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Elephant in the room in our society

3 posts in this topic

I feel that we have a problem in our situation which you can define like this. Every time I succeed at something and whenever I someone reasonably or extremely succesful in something. Wether they are smart, talented, they poses fame or extraordinary ability, whatever. Did you know that they had sufficient environment to have that? For example, now you or somebody else to wants to strive for that quality without the environmental support. It is frustrating, unlikely or even impossible to achieve something like that. This makes me really uneasy, because first of all everyone has all the capabilities to be a musician actually, but have nowhere to play or any other example and they have to suffer this constantly and go to people that can play just to feel jelousy. For me it is hard to cope, because I can be very creative and actually a lot more people are if they had better upbringing, knew the consequences of their life choices. This was maybe my example, but I know that whoever is reading this, you will have an example in your life as well. You are still trying hard, devoting time, work, friends etc. and some miserable people who also have this problem or your "enemies" try to take your time and health away by unconscious behavior and by the time you know it, your life is over. But you are still desireful and broken. Same as the hobo on the street which asked for help and you ignored it. What is the solution for this? There has to be one. It's not alcohol, drugs, violenece, pyramid schemes and gambling for sure. I will say this "It's very cool that you can do this, but what about all the other people who could if we allowed them?"

Peace, Applegarden.

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Its all about your thoughts and belief system.

Get yourself a wife and stop doing pickup like a thirsty little boy who wants his mommys tit milk.

Edited by D2sage

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10 hours ago, D2sage said:

Its all about your thoughts and belief system.

Get yourself a wife and stop doing pickup like a thirsty little boy who wants his mommys tit milk.

Kinda missed everything with your comment. Your criticism does not reflect my lifestyle. But thanks I guess, maybe you needed to vent.

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