
Your favorite healthy carbs?

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So I started introducing some more carbs in my diet and I came alive. My diet before that was mostly fresh cut meats and veggies and it was great but I felt like missing something. It seems I require to eat more carbs. What are your favorite carbs for your choosing? I would like to do some new inspiration. 

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Potatoes, sweet potatoes, plantains, white pasta, white rice...
I cook all this with a good amount of fat (20/30g), usually coconut oil, red palm, olive, duck fat, butter....

I don't bother with legumes or pseudocereals, it's often boring or disgusting, especially without fat.

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@Schizophonia sounds good. I’m eating similar carbs. Personally I prefer brown rice. Legumes are my thing though: kidney beans in a chicken wrap is to die for. 

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Congrats ? always a good decision.

For breakfast oats, fruits and other wholegrains like quinoa , wheat, spelt or buckwheat work well

You can also try whole wheat pasta or other types of pasta like lentil, bean, chickpea, edamame etc. - go high fibre when you can.

Regular potatoes are awesome too when made as whole rather than as french fries. I use them in batch cooking all the time. Jacket potato with bean curry and styr fried veggies takes a while to make but its worth it

Raised as said above can be made in thousand different ways if you're a bit creative

And don't forget starchy veg 

Edited by Michael569

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@StarStruck Try adding legumes to your diet, they are the best. Lentils, Fava beans, white beans, chickpeas are all great.


"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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