charlie cho

Patrick Bet David is a tremendous interviewer, seeing Andrew Tate's interview

85 posts in this topic

@Danioover9000 I understand PBD looks like a feminist hater. It's very very easy to label him that way. But you have to see and listen carefully before one does that. 

Yes, the two has stupid ideas. But bring that on with understanding where they are coming from. And when we see where they are coming from, it's obvious to see they come from true concerns. I'm not saying they are good intentioned people who brings out bad results, but they are also concerned with the results too. With anarchy that's happening these days, they just want a bit of structure too. 

Have you read Dostoevsky? An author who's a bit of a conservative, he himself was quite a liberal man, he believes in love, he even believes in compassion for the evil man, downtrodden, and hurtful people, and his political takes were conservative, because he just wanted a bit of structure to society. His takes on communism and the psychology of how communists think is incomparable. And to label Dostoevsky as a monarch entusiast, a Tsarist enthusiast is the most dumbest label to put into him, because we all know he's not like that.

Same with the common man on youtube, even if they aren't reknown great artist authors we know today. We can't just label them like that. Then you're not learning at all. Please learn. :)

See this part, and tell me he's a complete chauvinistic fuck up. Even chauvinistick fuck-ups have good views. This part shows Andrew Tate, even as a chauvinistic fuck-up, he's still better than 99% of redpill fuck-ups, or even the cockroach unintelligent fuck-up like the BBC interviewer. 

Edited by charlie cho

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@charlie cho

   Based on developmental factors like stages of development, morality and cognition, consciousness, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other areas of development in life and societal domains. Also ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and biases we all have, from these developmental factors and experiences I've had with manipulators and scammers, Andrew Tate is clearly a scammer and a pimp bitch. He's mostly stage red values, and fronts the appearance of a stage blue to orange person, his talks of family and god were AFTER he got severely canceled and Hustler's university closed down so he had to try and manipulate the online Muslim community into following him.

   No, haven't read nor am interested in this Dostoevsky, he's the author of 1984 or something like that? Screw that, Lex Fridman was his fan so if this right wing shill, Elon Musk fanboy, is a fan of him then I ain't touching anyone he's associated with a 8 mile pole. Shill to the bone, also really annoying talking about conspiracy theories and the twitter files when there's ZERO EVIDENCE of Joe Biden and Biden administration corruption, at best it's just bad behavior from Hunter Biden but that's only on Hunter Biden and NOTHING ELSE, therefore right wing grifter and LIBERTARIAN.

   Have you read and listened to Eminem? What a true hero, where he came from and how he got to be successful is a true American dream. Compared to Patrick Bet Dave and Andrew Tate Eminem can smoke them alive in a rap battle.


Edited by Danioover9000

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@charlie cho does tate really believe what he says ? because he keeps lying all the time, and he keeps contradicting himself. 

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39 minutes ago, Majed said:

@charlie cho does tate really believe what he says ? because he keeps lying all the time, and he keeps contradicting himself. 

   Very likely he does believe in his lies.

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

 No, haven't read nor am interested in this Dostoevsky, he's the author of 1984 or something like that? Screw that, Lex Fridman was his fan so if this right wing shill, Elon Musk fanboy, is a fan of him then I ain't touching anyone he's associated with a 8 mile pole. Shill to the bone, also really annoying talking about conspiracy theories and the twitter files when there's ZERO EVIDENCE of Joe Biden and Biden administration corruption, at best it's just bad behavior from Hunter Biden but that's only on Hunter Biden and NOTHING ELSE, therefore right wing grifter and LIBERTARIAN

Now talk about a bias. Dostoevsky is one of the most sensitive authors that ever touched this earth. Lex Fridman is someone you personally hate for some abstract reason and I think is getting in your way about judging things. Also, remember that guilt by association is another bias. Dostoevsky has never met Fridman. He died 2 years before Fridman was born.

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Play nice guys, accept other people have different perspectives. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@charlie cho

On 2023-06-13 at 9:42 AM, charlie cho said:

@Danioover9000 I understand PBD looks like a feminist hater. It's very very easy to label him that way. But you have to see and listen carefully before one does that. 

Yes, the two has stupid ideas. But bring that on with understanding where they are coming from. And when we see where they are coming from, it's obvious to see they come from true concerns. I'm not saying they are good intentioned people who brings out bad results, but they are also concerned with the results too. With anarchy that's happening these days, they just want a bit of structure too. 

Have you read Dostoevsky? An author who's a bit of a conservative, he himself was quite a liberal man, he believes in love, he even believes in compassion for the evil man, downtrodden, and hurtful people, and his political takes were conservative, because he just wanted a bit of structure to society. His takes on communism and the psychology of how communists think is incomparable. And to label Dostoevsky as a monarch entusiast, a Tsarist enthusiast is the most dumbest label to put into him, because we all know he's not like that.

Same with the common man on youtube, even if they aren't reknown great artist authors we know today. We can't just label them like that. Then you're not learning at all. Please learn. :)

See this part, and tell me he's a complete chauvinistic fuck up. Even chauvinistick fuck-ups have good views. This part shows Andrew Tate, even as a chauvinistic fuck-up, he's still better than 99% of redpill fuck-ups, or even the cockroach unintelligent fuck-up like the BBC interviewer. 

   Sorry, had to take a break from all the discussions here, so let's pick up where we left from from a different more civil angle:

   I'm not labelling him a feminist hater, I'm calling him a grifter/scammer/swindler/hustler/con artist/cheater instead, who bends the system to his advantage, more apparent with Andrew Tate and less with Patrick. Also, the assumption from you of me calling them feminist haters implies you're calling me a feminist? To clarify, I'm not a Feminist BTW.

   From what I've understood, from observing their body language and tonality based on word choices, and the bias from which this interview is doing and certain agendas and narratives these guys are trying to portray Andrew Tate in a lighter acceptable framing, I'm not buying into it, as I see more defensive and deceptive signs in Andrew Tate, and somewhat with Patrick, with too much repeating and leading the frame of this discussion, painting Andrew Tate to be the misunderstood 'victim' of mainstream culture, and Andrew Tate giving this over 'masculine' body posturing, tonality and face to head to arm gestures, but I can see past these little orchestrated presentations he's trying to sell. In certain moments, with certain words the body language is a mix of incongruency and 'forced' agreements and nods, despite the prior contexts this guy was in. IMO it's slightly unbelievable than believable. Yes, body language analysis is not an exact science, it's mostly collecting body signs, tone, word choices and micro expressions, plus being sensitive to the framing of the conversation and other contexts to a discussion, maybe I'm somewhat wrong in my observations, but with people who's ego stage is at impulsive or opportunist, these types cannot be fully trusted, so I don't trust Andrew Tate nor Patrick. Great interviewing skills I'll give Patrick that but it's got a certain bias and presentation and agenda which I'm aware of and will not fall for, as I've already seen enough of Andrew Tate that no amount of presentation and sugar coating from Patrick will change my distrust towards him, and rightly so. If you disagree with my observations, could you explain to me where I'm probably wrong here with his body language?

   Sorry for what I've said about Dostoesky guy and Lex Fridman, got carried with the lunar moon phase or something. I just don't like them, and usually with people I don't like I joke and be sarcastic about it to sugar coat the critique which mostly works. I also never claimed this Dostoesky guy as some...what you call it? Monarch enthusiast? Tsar Enthusiast and sympathizer? Sorry I don't think I've recalled ever bringing up Donstoesky guy, you are the one who brought him up to me for whatever reason.

   We can't just label them as what? Do you imply I don't have the right, nor can express my disagreements with them, within YouTube? Do you think I don't have the right to write my opinion or comment? What does the 'common man' from YouTube have to do with Andrew Tate's situation, unless you mean young disenfranchised men? If I can't call them as such, what should I call them if they did something bad?

   Also, here you're claiming to me not to express certain views, and be willing to learn, and not be close minded and dogmatic, but when I read this:

'See this part, and tell me he's a complete chauvinistic fuck up. Even chauvinistick fuck-ups have good views. This part shows Andrew Tate, even as a chauvinistic fuck-up, he's still better than 99% of redpill fuck-ups, or even the cockroach unintelligent fuck-up like the BBC interviewer.'

   What do you expect me do when interpreting that statement? Act like nothing happened, that you didn't name call, troll, close minded, being dogmatic and not willing to learn yourself? That there's no double standard, or your ego projecting it's insecurities onto me, and trapping me into some frame that isn't there?

   MAYBE, we've started on the wrong foot and we were too triggered. Let's restart our friendly conversation here, or agree to disagree and we both part ways as I'm mostly done here. Hi, my names Danio, and I'm a Spiral Dynamics witch into witchy stuff, got some nuance bro and sometimes good faith bro take of Andrew Tate and Patrick, although Andrew's a bit of an Aliens vs. Predator guy to me. What's your name, and how are you doing today? Are we done discussing here? Have I cleared up the misunderstandings between me and you and a few users here?



On 2023-06-13 at 3:16 PM, Israfil said:

Now talk about a bias. Dostoevsky is one of the most sensitive authors that ever touched this earth. Lex Fridman is someone you personally hate for some abstract reason and I think is getting in your way about judging things. Also, remember that guilt by association is another bias. Dostoevsky has never met Fridman. He died 2 years before Fridman was born.

   I just don't like how he runs cover for some right wing loving narcissist, but that's my opinion and maybe a big misunderstanding and emotional turmoil I didn't mean to cause. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. No harsh feelings right? I don't mean to offend right? No more flagging right? If you disagree with me disagree on the content of the post itself, right? Because that's more adult right?

Edited by Danioover9000

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27 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   I just don't like how he runs cover for some right wing loving narcissist, but that's my opinion and maybe a big misunderstanding and emotional turmoil I didn't mean to cause. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. No harsh feelings right? I don't mean to offend right? No more flagging right? If you disagree with me disagree on the content of the post itself, right? Because that's more adult right?

You didn't hurt me at all. If anything, you're the one looking hurt, judging by this response.

I just tried to point to you a different perspective. 

Also, try to understand that there's no separation between form and content. You cannot have one without the other. I just tried to point to you how you associate the value of an author you don't even know the work of, with the value you ascribe to someone that read that author.

I don't even like Elon Musk, I was just pointing out to you not to throw out the baby with the bath water. Read Dostoevsky if you have some time. It is great.

Edited by Israfil

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41 minutes ago, Israfil said:

You didn't hurt me at all. If anything, you're the one looking hurt, judging by this response.

I just tried to point to you a different perspective. 

Also, try to understand that there's no separation between form and content. You cannot have one without the other. I just tried to point to you how you associate the value of an author you don't even know the work of, with the value you ascribe to someone that read that author.

I don't even like Elon Musk, I was just pointing out to you not to throw out the baby with the bath water. Read Dostoevsky if you have some time. It is great.

   Fair enough, I said what I have to say in this thread and made my peace, and because of my increasing rap sheet in this forum, I will not comment on it further but that's also part of what charged me up beforehand.

   So, from this day forward I will mostly keep away from the political section, and politics in general, as I'm fed up with how I'm treated here and in real life, and it's annoying me, so this is very likely the last you'll read of me in this sub forum, and I will rarely come back here. I'll maybe check the author out too. I expect I will be left alone. Have a great day!

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1 hour ago, Israfil said:

Read Dostoevsky if you have some time. It is great.

 He is indeed.

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40 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   So, from this day forward I will mostly keep away from the political section, and politics in general, as I'm fed up with how I'm treated here and in real life, and it's annoying me, so this is very likely the last you'll read of me in this sub forum, and I will rarely come back here. I'll maybe check the author out too. I expect I will be left alone. Have a great day!

No one criticizes you. We're just talking about your ideas.

I have plenty to work on in my worldview too. This is about politics, not about Danio.

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@Majed Of course he lies. It's to the degrees to people lie. He opened a cam girl operation for porno for god's sake.

The question is, to which degree is he a liar? More than any other media members like that cockroach of a being on BBC? 

I'm very very angry at how people are treating him right now. It's embarassing if we delve into it. Camgirl business and onlyfans, for god fucking sakes women sell their pictures themselves without supervision, voluntarily for god's sakes now! 

And to that, are we going to screw Tate just for that? This is an embarassment. 

The question is to what degree does he lie against the bigger liars which he calls the 'matrix' (which I find hilarious how he constantly says this word so musically and rhythmically). It's hard to say for sure who is the bigger liar, but I'm already having ideas of who is the bigger threat to society. And I'm very sure it's not Tate, no matter how much I disagree with Tate, I know Tate isn't the bigger threat here to society. 

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@charlie cho The shadiest thing Tate did in his webcam business was trick lonely men into giving the girls money.  I am not sure how illegal that is or isn't but it was certainly immoral to toy with someones heart for profit. 

Sometimes I wonder if Tate is working with the "Matrix" to distract young men and think perhaps the jail thing was fabricated to create an adversary to validate his claims that the Matrix is attacking him.  


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Tate did way more shady things.

Finally he has been charged with rape, sex trafficking, and organized crime:

The amount of denial and copium from Tate simps is unreal. Same as MAGA simping for Trump's obvious crimes and bullshit.

Edited by Leo Gura

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On 6/12/2023 at 10:30 PM, charlie cho said:

laughable that woman dared to interview Tate.


On 6/12/2023 at 10:30 PM, charlie cho said:

his ability to empathize and ask good questions makes that BBC woman a cockroach. 

Nobody is going to call this out?

When I see a person using this kind of laguage while talking about random people who they have no idea about - there is nothing that can convince me that they can possibly be worth listening to. 

There is no way someone like that can say anything wise or offer a valuable perspective. And no amount of quoting spiral dynamics will change that.

Death and decay 🥀

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It's a shame that this kind of talk is okay here...

Edit: actually, one of the reasons why I wouldn't want to recommend this forum to anyone I know in real life.

Edited by Something Funny

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12 minutes ago, Something Funny said:


Nobody is going to call this out?

When I see a person using this kind of laguage while talking about random people who they have no idea about - there is nothing that can convince me that they can possibly be worth listening to. 

There is no way someone like that can say anything wise or offer a valuable perspective. And no amount of quoting spiral dynamics will change that.

At least you're more funny than me. I thought I was the funniest here before you.

8 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

It's a shame that this kind of talk is okay here...

Lol, well then... I apologize just for your sake, for calling her that, you obviously need an encouraging word from anyone.

Edited by charlie cho

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The amount of denial and copium from Tate simps is unreal. Same as MAGA simping for Trump's obvious crimes and bullshit.

You know when you need to create and use grand-scale conspiracies to defend your guy or your ideology, that you are probably in so much denial its insane.

Its a complete brainrot. Their foundational assumption is that it must be the matrix and nothing can change that assumption therefore its impossible for the Tate's to do anything bad or wrong. 

  • Before they didn't get charged there were only two options for them: 1) If they get charged its the matrix 2) If they don't get charged, they are obviously innocent
  • 1) If they get convicted its the matrix 2) If they won't , then they were obviously innocent from the very beginning


Everything is a conspiracy against their idol: daddy Tate.

Edited by zurew

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