
First 5-MeO-MALT Trip

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@Pudgey is this only possible with 5 meo experience before?

I think Normal People who eat edibles dont talk about such strong experiences/awakenings at all. 

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@OBEler Before, I used to become very imaginative on weed. I naturally could not handle large amounts. About two puffs in the lungs and I'm ready to pass out and fall asleep. With a bong, it leads to a psychedelic state but with anxiety and fears. The last time I did weed with a bong, I was having a strong anxiety attack and thought I was about to go to the emergency room. This was aligned with very strong visuals and spirituality. But, back then, I didn't think much of it but still noted it down. This was two years ago.

Since then, I've become much stronger due to my previous strong trips with LSD and now Ayahuasca/DMT. I decided to experiment with THC as a psychedelic after casually using delta-8. Not all delta-8 products or weed strains are quality/potent. You usually want to aim for pure THC or at least quality THC products. You get what you pay for in this regard. Also, It appears that taking DMT / 5-meos can have some changes in your brain, which can be permanent and can allow other substances to cause a trip / spiritual experience, that you may have not been able to before. 

This has allowed me to handle very strong psychedelic experiences with THC. The visuals are not like LSD tabs, but THC is still very strong in its own unique way. It was like being sent into the organics of consciousness; it was intelligent CHAOS. It was like being pulled into multiple dimensions of visuals. As this was happening, I was going in and out of sleep, waking up with VERY STRONG visuals, and also semi-jittering / panicking last night. Even now, I'm not fully recovered. THC can be mentally draining from all the intense and chaotic visuals of God. 

These visuals are very beautiful but can also be very terrifying. This aligns with most people's experience of overdosing on THC gummies. They cannot handle the chaotic/strong visuals, you can also feel these visuals deeply penetrating into your soul.  Once it starts, there is no stopping it. You take what God gives you and you give it the utmost respect. I called it chaotic consciousness for a reason.

There is no telling what THC can give you. The first experience was fun, almost like a chaotic wonderland of infinite imagination. However, last night was a humbling experience. It was a mind-fucking visual chain of organic consciousness that was also aligned 100% with my spirituality. Every visual is being felt, even while sleeping. This has surpassed even some of my DMT experiences, which were straight-up paranormal; demons, ghosts, outwardly entities- you name it! THC mind-fucked me into oblivion that I was not prepared for and I caution anyone to take it seriously like a psychedelic if used in high doses. 

Be safe. 


Edited by Pudgey

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3 hours ago, Pudgey said:

@Davino THC is a humbling experience. You'll get kicked like a soccer ball right into the organics of consciousness without any remorse by God and then told that all your prior awakenings were nothing more than a strip tease. At least for me. This stuff being used casually is nonsense. 

CBD can also be a humbling experience. I took a high dose Texas CBD medicinal oil and it literally turned me into a walking ghost for an entire night. My doctor was shocked and had to change my dosage.

Everything is bigger in Texass!

Science says CBD isn’t psychoactive, but clearly science can be really stupid and isn’t perfect
From, “Unlike THC, CBD won’t get you high, but it shows promise as a treatment for epilepsy, anxiety, depression, pain, inflammation, cancer, and more.”

I can assure you that if you take a high enough CBD dose, you will get high af.

(to be fair, I took a 20:1 CBD:THC product, so it did have a little bit of THC. I must be sensitive af).

Edited by Yimpa

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3 hours ago, Pudgey said:

@OBEler Before, I used to become very imaginative on weed. I naturally could not handle large amounts. About two puffs in the lungs and I'm ready to pass out and fall asleep. With a bong, it leads to a psychedelic state but with anxiety and fears. The last time I did weed with a bong, I was having a strong anxiety attack and thought I was about to go to the emergency room.

I actually ended up in the ER one time because I thought I was dying. By the time I ended up in the waiting room, I experienced infinite love and bliss. They discharged me an hour or so later with anxiety and recommended I take Xanax (boo).

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@Yimpa Yes, I'm thinking some people are more sensitive to THC than others. The people who are casually smoking weed/THC just must not be as sensitive. CBD oil is definitely psychoactive. THC, specifically, can stripe you ruthlessly from your ego, especially if you think you are 'awakened.'

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