Whitney Edwards

I want to destroy my ego

33 posts in this topic

On 6/13/2023 at 7:33 AM, Moksha said:

Ego death is simple, just lose the "I want" and realize the know.

Unfortunately, simple doesn't mean easy.

You mean detaching the I from everything I do? 

On 6/13/2023 at 9:14 AM, A Fellow Lighter said:

There's no destroying the ego, only learning how to transmute it.

Ego is but another frequency of energy. Energy can neither be created or destroyed, but can be transformed.

That's what raising one's vibration refers to – it's raising the frequency of your energy.

How to raise frequency? Do you suggestions/techniques specifically? 

On 6/13/2023 at 9:58 AM, Arthogaan said:

Meditate 2-3 hours a day for a year.

Nice. Thank you. 

On 6/13/2023 at 11:10 AM, Yimpa said:

There is nothing to destroy or erase. Embrace yourself fully. Accept yourself holistically. Expand yourself gracefully.

You Are Creation Itself!

How will I access consciousness if my survival ego gets in the way? 

On 6/13/2023 at 0:10 PM, Yimpa said:

You are Consciousness. Relatively, you’ve got shit to do. But I can assure you, it’s all imaginary shit. And you as God can transform bullshit into beautiful shit :)

I guess ego is bullshit too? 

On 6/13/2023 at 5:45 PM, Sincerity said:

Who does? xD

Haha, this cracked me up. 

On 6/15/2023 at 6:45 PM, VeganAwake said:

@Enlightement Hello there,

The ego is the entire "web of self construct. It can't be destroyed because it's actually not anything real. It's more of an assumed identity of past present future memories & experiences.......it's very sticky and clings to everything in order to keep inflated....it's the experience of lack or separation....like something is always missing or incomplete 

This illusory self (me) never gets satisfied. Whatever the current experience happens to be, it will always attempt to find a better one in the apparent future including spiritual practices and such which is another form of seeking/spiritual materialism (to become awakened)

This is true in my experience. 

On 6/15/2023 at 6:45 PM, VeganAwake said:

Sometimes the unreality of this character is clearly seen through and there can seem to be a shift away from the energetic catering or upholding of this illusory self construct and it's relentless quest for permanent satisfaction. 

This is what's often referred to as enlightenment; awakening; nirvana; samadhi; liberation etc...

But it's not a better state or experience of reality & it's not a something that's gained attained or acquired contrary to popular belief.

It's the end of the opinionated and judgmental character always placing things into the good bad right or wrong categories...... it's the end of the knower

It's the freedom that's longed for and sequentially was always the case. 


Are ego and consciousness antithetical to each other? Why is there such emphasis on losing the self? 

3 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

Can't transcend what you're not conscious of.

Start with that.

And how can you be conscious of it? Practical suggestions? 

18 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Self inquiry.   Lots of it.  Mixed with do nothing meditation and concentration meditation. 


On 6/15/2023 at 8:51 PM, Princess Arabia said:

This response is immaculate.


22 minutes ago, SOUL said:

You change what I wrote in the quoting of me but it was you who created the premise about me awakening from a line of thought, not me. Thought has nothing to do with it but you want to make that it was me suggesting it does because you want to disagree with it as if I did...which I didn't. That's some sketchy discourse, maybe you should stop there.

Whats the correlation between ego and consciousness? 

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3 minutes ago, Enlightement said:

Whats the correlation between ego and consciousness? 

I'm not one for esoteric deepities, so I take a practical approach. Although, it's difficult to express it without touching on some abstractions.

In the mind there are sensations associated with motivating our behavior for survival and these appear in what we call awareness. These are things like emotions, thoughts, urges, impulses and such. The ego is the story telling part of our survival process that pulls all of these into a self identity, which it seems humans have a quite developed sense of this.

The issue with ego is that it will use even suffering to get what it wants as long as it motivates the behavior for survival. In fact, suffering without actually being under any actual present duress is a very powerful tool for it to do what it does, it's imaginary suffering, it's self suffering. Also, the story it tells is an important part of its process, so it protects the story as if its life depends on it...because its life is the story.

All of these things I've mentioned like mind, self, ego and awareness comprise what we call consciousness. Yet awareness, though being a facet of consciousness also can transcend the appearance of individual consciousness and awaken to absolute consciousness.

So the ego is merely the storyteller of our individual consciousness.

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7 hours ago, Enlightement said:

Whats the correlation between ego and consciousness? 

The ego is a configuration of consciousness in which there is a clear division between me and what is not me. reality is configured for to develop an ego. If I hit you, it hurts. If I hit the wall, it doesn't hurt. it is impossible to escape this.

Since we are human and depend on other humans to survive, and we use language to create links with others, the entity called ego is created, a set of energy patterns surrounded by words. the word has enormous power. some words are life, and others death.

how to transcend this? obviously it is not easy nor can it be done at will. there is only one way: you have to realize that life and death are the same. as long as they are different, there will be ego, but there are degrees. the total materialist has an ego that is a wall of steel. who is not a materialist and really understands that existence is infinite, has a more flexible ego. and so on until you have a totally transparent ego

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11 hours ago, Enlightement said:

You mean detaching the I from everything I do? 

Yes, it is the realization that you aren't doing anything at all. The mirage of separation between you and everything you experience disappears as you approach it. Beyond the duality of the seer and the seen, you are the seamless awareness in which all phenomena arise and dissolve.

It sounds like nondual dogma, but as you break the surface and dive into the deep ocean, it becomes increasingly direct.

The I that thinks, feels, and acts is not the true I. You are.


Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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It’s as if nothing changes, but everything changes. 

When the opportunity arises to completely surrender, it’s not in your best interest to let go of control.

Now is the appropriate time to ask the cliché question: Who are you?

If you think you’ve found the answer, RUN, but don’t hide.

I AM Godzilla

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19 hours ago, Enlightement said:

And how can you be conscious of it? Practical suggestions? 

Contemplate. Ask questions. Wonder about it.

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On 17/06/2023 at 6:32 AM, Enlightement said:

How to raise frequency? Do you suggestions/techniques specifically? 

The techniques are as various and as numerous as the stars. Do research and let your intuition guide you.

Personally, an overall technique for me is practicing love. That is to say learning to see how every moment is caused by love. You can search “Bhakti yoga” for more understanding on this. The principle is simple: to seek love is to seek higher consciousness and vice versa. This is due to the simple truth which is “S/He who cares not, knows not. And s/he who knows not, cares not.”

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You are not going to achieve ego death on psychedelics.  At best, you'll achieve inflation.

"I want to destroy my ego" really means "I want to be different than what I am now -- I don't like how I am now."

You can start by changing your daily habits.

Edited by SeaMonster

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@Enlightement I'm using 5 meo DMT for that purpose. I think it is an extremely useful practice. I haven't completely mastered it yet, but I can say that I have almost overcome my fear. when you do 5meo, you realize the resistance that the ego is. you clearly realize that the surrender needed to really let go of the ego is beyond your capacity, or at least mine. a mechanical solvent like 5 meo is needed, which stops certain activities of the frontal lobe and the opening to infinity occurs. the ego is resistance, it is a control energy that we use full time. almost no one can release it naturally. 5meo is there, it exists. why not use it?

After every opening, the ego gets weaker, little by little. 

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

the ego is resistance, it is a control energy that we use full time. almost no one can release it naturally. 5meo is there, it exists. why not use it?

After every opening, the ego gets weaker, little by little. 

Nah.  Psychonauts who believe this (not picking on you personally, this is a common belief) are totally in denial.  

Think about it for a second: what has the belief that "you can't do it naturally" and "you need 5MeO."?

It's an ego belief.

Why does the ego have this belief?

It is not to kill itself, it is to inflate itself.

In order to overcome the ego, you must do the opposite of what is comfortable to the ego (in other words do that which you feel the most resistance to.)  In this case, "doing it naturally" (whatever that means) is it.

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26 minutes ago, SeaMonster said:

Think about it for a second: what has the belief that "you can't do it naturally" and "you need 5MeO."?

not exactly a belief. It's like saying, can I cross the Atlantic in a kayak? Well, yes, but it's extremely difficult. I see all the distance, effort and dedication that it requires, and the truth is that if I can get to the same place by plane, why would I go kayaking? In addition, in a kayak there are many possibilities of not succeeding.

I am the experience that is happening, the set of energy patterns that are taking place. In this experience, it is not going to happen that a guy isolates himself in a cave for 16 years, it is not viable. 5 meo is something within the configuration of this experience, the same as the fact that I am not from the 2nd century or that my family is what it is. In this configuration, 5 meo is happening

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