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It doesn't matter how much games you play with yourself.

You won't stop seeking until the seeking it's truly Satisfied. And since your nature is pure Infinity, you won't stop until true Infinity is reached.

I'm sick of arguing people here gaslighting me because they say I'm playing with fire, seeking peak states or whatever other crap you say.

It turns out true boundlessness it's Ecstatic, it turns total dissolution it's Pure Blissful High, it turns out your true nature it's a fucking Explosion of release of everything, and that feels FUCKING NICE, beyond words.

Go seek it, or stay going in life at gas throttle, what do I fucking care.


But let me tell you something, when you tell me that you are all about the "Absolute" and peacefulness, and surrender, I laugh in your face. You haven't scratched 2% of who you are. Do not kid yourself with making infinite a finite state. It will never work.

Only pure boundlessness ends the seeking. Only destroying all physical limits ends any trace of suffering.

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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