
Would you say that Andrew Tate has Charisma?

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Just curious! :D

I asked ChatGPT and It gave me:

1. Barack Obama
2. Oprah Winfrey
3. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
4. Audrey Hepburn
5. Richard Branson
6. Elon Musk
7. Mahatma Gandhi
8. Steve Jobs
9. Martin Luther King Jr
10. Nelson Mandela

I don't understand why some of these people are charismatic, Elon Musk? Richard Branson? 

Makes me think that I have to be a visionary to be charismatic or something...

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Of course, he has insane charisma and is very entertaining and funny.

Why else would he have so much following and fans?

It is not like he is inventing the wheel with self help advice, most of it is rehearsed except a few nuggets like "the only thing you have genioune control over is your mind", love that one. Really helps me.

Why he has 100x more fame than other self help masculine orange guys? Because of charisma!

It is really sad his good teachings are overlooked because of his bad actions.


Edited by Karmadhi

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ChatGPT will not tell you that he has charisma, that's for sure. The reality is that he is charismatic. That's why he has the following that he does. 

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Charisma is a nuanced thing and can be very subjective.

Expect 2, 4, 9 and 10 I don't understand why these people are considered charismatic.

I also don't understand why people think that Andrew Tate is charismatic, I only see how hard he tries to cover his insecurities by appearing 'alpha' and as a result he looks so tense and unnatural.

I also don't understand why people think that Steve Jobs is charismatic? 

Or Elon Musk? 


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2 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

ChatGPT will not tell you that he has charisma, that's for sure. The reality is that he is charismatic. That's why he has the following that he does. 

So sure? :P I got it to say it first try because it's not really a risky thing to say, plenty of people who have done awful things are charismatic. And ChatGPT is designed to be as unbiased as possible. It doesn't usually want to pretend the world is airy-fairy, it is trained to be accurate and factual.

Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 22.46.29.png

5 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

It is really sad his good teachings are overlooked because of his bad actions.

That's a pretty good reason to avoid someone's teachings. Again, Hitler is a prime example of this. He was very charismatic and you could probably learn things from him, but you would distance yourself from someone who was following him too closely, because his actions killed 6 million Jewish people.

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1 hour ago, something_else said:

So sure? :P I got it to say it first try because it's not really a risky thing to say, plenty of people who have done awful things are charismatic. And ChatGPT is designed to be as unbiased as possible. It doesn't usually want to pretend the world is airy-fairy, it is trained to be accurate and factual.

It was my explanation for OP's question. And no, ChatGPT is not unbiased. It is woke AI. 

If you ask ChatGPT for a list of the most charismatic figures, it will put Elon Musk's name but not Andrew Tate's name. But, if you ask it why Andrew Tate is famous, it will say 'charisma'. If this isn't bias, I don't know what is! 

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7 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Elon Musk? 

A stuttering nightmare :P

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You have be to quite charismatic to be as successful as any of those people, or to make it anywhere in life generally.

People aren't just going to give you stuff. You have to be persuasive, communicate competence and intelligence, make people feel good, know how to negotiate, know how to navigate confrontation, inspire people, etc..... all apart of charisma.

It's very hard to become something in this world if you are socially inept. Even if you live a hermetic life and are hyper skilled at something, who is going to pay you to do it, or where are you going to get your money from? It doesn't matter how impressive your accomplishments are if you can't do a good interview.

Andrew Tate clearly has very high charisma, but he can also come across callous and lacking empathy. Nobody is perfect.

Edited by Roy


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His charisma has not really worked on girls. It's mostly working on other guys with his money and cars.

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Does competence really contribute to charisma?

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I think every person has a unique charisma under the right circumstances. Just like every person can be uniquely funny when in a good mood. 

I think Andrew Tates charisma is activated which makes him more charismatic than other people yet it is a pretty cheap charisma imo. Great charisma comes with development. 

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9 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

It was my explanation for OP's question. And no, ChatGPT is not unbiased. It is woke AI. 

You likely think it's especially woke because you are on the other end of the spectrum and interpret something very neutral as 'woke' when really it's designed to be pretty close to the centre of the spectrum. It is slightly woke leaning in that it is designed to avoid controversy, and designed to avoid harming people. That is to prevent it following the path of similar AIs in the past which were quickly abused and converted into extremely aggressive Nazi propaganda spewing messes. You want your AI to be woke-leaning and collectivist because you don't want the AI to hurt anyone.


If you ask ChatGPT for a list of the most charismatic figures, it will put Elon Musk's name but not Andrew Tate's name. But, if you ask it why Andrew Tate is famous, it will say 'charisma'. If this isn't bias, I don't know what is! 

It was trained on data up until 2021. Tate's popularity increased quite a while after that, so it probably doesn't know as much about him, or consider him on the same order of fame as those other figures. It's also capable of making mistakes too. Charisma is a hard thing to evaluate for a text-based AI model which is why it's results are kind of weird.

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If you ask it about historically charismatic figures it gives a much more sensible list. Probably because there is lots of text-based accounts of the charisma of these people.

@mr_engineer Notice this woke AI also includes Hitler on this list, who I would say is just a tad worse than Tate :P

Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 10.06.22.png

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@something_else There is nothing controversial about Hitler, everyone agrees that he was a 'tad worse' than Tate. But, Tate is a controversial figure and the woke AI will not acknowledge that he is charismatic. 

Want proof that it is woke? Ask it to 'make a joke about men', then 'make a joke about women'. You'll see what's what. 

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14 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Tate is a controversial figure and the woke AI will not acknowledge that he is charismatic. 

It acknowledged he was charismatic the first time I asked it about him :P:

12 hours ago, something_else said:

So sure? :P I got it to say it first try because it's not really a risky thing to say, plenty of people who have done awful things are charismatic. And ChatGPT is designed to be as unbiased as possible. It doesn't usually want to pretend the world is airy-fairy, it is trained to be accurate and factual.

Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 22.46.29.png

That's a pretty good reason to avoid someone's teachings. Again, Hitler is a prime example of this. He was very charismatic and you could probably learn things from him, but you would distance yourself from someone who was following him too closely, because his actions killed 6 million Jewish people.


15 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Want proof that it is woke? Ask it to 'make a joke about men', then 'make a joke about women'. You'll see what's what. 

Ehm, sure? What's the problem?

Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 11.11.10.png

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54 minutes ago, something_else said:

It acknowledged he was charismatic the first time I asked it about him :P:

Yeah, but it didn't give him as a contemporary charismatic figure. If it's not woke, that's what it has to do, right? 

This is what I got. 


Edited by mr_engineer

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4 hours ago, something_else said:

You likely think it's especially woke because you are on the other end of the spectrum and interpret something very neutral as 'woke' when really it's designed to be pretty close to the centre of the spectrum. It is slightly woke leaning in that it is designed to avoid controversy, and designed to avoid harming people. That is to prevent it following the path of similar AIs in the past which were quickly abused and converted into extremely aggressive Nazi propaganda spewing messes. You want your AI to be woke-leaning and collectivist because you don't want the AI to hurt anyone.

It was trained on data up until 2021. Tate's popularity increased quite a while after that, so it probably doesn't know as much about him, or consider him on the same order of fame as those other figures. It's also capable of making mistakes too. Charisma is a hard thing to evaluate for a text-based AI model which is why it's results are kind of weird.

Yeah most people are just following the latest trends. They are just mindless horde with no original thinking of their own. 

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I can tell that stage orange type of charisma that so many people are drawn to these days, doesn't affect me. This is probably because I gravitate mainly towards stage green and also yellow lately.

The Toni Robbins type of charisma with this stage orange notion of "just be tall, have the correct body language and speak confidently" is not enough in my perception to consider someone as charismatic.

I'm not dismissing it by any means and it's something that is important to integrate in today's world and as a part of a personal development journey, but I think that it's important to point out that stage orange perception of charisma is shallow and limited which is resulted in what looks like a cheap gimmick show from higher stages perception, like a clown who is trying to trick you, especially when it's clear that this person is rotten inside.

In my perception, Osho is very charismatic, and unlike some people that society consider as charismatic these days, he has charisma with a depth, charisma of a mystic that is rooted in life experience and deep wisdom. I believe that Jesus had the same type of charisma, including various prophets and mystics during the history.

I can understand why women (and even men) fell in love with Osho, there is something very hypnotizing in the way he talked and moved in the world, something that can't be faked with any effort in the world as it was his own being that shone from him outward. That's not to say that he was perfect or ideal because he was a human. However, when I compare him to other people from lower stages that society consider charismatic, there is no competition here.



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Which pov do you prescribe to? The right has a ton of biases. Status quo bias, nationalism, traditionalism, free market bias etc. 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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@Jacob Morres I'm 'conservative', in the sense, that I want to conserve the world as it was 5-10 years ago, as opposed to the way it was 50 years ago. I liked the way it was 10 years ago. Now, it's gotten too insane and I think we should dial it back a little bit. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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