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deci belle

Breaking the Chain

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I thought about how it is before seeing reality, when one is part of a relative continuum since birth, infancy and then childhood and one somehow endeavors to risk one's conditional (provided) identity to discover who one "really" is (in the larger social sense), and we become teenagers and identify with our adolescent rebellion (some never evolve from this stage)— brandishing our separateness that somehow rings truer than anything else …how it comes to work out with our peers and the looming dominant society is the story of many many lifetimes.

But for some, in the midst of identifying as one of a totality of separatenesses, either the rawness of discovery dims, and many re-adjust the paradigm and pair off to create yet other separate unities to create yet other cycles of changing chains opening and closing again without end, or else discover a calling for the inconceivable.

Various illuminates including the Buddha proclaim a way to freedom from these rounds of birth, suffering and death.

When the great and ancient teachings referring to the Changeless source are tossed around by mouths that have never tasted the source of a changeless unity inspiring the classics themselves, how is it possible to open up the light of awareness as is? The truth is, It cannot be opened up because it is already shining as the unity of Mind neither ignorant nor enlightened simply so just as it has without beginning..

A huge problem is that indulgence in ignorance presumptuously assumes that differences (in thought) are arrived at by the same means, i.e.: thinking. Therefore if others would just think differently… hahahhahahhaa.

Taoism teaches that people are completely good at birth, and following the natural course of development, their generative primal yang energies eventually peak and this initial phase is followed by the rising of complimentary (conditioned) yin energies. Alchemy is a stylized praxis encoded in Complete Reality taoism as a way to harness this natural cyclic process to wrest its inherent potential from karmic oblivion and restore it to its primordial prominence in one's own life. This is not a matter of belief, nor is it philosophy. Neither is it a religious movement based on social tenets or moral ethics to put people in lifelong holding patterns for their own good.

The natural course (of yang peaking and yin arising) illustrates the chain being broken by "destructive" conditional energies for the first time in terms of one's initial primal generative energy from birth to adolescence. For most people this is simply necessary (and natural). It was for me, but then something went wrong. There are many instances in the hagiographies of the buddhist luminaries and taoist saints and teachers who never entered into the conventions of social spheres— that's not the course my life took though. I have a very bad reputation! A career in international fashion will do that if one isn't careful. I wasn't, but that's another scene.

At a critical juncture (in taoist alchemical teaching), in terms of the virtual culmination of yin energies, it is said that if one can recognize it and somehow reverse the process and experience a reversion to what one was before one was born, one will accomplish the re-unification of one's potential within the matrix of reality. This is essentially a reference to the inner process resulting in authentic sudden illumination. Taoist alchemy's emphasis is this process, not its result. Why? The experience of complete perfect enlightening accord in reality is up to reality, not the person. Sudden illumination arrives on its terms alone. There is no way to "help it along." It cannot be reached by one's own mind, even though it is already one's own mind. The source is nonorigination itself. There is no thing, and one has never been separate. 

This is where the wagging mouths crap out. Conventional formulaic intellectualism's current rage is Nihilism and that's about it~ whereas its counterpart, Eternalism, is passé (only the god-fearing concern themselves with such trifles).

So there's a bit of the inherited chain and the natural course of breaking it and then arriving at a unified selfless identity of the totality of being and nonbeing, unborn and undying. But not much in the way of its application is ever heard, for the most part. What about that?

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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