Guest Bazooka Jesus

I am the only one on this forum who is AWAKE!

25 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Bazooka Jesus are you even conscious of alien love version 2.0?

Pfffff. Dude, that's kindergarten stuff. Predator consciousness ftw!

7 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

You will have to re-take your exam if you want your title to be valid from July 19.

Nah, I am too enlightened for that sh*t. Sorry!

7 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

To see exam centres near you click here

Good god, rickrolling is still a thing?! Ugh... that's so 2007. xD

7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

A great revelation that places you among the great avatars of humanity.


7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Sorry, I didn't mean that, don't be offended. Obviously, those avatars are way below you. a new species has been born. the man/god, god incarnate, omniscience and almighty. the pinnacle of material creation, the point to which the big bang pointed from its very beginning.

Mmmm, that's more like it. Needless to say, I have long transcended all that "material" crap, but it sounds like you got the overall gist of my new gospel manifesto. ;)

7 hours ago, Sincerity said:

Aw shucks. I thought I was the AWAKE one. :/ But You did say it's actually You, so... I don't know anymore. :S Gee, this is a real head-scratcher for me. :$


7 hours ago, Enlightement said:

It's all good. Just imagine that you donated your awakening. Now that makes you the bigger one. xD

Hey, that's NOT how this works. What is this, an Enlightenment fundraiser BBQ party? Hmph!

3 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Somebody give this man a nobel prize


3 hours ago, Salvijus said:



2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

*insert women throwing panties meme*


1 hour ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Bazooka Jesus Dude, your username alone make you the most enlightened member here xD

Now these guys got the right idea. ? I hereby elect you two and @Breakingthewall to be the building blocks of my human throne... daddy needs a new armchair.



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6 hours ago, Moksha said:


Since there's no difference between you and me, it's immensely reassuring to know that I'm as AWAKas you are.

Tsk tsk tsk, you still don't catch my drift. You are me, but I am more awake than you. Get it?!?

Didn't think so. UGH. It's tough to be the only enlightened kid on the block. ?

6 hours ago, Moksha said:

Tossing my Gita into the fire ?, cardboard box here I come! ?

Well, glad to hear that there's at least one valuable conclusion that you have drawn from my testament. It's certainly a step in the right direction... even though I am already thinking about upgrading to an IKEA plastic box, tbh.

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5 hours ago, Water by the River said:

Wow, that has set a very high benchmark for a 1000th post. :) 

If that isn't art, I don't know what is.

Aaaaawwww. Well... let's say it is art in the broadest possible sense of the word. LOL

You know, I wanted to create something heartfelt and authentic that speaks to everyone on this forum. Something that people can really identify with on a visceral level. :D

It's also meant as a kind of commemorative speech for certain near and dear friends who are (apparently) no longer with us... speaking of which, whatever happened to your BFF Maximus the Gladiator? Haven't seen him around in a while... did he fall off the planet? ?

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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7 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Tsk tsk tsk, you still don't catch my drift. You are me, but I am more awake than you. Get it?!?

:). And as long as there is stil a YOU to be more awake (and which building blocks/I-thoughts/I-feelings are actually still believed and not cut-off as more BS illusion/ignorance), you are definitely right that YOU are more awake. Only thing I am not clear: Is that sentence already a critique or lèse-majesty to the Most AWAKE Bazooka Jesus, or a confirmation? 


7 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Something that people can really identify with on a visceral level.

Our beloved Bazooka Jesus has some dark "evil clown" sides to him. Love it! ;)


7 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

It's also meant as a kind of commemorative speech for certain near and dear friends who are (apparently) no longer with us... speaking of which, whatever happened to your BFF Maximus the Gladiator? Haven't seen him around in a while... did he fall off the planet? ?

Oh well, every Mania has to be paid by its opposite-side, Depression. Maybe that is the case.

Or just a well deserved holiday, and back into conceptual Absolute Solipsism business with even more energy soon, taking (as usual) no prisoners. Wonder if any self-reflecting "Are you not entertained?" will show up at some point in time if the business continues as usual...

Well, we stay tuned.

Reality is merciful: Any claimed Enlightenment which is not the real thing shows up again later as suffering. No one (dead or alive) gets left behind halfway up the mountain...

Selling Water by the River

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