
Brain Stimulation for Increasing IQ

6 posts in this topic

They gave a bunch of people matchstick puzzles. The group that was recieving brain stimulation that decreased right-brain activity and increased left-brain activity were able to solve more puzzles, as well as quicker:



This has to be old news, but I only just found out about it...

Edited by thenondualtankie

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I notice that when I play guitar and get really intensely into it, afterwards, it's like my brain is switched off and I can't think straight (I'm unable to see my thoughts and their logical structure clearly). It only takes around 10 minutes until I'm back, but it can be really pronounced. I guess it could have to do with the right brain being strongly activated while playing guitar, and that it takes a while for the activity to stabilize again. The complete opposite happens when I do a couple of sets of Dual N Back (a game that trains your working memory). Then, it's as if my thoughts turn into visible objects.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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