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My definition of enlightenment

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29 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think it's more like be completely open to this moment, for this you have to understand and overcome fear. there are many barriers made of fear that prevent us from being fully open and aware now.

No you don't have to do anything.  Everything is what it is and life will always be life .before enlightenment..chop Wood and carry water..After enlightenment..chop wood and carry water .

Here is the thing ...unless you didn't arrive to the conclusion that only the Now exists ...then you are not enlightened. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Well..I'm certainly not talking out of my ass . Not sure about you :P.

There Is no "work ' required also .

Enlightenment is the simplest and most basic thing imaginable. It's so simple.that people completely overlook it even after years of meditating and practice. They overlook it because they're searching for some grand attainment or realization.. an experience of cosmic bliss and oneness.. something that seems worthy of all the "work" they've put in to trying to find it.

Enlightenment is awareness recognizing itself. That's it..being aware of being aware.

I know the theory. People confuse fluency in a "spiritual" language with having had the experienced that led to the creation of the words in the first place. You could have become conscious of something but it's also clear there's a lot of fantastical thinking in your reply. You're coming from belief systems and are confusing intellectual understanding with direct consciousness. There is "work" as in sustained contemplation as "enlightenment" is unlikely to fall on your ass without your conscious intention and questioning. Awareness is a function of mind whereas consciousness is prior to and the basis of, both.

It might be the simplest thing and yet we're ignorant of it. So let's open up, be honest and keep contemplating.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

unless you didn't arrive to the conclusion that only the Now exists ...then you are not enlightened. 

To know that only the now exist is simple, what is not so simple is to be totally open to the now. There is a lot of fear that keep un trapped in mental construction, in low conciousness. 

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Enlightenment is great, but it’s not a state that you want to hold onto forever. 

In fact, holding onto any state as the truest only real reality is false. 

Any state you’re in is miraculous and should be treated with absolute respect.

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

No you don't have to do anything.  Everything is what it is and life will always be life .before enlightenment..chop Wood and carry water..After enlightenment..chop wood and carry water .

@Someone here Trust me, people that say that haven´t seen more than 5% of the cake. 

Don't fall into the advaita trap.

Those people haven't explored the potential and infinitude power of their perception at all. 

They think meditating and arriving to a certain intellectual conclusion is ENLIGHTMENT. MY GOD if they knew....

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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3 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Enlightenment is great, but it’s not a state that you want to hold onto forever. 

Any state you’re in is miraculous and should be treated with absolute respect.

your full of s ;) 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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12 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

I know the theory. People confuse fluency in a "spiritual" language with having had the experienced that led to the creation of the words in the first place. You could have become conscious of something but it's also clear there's a lot of fantastical thinking in your reply. You're coming from belief systems and are confusing intellectual understanding with direct consciousness. There is "work" as in sustained contemplation as "enlightenment" is unlikely to fall on your ass without your conscious intention and questioning. Awareness is a function of mind whereas consciousness is prior to and the basis of, both.

It might be the simplest thing and yet we're ignorant of it. So let's open up, be honest and keep contemplating.

Well obviously you don't know where I'm coming from or what kind of work I've done . I meditate and contemplate deeply every single day .i would say I'm 90% fully enlightened. Because I understand stuff about reality that no one has ever understood (not that I'm aware of ).


And It’s not to be proven. Whether or not someone else believes that I am enlightened literally does not matter to me. I do not want or need to convince anyone, because I have no need to control anyone else (who are not really others anyway, so it would be pointless anyway).

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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11 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

To know that only the now exist is simple, what is not so simple is to be totally open to the now. There is a lot of fear that keep un trapped in mental construction, in low conciousness. 

Not sure I follow..

when yoy say "to be open to the now "..what ,exactly, are you talking about ?


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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8 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@Someone here Trust me, people that say that haven´t seen more than 5% of the cake. 

There is no cake. Reality is apparence. 

What is there to know ?



When ?


Why ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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3 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Enlightenment is great, but it’s not a state that you want to hold onto forever. 

In fact, holding onto any state as the truest only real reality is false. 

Any state you’re in is miraculous and should be treated with absolute respect.

Again you are confusing enlightenment for a state . Enlightenment is not a state .enlightenment is when you become absolutely conscious there is grief  . Not knowing  .acceptance..goodness  ..unconditional love .freedom etc .and it's who you really are. Not a state that comes and goes .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Not sure I follow..

when yoy say "to be open to the now "..what ,exactly, are you talking about ?

To remove most of your resistance to the now and letting that state become the new normal. That is different from understanding it conceptually, or experiencing it as a glimpse and contracting back into your normal state.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

There is no cake. Reality is apparence. 

What is there to know ?



When ?


Why ?

There are ways. But if you guys keep doing the same thing over and over, you won't get anywhere.

How many times has to be said? INTELLECT IS USELESS for this work. Throw it away.

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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18 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

To remove most of your resistance to the now and letting that state become the new normal. That is different from understanding it conceptually, or experiencing it as a glimpse and contracting back into your normal state.

What is being said is There is nothing wrong with "the normal state ". You are gonna experience the full array of life ..the good and the bad and the ugly. All of it is who you  really are . If you resist resistance then what you resist persists .

If you accept it unconditionally can be smiling even if the sky is falling apart in the day of  judgment and you are being dipped in lava .


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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45 minutes ago, Someone here said:

What is being said is There is nothing wrong with "the normal state ". You are gonna experience the full array of life ..the good and the bad and the ugly. All of it is who you  really are . If you resist resistance then what you resist persists .

If you accept it unconditionally can be smiling even if the sky is falling apart in the day of  judgment and you are being dipped in lava .


There is a difference between enlightenment and the normal state. You're here trying to guide people to enlightenment, because there is something we're not getting and which is keeping us away from it. That would be resistance, or ignorance, or suffering. That is what distinguishes enlightenment from the normal state.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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26 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

There is a difference between enlightenment and the normal state. You're here trying to guide people to enlightenment, because there is something we're not getting and which is keeping us away from it. That would be resistance, or ignorance, or suffering. That is what distinguishes enlightenment from the normal state.

No .there is no difference between the normal state and the not normal state.  All states come and go  .so it doesn't  matter what state you are at because It won't last .

Enlightenment is simply   acceptance.  Ir starts with acceptance of your own lack of acceptance. That’s the only way it can start and deepen. Self-compassion is key.. not self-judgment for your lack of acceptance .. this always backfire.

You can’t make yourself more accepting, that’s a very common spiritual trap. Only when you accept all your non-acceptance.. true acceptance will naturally arise and it won’t feel like you imagine it will.


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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You have no idea what You're talking about. And yet You're talking like an expert. Your ignorance is truly appalling.

I can't believe You guys are entertaining him.

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Not sure I follow..

when yoy say "to be open to the now "..what ,exactly, are you talking about ?


15 hours ago, Someone here said:


awakening is not knowing something. you can arrive with the logical mind to the understanding that now is existence, and that you are reality. but your mental and energetic configuration remain limited, you filter everything with your logical processes and create a bubble of constant mental flow that maintains the appearance of division between you and the outside of you. awakening is the dissolution of this and the perception in another frequency. direct perception, without mental filter. this perception is not the end of a search, but the beginning of another stage. First you manage to be without the mental capsule for a moment, little by little more and more, it becomes more normal, but even so, it is still limited. it is a constant work of raising your consciousness. 

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7 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

awakening is not knowing something. you can arrive with the logical mind to the understanding that now is existence, and that you are reality. but your mental and energetic configuration remain limited, you filter everything with your logical processes and create a bubble of constant mental flow that maintains the appearance of division between you and the outside of you. awakening is the dissolution of this and the perception in another frequency. direct perception, without mental filter. this perception is not the end of a search, but the beginning of another stage. First you manage to be without the mental capsule for a moment, little by little more and more, it becomes more normal, but even so, it is still limited. it is a constant work of raising your consciousness. 

All of that Is misguided and has nothing to do with true enlightenment or true jnana. 

The enlightened do not resist or deny what is… if you resist or deny what is..that creates suffering. The enlightened accepts every moment..lets what comes come..let what goes go..and be with what is.

However.this does not mean nothing should be changed...but even if nothing changes with effort…the enlightened are still at peace and accepted it. The effort and choice is ours to make..but the fruits of action and fruits of that choice are not ours.

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The enlightened do not resist or deny what is… if you resist or deny what is..that creates suffering

you can be a guy who accepts whatever comes his way with complete indifference, that doesn't mean you works in the awaken state. waking state is a way of functioning, an energetic configuration. This way of functioning brings with it a greater acceptance of reality, but you can be a person that works only from the logical mind, completely materialistic, and who accepts anything. The fact that life and death are indifferent to you does not mean that you are awake, you can reach that conclusion in other ways.

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