
What Is 'another'?

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My whole life I have pondered existential questions a crazy amount, and I'm pretty excited after learning about enlightenment that these questions CAN be answered, albeit not at the logical level. One thing that's playing on my mind all the time is can you genuinely have an insight into what another human/mind/organism actually is. I've experienced the absolute pure consciousness that I am, but I've been having trouble how this fits into billions of minds. Is it actually possible to have an enlightenment of what 'another' is? 

Another thing: Anybody experience ego death in the middle of the night? Sometimes, especially if I have been making breakthroughs in my meditation, I have been waking up in the middle of the night and a full on ego death state. I have no identity, and I completely exit the 'context' of conventional life to the point where it frightens the shit out of me. The notion that I was born into a world, and have an actual life becomes preposterous...I dunno must be something to do with transitioning from the dream state or deep sleep.  Anyone else experience such mind-fuckery during mid night waking?

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  On 3/20/2017 at 9:44 AM, Joel3102 said:

One thing that's playing on my mind all the time is can you genuinely have an insight into what another human/mind/organism actually is.

Yes , its easy :)

  On 3/20/2017 at 9:44 AM, Joel3102 said:

but I've been having trouble how this fits into billions of minds.

And there is your error. Pure consciousness is not a "thing" that fits into a mind. Mind is a thing that happens in consciousness. Verify this from your direct experience.

Not only one mind, trillions of minds (which are just contents like thoughts, emotions, memories etc) can occur in consciousness, which is one.

I hope that helped. :) 

My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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Since we are 99% genetically the same your nerve reception doesn't really differ from most people. The majority of the people is also raised in similar culture, kind of similar childhoods and the average path from school to job make people think similarly. Most people have the same perception due to culture, but when you expand you knowledge you can start to see things in different contexts and that would make you unique. Human experience is quite the same imo, but how you approach things can be very different.

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