
Is nothingness or consciousness just the quantum field?

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There is nothing quantum about reality. It's just a story. Reality is pure nothingness 

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First off, yes. Nothing is just anything :) And also, if you like, no, nothing is not "just" anything.

The word "just" is a manipulative tactic used by the ego/relative mind (similar to the word "but") in order to suggest that ourselves and others should place less value on one concept, in this case consciousness/nothingness relative to another, such as the quantum field. 

It's understandable that we might use this tactic here. After all, if we were to suppose, or realise, that the words nothingness, consciousness and quantum field were all being used interchangeably for the same relative purpose, we might indeed agree that they are synonymous, at least in practical usage.

However I don't often hear people say "While meditating, I experienced a state of the quantum field". I imagine that's because quantum field, which is a theory, is used more intellectually as a concept. A framework. Whereas, the word "consciousness" is more often used to describe our experience, or even, we might say, the essence/basis of experience. Hmm... my words won't do consciousness/nothingness justice here :)


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I think i hear sadguru say it was dark energy a substance that is one across the universe

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Quantum bullshit.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Quantum bullshit.

Quantum science is bullshit? :S

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11 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Quantum science is bullshit? :S

Science is all bs bro. there is no science, only imagination 

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2 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Science is all bs bro. there is no science, only imagination 

You are using a phone which couldn’t be possible without science. It doesn’t matter if science happens within a dream. It is functional. 

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The quantum field is that which's excitations are physical particles. Consciousness is that which's excitations are experiences. What is a physical particle but an experience in a physicists mind? :P

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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The quantum field is how consciousness appears to itself at its deeper levels. 


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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

You are using a phone which couldn’t be possible without science. It doesn’t matter if science happens within a dream. It is functional. 

Thats true, but emptiness is nature of a dream and quantum field is within a dream just like you wrote. So the question is kinda nonsensical. 

It is like asking in context of a game whether unreal engine is the same as electricity?

Well in a way yes because within a game everything is electricity but electricity is absolute and modelling engine is an functional illusion.

Edited by Arthogaan

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

You are using a phone which couldn’t be possible without science. It doesn’t matter if science happens within a dream. It is functional. 

The phone isn't powered by the chips. It's powered by consciousness. The phone is just an appearance 

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46 minutes ago, Holykael said:

The phone isn't powered by the chips. It's powered by consciousness. The phone is just an appearance 

Ok make me an iPhone 16 with 1 gb storage then. I’m giving you 3 days to do your magic. 

1 hour ago, Arthogaan said:

Thats true, but emptiness is nature of a dream and quantum field is within a dream just like you wrote. So the question is kinda nonsensical. 

It is like asking in context of a game whether unreal engine is the same as electricity?

Well in a way yes because within a game everything is electricity but electricity is absolute and modelling engine is a functional illusion.

We are just making a word salad here. In my lexicon emptiness and quantum field are synonymous. 


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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

You are using a phone which couldn’t be possible without science. It doesn’t matter if science happens within a dream. It is functional. 

It does matter if science happens within a dream. 

In a materialistic paradigm, of course you are using a phone . However, it’s also possible to be in a state of consciousness where it becomes evidently clear that the phone is consciousness itself and doesn’t require anything outside of itself to function. 

I AM Godzilla

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Quantum bullshit


Fucking tremendous response? quantum this quantum that… all bullshit! You made up quantum ? so simple… quantum bullshit????? lol 

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35 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

We are just making a word salad here. In my lexicon emptiness and quantum field are synonymous. 

Well that's fine, but you asked a question so I wanted to share that in my lexicon they are not synonymous and I gave my perspective why not :x

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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6 hours ago, StarStruck said:

We are just making a word salad here. In my lexicon emptiness and quantum field are synonymous. 

The way you put it in the title seemed like you were reducing consciousness to the quantum field, which is not necessarily the same as saying they're the same thing (as one could be more fundamental than the other). But I could understand why you would like to say they're the same thing.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I think the simple "no bs answer" is: yes it's the same.

By this I mean that the specific words you used point to the same thing/reality.

What one spiritual teacher would call the "field of consciousness that connects everyhing" is the same as some other teacher might call the "quantum field".

Both expressions are of course just pointers, not to be confused with the real thing.

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