
What Do I Do With A Negative Thought?

6 posts in this topic

I find life is better with out negative thoughts arising, but when one comes up, it usually cascades into more negative thoughts until I am overwhelmed and there is no fixing it when it gets to that point. I could try loving the negative thought, but what does that mean? Do I say "go away negative thought" or "I accept you negative thought" or "this might not be true, negative thought" etc? 

If you know how to love a negative thought, or another productive way of dealing with a negative thought, it would be a pleasure reading what you have to say.

Thank You.

Edit: Also under the same topic, what do I do with a negative emotion?

Edited by LittoDitto

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This video dropped same day. Maybe it's a sign. He basically describes one of the things that I like to do. I'm sure Leo has a video on this as well.

Don't be afraid to seek professional advice if it becomes unbearable. Good luck!

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A tot is just a tot. You are the one who makes it positive or negative. Rise above the tot.

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Edited by hyruga

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Listen to the voice. Fully feel the underlying energy that creates it. It cannot hurt you. It is you. It is not separate from you. Love it as you love your self.

Thoughts, especially negative-thoughts, are teachers. They show you where you're at. They show you what you are resisting. Once you see that you are resisting, you can consciously choose to stop resisting this aspect of yourself.

Become aware of the thought. Feel it fully in the body. Feel the breath moving into the space of the thought, in the mind, in the body. Exhale, and give thanks. ✨️ ? 

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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