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Doing pickup without becoming a total dick

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How do you do pickup without becoming a dick at some point? Like the attention from girls gets into my head and i get arrogant just in public and it's embarrassing when I think about it. I think it only happens when I'm tired and a little overstimulated from all the socializing though. 

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Yeah I notice this too. Even can happen when you get money, status, skill. Can float your ego. I think its like a hierarchical thinking in humans head 

I don't have a full solution, but personally doing contemplation on the importance of equality, and deconstructing hierachies and that nobody is higher or lower has helped me a lot 

I think that's actually an entering point into stage green ?

Edited by Jacob Morres

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The fact you're aware of it is pivotal for keeping it in check; you're only a douchebag if you don't realize it.

Just know you can keep your ego self in check and you're all good ?

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