
I would LOVE to just put all anti-government people into their own country

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I am getting so tired of all these people (including friends of mine) who are just completly rejecting all institutions and established journalism, and prefer believing tiktok videos made from people they don't know. All those fucking crazy conspiracy theories. Bad government here, bad government there. There are controlling us. LGBTQ some secret agend by the "elites" (cant even define what the elites are). Every evidence against them is fake. Not trusting science but trusting random joe on twitter. 

I WOULD LOVE to put all those people in a country with each other. No more communist radical leftists. No more establishements. No more academia. No more woke corporations. Just them and their beliefs. 

Because then they would not have any excuses anymore. They couldn't point the finger to someone else because its just them. And the carnage can begin. No more government to blame. All those disillusions running rampant, self destructing in spectacular fashion. And after many years of complete chaos, and pain. That would wake them up so hard, yet they would probably just go into fascism and fight until the bitter end. Scared so much of a totalitarian government that they created one themselves. 

There was a time when stupid people were to extent self aware of it, and admitted that experts were more knowledgable. Now they are themselves the "expert". 

Edited by Philipp

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Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. 


Not simply because one must know their enemies well—that’s obviously the case—for the deeper reason that one does not want their enemies to know that you are in fact enemies. This is what it actually means to keep one’s enemies closer than one’s friends.


Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Yeah its a brainrot and the complete shutdown of any kind of thinking.

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I am with you man. 

We have too many dumb reactionaries in both the heartland and the Southern parts of America. It's like about half of the people in the country belong in some kind of 2nd world or 3rd world country.

I really wonder if it would have been better for both the northern states and the southern states if after the civil war the US government had instead let the southern states secede from the Union after freeing every slave in the South.

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The world is a huge place with so many people. You can find almost any community of liked minded people, and live the lifestyle you please if you are determined enough.


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if you gave me such a country, the first thing I'd do is I'd create a new education-system, where learning happened more practically, where theory wasn't so important and where you didn't have to learn what you didn't want to learn. Your creative-capacities would be identified by your teachers, confirmed by you and then you would be put on a mastery-track for a profitable skill in which that creative-capacity applied. I did that for myself and it worked out for me, I would love to do it for other students. Also, we would teach about money, emotional-mastery, relationships, farming, cooking and house-building. Learning the basics of these would be mandatory. 

We would have crypto, decentralized money. No government involvement in money. And, the algorithm would regulate money, no human involvement in financial regulation. And, as far as crimes went, justice would be served by the collective. The crime would clean itself out. And, we would eat natural food that's not regulated by the FDA. Psychedelics would not be banned and people would be getting enlightened every day. 

Over the course of 10-15 years, an economic-system without wage-slavery would mushroom, thanks to this education-system. We would surpass the rate of economic-growth of every country thus far. And, assuming that nobody invades us, we would be the most peaceful, internally. A lot of the problems in countries come from wars with other countries. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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@Philipp You cant blame them because the reality is there are institutions that own everything and lobby the government.  Those friends of yours are probably not anti-government rather people that just want those in power to be fair and honest.  These types of people that are "anti" government are the people that push society forward.  

Not too long ago it was illegal for blacks to be treated by doctors in hospitals and if a medical doctor were to get caught treating a colored person they would go to jail and lose their license.  
Back then the only care a black person could have gotten for medical and dental care was from a veterinarian.  
The people that were opposed to such rules back then were "anti" government.  

The people today that you mentioned could be wrong on certain points and others may be point on and as of now its hard to determine which rules in society will be deemed as just and unjust moving into the future.  Democracy is part of the evolutionary process and not one really has a crystal ball.  



Edited by Tanz

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17 hours ago, Philipp said:

Because then they would not have any excuses anymore. They couldn't point the finger to someone else because its just them.

Don't underestimate their capacity for excuse-making. They would certainly blame all the other countries for keeping them down and sabotaging them with Marxist, globalist, elitist, UN, WHO, Davos plots.

This is basically how Nazism happened in Germany.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Such a country already exists it’s called Liberia and Somalia.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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The problem is a human nature problem. Someone is always going to try to rise up to power and/or try to control people around them. There's no way around it. There will always be people that challenge authority, rebel, and want something else that what they have. Again, human nature. The best you can hope for is a system that works the best for the most people that divides up power with heavy checks and balances. However, once a society becomes well off, they tend to become lazy and victims of their own success, leaving them open for overthrow.  You'd like to hope that won't happen and that humanity can vibrate in a state of enlightenment, but that's a tough thing to achieve.

I believe China is going to become the next "world order" because they are playing the long game. I don't agree with authoritarian dictatorships, but they can work.  In the end the extreme left and extreme right end up using the same tactics to maintain power, which is why I chuckle when people seriously think Trump would be a dictator or "threaten democracy."  He's an immature smack talker, that's all. :P  In any case, the laws of the animal kingdom... the most powerful survive and thrive. If you want something, you take it... with any means necessary. Morality be damned.



Edited by sholomar

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