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Leo, what do you mean by Selflessness?

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I have watched several of your videos where you frequently mention the concept of selflessness, but I'm not entirely clear on what you specifically mean by it. It appears that the more you advance, the more frequently you emphasize this word, even with a great deal of intensity (similar to how you mention 'The Mind'). This leads me to suspect that a mystical experience might be necessary to truly comprehend selflessness. However, even if I were to have such an experience, I'm unsure if I would recognize it as selflessness because I lack a clear understanding of how you employ the term.

Therefore, could you kindly explain your interpretation of selflessness? I am curious to grasp its meaning in your teachings.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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I've had mystical experiences where I've experienced selflessness, I don't know to what degree through. 

I think selflessness is the absence of your idea of who your are, You're name: Davino. The Person, The Human you think of when you think of yourself.

On my mystical experience it was clear to me that I was not "Mihai" my name.

I was what's there.. there's not need to label it as that creates an image in your mind and that's not you. You have to see in your direct experience who you are, without thinking about it or creating a duplication of what is. Connect with what's there in your experience, without creating a mental image or project one on it. Simply look at what it is there in your experience. Without your ideas about you and who you are. That's you.

Can you see how that self is different from the idea of yourself you have in your mind? That's the absence of self. 

It's hard to get rid of the ides of self, it always comes back. The key, I think, it's to watch it. Watch yourself continuously everyday, every minute, every second as you're doing stuff, walking and especially in your meditation. And start living from that place of Watching.

Doing so, Slowly the idea of yourself and your actual self will become two different things. You'll notice that you're idea of self is very different than what is there in your experience. Identify what I'm talking about, that self in your experience and stay with it, as it, from first person view. As you keep doing so, and, living for that place of always watching instead of being in your mind projecting, it'll become clearer and clearer with time. Just gotta put the time in. And do the same with everything else. Watch it in your experience without evaulating it and you'll see what's there. 

I think that's what's selflessness is. The absence of you and your interpretations and judgements. It's like a double reality you're creating. 

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there are two dual things space and shape, awareness and thought, selflessness and self

in all 3 cases you are the former

for example if you think something, what happened is a thought arose by its own volition, you can be aware of that and that is you

selfless is to bring your being to zero to nothing to emptiness ... how? meditation, neti neti, self enquiry, contemplation, prayer ...

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