mod, more assertive and somewhat aggressive, and commanding. Briefly, moderator also appears generally closed off, but look ant his legs: crossed over, with his right leg pointing to Hasan and away from the capitalist debater, non verbally agreeing with Hasan over the other, and at least more comfortable with Hasan over the other, very interesting.

3. 1:44 - 1:47, IMO I don't like this part. Firstly, it's an edited jump clip, so Rattlesnake guy here made a cut and jumped to this part. Capitalist guy upright sitting, with commanding and authoritative tone, and right hand emphasizing by bobbing up and down or bouncing, with this 'okay' symbol of the index and thumb together with middle, ring and pinky fingers upright but together not spread, whilst saying "JUST because someone gets rich-" and WAGGING his right index at Hasan followed by "Does not mean someone gets POOR(wagging ends with sudden whip downwards with index, emphasizing POOR". I don't like wagging fingers because this body language sign is more of an aggressive non-verbal rejection and dismissal of another's point, reserved mostly as some condescending way of saying no to children whilst belittling them, which I and the body language analysist community don't recommend wagging a finger, side to side towards a person, or vertically at a person, and ESPECIALLY pointing at a person because subconsciously a pointing finger reminds use of spears or swords or weapons that are dangerous and can damage and pierce us. Whether his wagging is intentionally to belittle and reject Hasan or he's subconsciously ready to fight I'm not sure. Overall consistent expressive and emphasizing right hand per word choices and still authoritative tonality, before he switches to holding the mike with right and left hand takes over, expressive towards Hasan and Mod. This bit, at 2:14 to 2:16, capital guy goes " You know what?(left hand emphasis vertically) I DON'T HAVE TO CALL YOURSELVES SOCIALISTS Bernie Sanders( left hand emphasizes again, palms now turn upwards and more open, fingers more pointing to mods and Hasan) calls himself SOCIALIST." This part camera zooms in by Rattlesnake's decision which is a bit suspect, Hasan give very quick, tonality and influx very light at the end of "Yeah!" followed by a quick eyebrow raise which typically non verbals for surprise, social approval seeking or emphasis on what's said, IMO probably surprise he's agreeing while capital guys says "And we SHOULD REJECT SOCIALISM", and second "Yeah." is a quick shoulder shrugging mostly from his left, his left arm which is bracing against his closed, crossed off  upper left leg, quick nods too, as if Hasan agrees with that second part, and finally before the jump cut mod was facing capital guy, but turns to Hasan with a smirking or contempt smile on his left side of face, not sure what this could mean. Reason this part I am sensitive of is because this zoom in and jump cut is mostly by Rattle snake guy's choice, as if he want s the audience to think Hasan is agreeing with capital guy's points, as if Hasan is a hypocrite, when in fact he's agreeing specifically with the prior word choices and points capital guy brought up with Bernie Sanders calling himself a socialist, and not with the rejection of socialism point, which is disingenuous from this YouTuber IMO.

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   Nice range of body language and tonality, and interesting interview setting, will be reviewing later:

   Plus this clip too:


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Have you done any studies on drugs/medications and body languages?   I am thinking about when you observe people who take antidepressants.   


His body language is out of ordinary to say the least. Being on some sort of drug will explain it.  I found someone with similar expressions to him.


 There appears to be very little facial reaction. I find it mysterious. I don't know if it is antidepressants or what...

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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2 hours ago, Ajax said:


Have you done any studies on drugs/medications and body languages?   I am thinking about when you observe people who take antidepressants.   


His body language is out of ordinary to say the least. Being on some sort of drug will explain it.  I found someone with similar expressions to him.


 There appears to be very little facial reaction. I find it mysterious. I don't know if it is antidepressants or what...

   Yes, there could be correlation between medication use, like anti depressants, and lower range of emotional outputs and expressions. Same bald guy you've linked also did a body language analysis on Michael Jackson, and did bring up that when analyzing people with strong medication, and those that did facial constructive surgeries and Botox injections and so on, that typically these medical preventions can interfere to some extent the normal expressions of a person's face. Chronic depression, insomnia, and deep apathy related emotions on a daily can effect not just the range of facial expressions but general body expressions.

   Also a factor is socialization, or the lack of, and maybe I'm wrong here, the infrequent use of one's mirrors to see one's face, or the infrequent visualization of a face in our mind. That and many other factors could combine up to give that level of resting bitch face or that level of not caring.

   For Brian Cox I don't think it's medication related, could be a factor, but I'd bet it's deeply psychological, and related to his ego being identified as and constructed as a scientist and rationalist. In fact, typically with very hardcore atheists and rationalists and skeptics, not just Brian Cox, for example maybe Richard Dawkins types they are so deeply identified with the left brain and the logical being and role that deep in their psyche there's a much larger gap of walls between rational and emotions, and rational is over valued in these types of personalities. There's too much head space activity with little to very little heart space activity, so what you'd expect to be some normal ranges of emotions and facial and body expressions tend to be much more lower and much more suppressed. Although with him I do sense some emotional leaks in his tonality especially when talking of his interest, it just FEELS, and people like him, that there's this thick dam constructed that really suppresses that range of expressions and emotions.

   Also, thanks for sharing this guy! I was thinking of sharing, until I forgot to and thought I'm missing another body language channel to include, and he's pretty good too.  

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   Another interesting interview by James Cameron, and CNN reporter, enough body language and tonality to analyze:


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   This also, actually got a few more people so the social interactions will bring out more tonality and body language behaviors and mannerisms to analyze from:


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On 6/21/2023 at 1:54 PM, ryandesreu said:

@Danioover9000  I like this subject. Just don't teach it to AI. They will end up reading our every thought. 

I shared this video a few weeks ago, but it ties in perfectly with what you said. 


I AM nutz

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   Another nice video, this time analyzing a retired intelligence agent talking about aliens and their technology. Because of his background, he seems well prepared and also knows how to not leak tells and deception signs around certain choice words:


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On 6/26/2023 at 3:46 PM, Danioover9000 said:




What does the body language tell you in this speech? His manners seem quite odd, would you tell me what you see off hand... Lol I hope you haven't seen an analysis of this one before. I wonder what this looks like to clear eyes lol

What do you think? Also do you notice any expression around the eyes that stand out?

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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   This is a very interesting case. I've got a notification from this guy:

The Behavioral Arts19 hours ago

I have to sit this one out ?… I have been getting requests from many of you regarding the apology video by viral YouTuber Colleen Ballinger (aka Miranda Sings). I normally have a pretty rigorous selection process for the topics I cover. I have a few boxes a subject has to tick and I’ve often let trending topics go for many reasons. My goal here is to provide fair and unbiased analysis and if I can’t, I let subjects go despite how trending they are. As such, I cannot deliver a fair and unbiased analysis of Colleen Ballinger. As some of you may or may not know, her brother, Chris Ballinger, is a very accomplished and talented magician and since the magic/mentalism community is pretty small, we go way back professionally. He has performed many of my created tricks on his YouTube videos, we have worked together on television and I’ve always respected him as a colleague. As a corporate interviewer / interview consultant, it has happened once or twice in my career that an applicant for a position was someone I knew or related to someone I knew and I bowed out, it’s the same situation here. Even if I think I can analyze her apology video without bias, I’m sure my respect for her brother would play with my emotions. Thanks for understanding ❤️

   Now that's his opinion and perspective, which is fine. I'm new to this community, but I am a firm believer in keeping an in group accountable, which means I'm will be analyzing her body language, framing choice, tonality, and micro expressions to muscular tensions around certain topics and words. Just because it's a fellow mentalist or language reader doesn't mean I can't treat them as equally as I treat others here when I analyze:

   First impressions: Manipulative for sure, but I will watch this repeatedly, because the deceptions and defensive signs are mixed here, plus music making is actually muddying this analysis a bit, but unfortunately for here I'm a rapper too, and can analyze music patterns as well so...her intent is clearly not to apologize, maybe to troll the haters and the mob that attacked her with these pedophile allegations?

Edited by Danioover9000

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“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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   The observe guy's breakdown of her is amazing, and a bit funny:

   Sums up parts of my intuition and feelings about my first watch through of her.

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I haven't the slightest clue who Colleen Ballinger is or what she did. I am unplugged to many things.

However, I kept seeing microexpression of contempt when she was saying accountability.

BTW What the fuck is accountability?

Webster's dictionary tell me "the obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions."

So you are not taking responsibility you take the obligation to accept responsibility of your actions....

Strange, very strange...

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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1 minute ago, Ajax said:

I haven't the slightest clue who Colleen Ballinger is or what she did. I am unplugged to many things.

However, I kept seeing microexpression of contempt when she was saying accountability.

BTW What the fuck is accountability?

Webster's dictionary tell me "the obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions."

So you are not taking responsibility you take the obligation to accept responsibility of your actions....

Strange, very strange...

   Apparently she's accused of grooming young children in her chats, from what I have learned so far, so that also explains a bit about the muscular tensions around neck and face when certain topics are worded. The manipulative part is she's disguising her tonality in this sing song way  so I can't read her voice accurately, whether she's intentionally stressing the pronunciations for the music or actually defensive. It's manipulative sure, I'd even say self manipulation here. Also spotted contempt here and there from what I can observe.

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   HAHAHA! I guess I've inspired this guy to body analyze James Cameron:

   Very interesting takes.

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

   HAHAHA! I guess I've inspired this guy to body analyze James Cameron:

   Very interesting takes.

Now let’s have AI analyze this video about a guy analyzing a director who made a movie about a tragedy who is now discussing about another tragedy related to the original tragedy.

I AM nutz

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