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Buck Edwards

Compilations of my Hawaiian baby woodrose trips

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From last month (taken from my notes) 

I took 5 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. Crushed it to powder. Soaked in lemon juice. And than drank it. 

 Hawaiian Baby woodrose Seeds, as fresh as possible. 

I basically took a light dose and I want to slowly up from there.

Side Effects I felt - 


vasoconstriction and cramps 

flat, slow heartbeat

It was an extremely long trip (50hr+until back to baseline) 

One hour after I drank the juice, I began to feel nausea. I began to feel stuff after 4 hours. For the first like 2 hours after this, It felt like a more euphoric trip. I really enjoyed the substance so far, and thought I already reached the peak. Zero visuals. 

In about let's say 6 hours later, I felt tired yet the trip still felt potent. I experienced dissociation from life and stuff. I did feel like I was dying but I quickly dissociated from it. I layed down and just went with it. 

I had thoughts about enlightenment being a bad joke, my "work" towards it utter nonsense, watching videos and starting psychedelics as a foolish mistake, me having permanent brain damage now and so on. It came from a very scared, weak place... my guess: pure ego talk, unfiltered. I felt sleepy. 

I woke up 3 hours later, still tripping considerably. I felt wide awake. I felt more focused. 

Things started to get really bright, colors started sticking out a lot more than usual. Kind of felt like it helped me hack into the matrix so to say. First thing I started noticing was how robotic I live my life. I have all these desires and urges that feel coded in me. I felt like I was some sore of software that was coded to act a certain way. And when I had the trip  it felt like I realized something else was running my entire life and I had no control over it. Almost as if there were two "entities" in me, one being an ego that ran everything and the other still remaining unknown. It felt very confusing to say the least. I started noticing things I did not notice before such as certain patterns and colors. I tried not to get to absorbed in visual phenomenon though and sat down and closed my eyes.

When I sat down and closed my eyes I started realizing some stuff that felt so obvious and right in front of me but I could not see it before. Two big things I learned was unconditional love for everyone not just those around me but even strangers! I felt this insane amount of love for everyone and everything but I noticed more about how I don't love myself enough. An issue I've had trouble tackling in the past years, has been with self love. The biggest take-away from the trip was, the love I was giving to everyone including strangers, to also give that love to myself. I felt it was easier to give myself love, when I started realizing more about how life isn't as serious as I thought it was. Everything I thought was so true, started feeling illusory. Many of my beliefs started crumbling. My monkey mind completely shut up for long periods of time and I wasn't even aware that it shut up until the it wore off. In some ways, I felt like a child again who was just in love with everything.

One of the funny things about the trip was, at one point I looked in a mirror for like a long time and was confused what I was looking at... I'm like holy fuck is that what I am? LOL 

I feel like I know what I need to do in life more than I did before. I knew what my career path was heading down towards, but I feel like it has become more clear than it was previously. 

Overall, the trip was well worth it. Patience and love are two of the biggest components I took away from the session.

This went on for two days in total, with declining effects of course. I wasnt back to completely normal, or "baseline", until around 50 hours after ingestion.

Edited by Enlightement

My name is Whitney. 



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There is a TEKK where you can mix your morning glory seeds in Sherry wine and no side effects at all. Morning glory seeds are also very loving. I'll be the first one to get my hands on pure LSA if avail. 

Edited by Pudgey

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