
I meditate 3-4 hours per day for 3 months

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Hi, i thouth this may be interesting for you guys. So one time in the winter time i decided to to this meditation and along the way some iteresting things was happening so i want to share and maybe get some fead back :)


P.S. Yea i know you canot promote you own videos here, so please Don't subscribe to the channel, and please don't wach other my channel videos. So, you be warned ?

Edited by Sigitas

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Hey I watch the video it was great to hear your experiences. Your lucky at the point you are now that if you want to be enlightened you don’t need to go into the struggle of developing good practice and getting through the barriers that entails. I’m glad to see that people are making progress like you are. 

Btw if you want to fully breakthrough to the side I guess you have to have the desire to get rid of the idea of you. You have to want to end the false self or you will just keep getting pass the point then coming back a person state. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Thank you for good words and some pointers ❤

I think what helped to reach this, is not the desire to get enloghtment, but be more focused, so in a sense i did not have any desires for anithing. But in two hours in meditation sesion i just give mysel as little sugestion to let go of myself and then fun things startet to happend :)

Later i wanet to expierience this, but i realized that desired itself did not let to me reach this

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Hello, I watched the video. I was just thinking of starting meditating 3 hours a day because I am annoyed at myself for spending too much time playing videogames. It is sort of like a punishment for myself haha. I have not sat more than 1.5 hours before. I did not decide if I will take a short break every hour or just try sitting without a break like you did. I will start tomorrow morning and see how it goes. 

Did you get any changes in your sleep quality or memory or other unexpected changes? I might have missed where you mentioned these things. Did it help in the ways you were hoping with your working memory?

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@Yimpa When I meditate doing mantra meditation on Bama Nam Kevalam, I get vivid dreams almost every night. I seem to need to sleep less. I found sex 10x better doing mindfulness meditation 1 hour a day for 100 days several years ago. the effects fade after stopping. I keep falling off track. I will see if I can stick with it. I have been pretty good about meditating every day for the last week or 2. 

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@Jordan Nice, I’m going to meditate more often. Not just in one position, but in any position. 

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@Yimpa Yes, I think non formally meditating on just being aware of what you are aware of in the present moment as you go through your day is something I would like to do too.

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Good video. Thanks for sharing. Did you start off for smaller periodos e.g 1 hour/ break Up your meditations in Split partes e.g half an hour in the morning, the rest later on?

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On 13/06/2023 at 3:39 AM, Yimpa said:

@Jordan Guided meditations help me fall asleep

I guess there is 2 possibility's; 1 the ego is using sleep and a defence mechanism, 2 The practise naturally makes you fall asleep.  

if 1 I recommend, Sleep and when you wake up and do the Guided meditation asap then the ego mechanism will be takin by surprise and will be less likely to act again. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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On 6/13/2023 at 3:38 AM, Jordan said:

Hello, I watched the video. I was just thinking of starting meditating 3 hours a day because I am annoyed at myself for spending too much time playing videogames. It is sort of like a punishment for myself haha. I have not sat more than 1.5 hours before. I did not decide if I will take a short break every hour or just try sitting without a break like you did. I will start tomorrow morning and see how it goes. 

Did you get any changes in your sleep quality or memory or other unexpected changes? I might have missed where you mentioned these things. Did it help in the ways you were hoping with your working memory?

You might wanna look into habit formation theory.

I would advise against this. It's too much, too fast. I guarantee you will quickly lose motivation, burnout, and revert to your old habits.

Start slow. I suggest as little as 5 minutes a day. After a while, once you genuinely feel the desire to spend more time meditating, gradually and slowly increase your time. Begin with increments of 5 minutes. Eventually you'll get there and the habit will stick.

Edited by kylan11

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1 hour ago, kylan11 said:

You might wanna look into habit formation theory.

I would advise against this. It's too much, too fast. I guarantee you will quickly lose motivation, burnout, and revert to your old habits.

Start slow. I suggest as little as 5 minutes a day. After a while, once you genuinely feel the desire to spend more time meditating, gradually and slowly increase your time. Begin with increments of 5 minutes. Eventually you'll get there and the habit will stick.

The correct approach is to increase by 5 - 10 minutes every few days until you get to the desired amount (speaking as someone who has a very solid meditation habit - a few hours most days, sometimes more). I did that. The trick is to slowly get used to the discomfort so much that you wont want to move during the session anymore and maintain wakefulness during the whole session.

When you get to 1.5h without a break this way it wont feel long at all. And you wont even have to have much discipline to meditate 3h a day because you will see a ton of benefits from all that concentration.

Edited by Michal__

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Hey, thank you for your comments and support. I wanted to answer your questions, but I had an idea to shoot another video with some pointers and answers.

If you have more questions feel free to ask :)

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I agree, I heard from Leo Enlightenment can be a bad thing than you trying to achieve things. So at this point I really want to just increase my productivity, that's all.

I think many of us are not ready to experience enlightenment, nor do we need it to.

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i do 3-7am since lockdown, took some time to get the full 240 minutes ... i factored in 2-3 sleep in's per month

haven't had awakening, enligtenment, breakthrough, altered states

i am happy to sit quietly without a goal or agenda

i am still a beginner, i swallow saliva and adjust hands every 60 minutes and still twitch a lot the last hour

not pleasurable but does get easier

i dont rely on a timer, i know how many breaths for the whole sit and count along

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On 6/14/2023 at 6:47 AM, kylan11 said:

You might wanna look into habit formation theory.

I would advise against this. It's too much, too fast. I guarantee you will quickly lose motivation, burnout, and revert to your old habits.

Start slow. I suggest as little as 5 minutes a day. After a while, once you genuinely feel the desire to spend more time meditating, gradually and slowly increase your time. Begin with increments of 5 minutes. Eventually you'll get there and the habit will stick.

I like the method of going all out doing one thing while dropping everything else then dialing it back to start a habit. Emotionally it just seems so lame doing 5 min per day or something like that. It makes me not want to even start. I think the main problem for me is the time I spend on video games / porn. I need to cut down super non productive time and I think it will help a lot. 

I didn't end up meditating for more than around an hour at most per day these last few days. I have been working overtime and on my phone game too much. I will make my attempt again tomorrow but I do have some errands to run tomorrow morning so I'll see if I have the energy to meditate before that. 

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