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Flow With Life

Let's Invent An Urban Non-dual Dictionary

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Just for fun, let's create words that would make communication of non-dual concepts in English much easier.


I'll start:

Wa (adverb): "as from the perspective of duality or convention"

Va (adverb): "as from the perspective of ultimate truth"

Example usage: "Pleasure feels good and pain feels bad wa, but there is no difference between them va."


Ri (pronoun): "the expression of the infinite which assumes the appearance of what is conventionally known as a human being, and which gives the impression that it is the originator of these very words being spoken"

Example usage: "I am the same as the waitress va, yet Ri still has to tip her wa"


Dangling Concept (noun): "a concept which, when described in words to someone who has not experienced THAT which the concept is attempting to describe, is utterly meaningless or is lost upon said person"

Example usage: "To the average person, the Tao is a dangling concept."


Two-Sided Coin (noun): "two ideas which appear to contradict one another, but are actually compatible by placing them both in their proper context"

Example usage: "Self-acceptance and self-actualization are a two-sided coin!"


Hia (adverb): "as known by hearsay or intellectualizing"

Xia (adverb): "as known by direct experience"

Example usage: "The beer is great xia. The food might be good too hia!"

Edited by Flow With Life

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