Someone here

My definition of enlightenment

79 posts in this topic

Just now, Someone here said:

@Breakingthewall I'm done arguing with you .

I'm not arguing, I'm explaining something to you. awakening is not what you think. it is the openness, the limitless. You are not going to reach that with your mind, or you meditate for thousands of hours, or you do a lot of psychedelics, or you were born that way. I am, let's say, 7% awake, but I understand what it is, there is an opening. there is a big difference between there being some opening or none at all. the normal thing is that there is not, to be 0% awake. is a clear, fundamental qualitative difference

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4 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I'm not arguing, I'm explaining something to you. awakening is not what you think. it is the openness, the limitless. You are not going to reach that with your mind, or you meditate for thousands of hours, or you do a lot of psychedelics, or you were born that way. I am, let's say, 7% awake, but I understand what it is, there is an opening. there is a big difference between there being some opening or none at all. the normal thing is that there is not, to be 0% awake. is a clear, fundamental qualitative difference

You are not even 1% awake . You don't care about genuine awakening. You just want  to sound smart and poetic . You're on this section of the forum almost 24/7 correcting everyone and lecturering everyone about awakening. But you don't know what awakening is. 

Awakeing is Surrender resistance to your reality. Keep telling yourself nothing is fundamentally wrong and there are no wrong decisions. But you deep down believing there is. Otherwise you wouldn't mind being wrong.

It is NOT about continuous learning..growing and becoming. Human suffering is nowhere near what it used to be. As tough as it maybe to accept.the truth is..misfortune.. disasters and disease have always served to elevate humanity as a whole. We must keep expanding, and resistance is futile.

Remind yourself that all situations are transient. Nothing ever stays the same. Find a way to accept this reality or better still..enjoy it.

Expect everything will work out in the end. You attract what you’s a universal truth. With that also remember there is always an unseen all-knowing consciousness at work. So all of us will end up 100% awake at the end in hands of God.  So there is no need for hurry . Chill out buddy .

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You are not even 1% awake . You don't care about genuine awakening. You just want  to sound smart and poetic . You're on this section of the forum almost 24/7 correcting everyone and lecturering everyone about awakening. But you don't know what awakening is. 

Jesus, the irony. ?‍♂️

Words can't describe You.

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

You are not even 1% awake . You don't care about genuine awakening. You just want  to sound smart and poetic . You're on this section of the forum almost 24/7 correcting everyone and lecturering everyone about awakening. But you don't know what awakening is. 

Ya, sure, That is why I have eliminated absolutely everything from my life, not a novel, not a minute of entertainment, continuous contemplation and meditation, psychedelics once or rather twice a week. this is because I have seen the opening and become aware of the fundamental importance of this, of looking existence directly in the face. nothing else matters.

but ok, keep on your way, I hope that at some point it will lead you to something that is not the territory of the mental

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6 minutes ago, Sincerity said:


Jesus is imaginary. 


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@Someone here dude.

Again my message to you just like couple of months ago is: Please learn to be more humble. You change your basic epistemology here once every couple of months and you claim to be 90% awakened. And you acuse one of the most experienced users such as @Breakingthewall of not being even 1%.

You are not fooling anyone.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Just now, Arthogaan said:

@Someone here You change your basic epistemology here once every couple of months and you claim to be 90% awakened.

lol so true the guy changes metaphysical perspectives like football teams ?

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7 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Ya, sure, That is why I have eliminated absolutely everything from my life, not a novel, not a minute of entertainment, continuous contemplation and meditation, psychedelics once or rather twice a week. this is because I have seen the opening and become aware of the fundamental importance of this, of looking existence directly in the face. nothing else matters.

but ok, keep on your way, I hope that at some point it will lead you to something that is not the territory of the mental

You are doing it all wrong . You should first get your basics handled.  Are you financially independent?  Do you have a stable job ?do you have a girlfriend?  As per Maslow pyramid? 

Drop this daily mental masturbation about awakening and get your shit together first. 

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2 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

@Someone here dude.

Again my message to you just like couple of months ago is: Please learn to be more humble. You change your basic epistemology here once every couple of months and you claim to be 90% awakened. And you acuse one of the most experienced users such as @Breakingthewall of not being even 1%.

You are not fooling anyone.

Sorry I can't be humble when I hear utter nonsense. 

Change means growth . Life is a fucking cosmic riddle .if you dont Change your epistemology every other day ..then you are doing it wrong .

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You are doing it all wrong . You should first get your basics handled.  Are you financially independent?  Do you have a stable job ?do you have a girlfriend?  As per Maslow pyramid? 

Drop this daily mental masturbation about awakening and get your shit together first. 

do you have a period or what? If you want, tell me your address and I'll send you some acid

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Sorry I can't be humble when I hear utter nonsense. 

Change means growth . Life is a fucking cosmic riddle .if you dont Change your epistemology every other day ..then you are doing it wrong .

It is lovely that you keep an open mind qnd change frequently. 

But it is just so weird that at whatever place you are currently at you sound arrogantly confident about that place. A little bit of humbleness will help both you and make a forum a better place.

Try to balance the philosophic/sage/Leo side of yourself with a little bit more sweetness and humbleness. 

You are young, you have plenty of time to become confident arogant sage. You don't have to play that game now.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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@Someone here I will join the team of critics stating that you are the member who engages most in mental masturbation here.

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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8 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

It is lovely that you keep an open mind qnd change frequently. 

But it is just so weird that at whatever place you are currently at you sound arrogantly confident about that place. A little bit of humbleness will help both you and make a forum a better place.

Try to balance the philosophic/sage/Leo side of yourself with a little bit more sweetness and humbleness. 

You are young, you have plenty of time to become confident arogant sage. You don't have to play that game now.

Ok thanks for your respectful response. I welcome all constructive criticism. I will try to work on it .

7 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Someone here I will join the team of critics stating that you are the member who engages most in mental masturbation here.

Have at it's not like I give a F.

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17 minutes ago, Someone here said:'s not like I give a F.

It does feel like You don't.

Let me remind You a snippet of the guidelines though:


Basic guidelines for quality posting:

  • Show a level of respect & humility.
  • Show a willingness to learn and consider multiple points of view, rather than only pushing your own.
  • Show us that you are doing work, rather than merely engaging in mental-masturbation.

Don't think You can just come here and endlessly spout whatever bs You come up with in your armchair. It's like You have zero respect for this place or anyone here (and, most importantly - no regard for your actual awakening). Exactly like You said: You don't give a fuck. Good luck with that attitude.

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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I AM Godzilla

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

No .there is no difference between the normal state and the not normal state.  All states come and go  .so it doesn't  matter what state you are at because It won't last .

Enlightenment is simply acceptance.

What do you call a state which lacks acceptance? Not enlightened; the normal state of consciousness. Acceptance is synonymous with letting go and an antonym for resistance.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

Well obviously you don't know where I'm coming from or what kind of work I've done . I meditate and contemplate deeply every single day .i would say I'm 90% fully enlightened. Because I understand stuff about reality that no one has ever understood (not that I'm aware of ).


And It’s not to be proven. Whether or not someone else believes that I am enlightened literally does not matter to me. I do not want or need to convince anyone, because I have no need to control anyone else (who are not really others anyway, so it would be pointless anyway).

Okay. In any case I'd be very careful about making claims of being X% enlightened. It's likely that you're fooling yourself, even after genuine enlightenment experiences it can be possible. Keep up the good work.

Edited by UnbornTao

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No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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