
Why are intellectuals so dumb?

42 posts in this topic

the intellectual are about persuading, impressing and excluding

the intelligent are about pervading, expressing and including

intellectual is all about seeing things the way i do

intelligent is all about seeing things the way you do

if you are in politics or punditry or professoring, you have no choice but to be intellectual

if you are in the awakening game, it is about upping intelligence

the intellect adds the intelligence subtracts

intellect gives you something to show for your efforts, intelligence is being a team of one


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To be honest, there's not many people that I genuinely like these days, so no surprise I don't vibe with intellectuals eithers.

Is there something truly off in the background or is it all perfectly fine..? I don't know. I just don't like being around them. 

I cannot be truly impressed by anything they have to say or show. I am impressed by innovation, creativity, originality, etc. I do not need a human encyclopaedia as a friend. I have google for that. I value friendships that emphasize other things. Perhaps that is why my friends are so few.

Point is, if you pride yourself to be an intellectual or a smart individual (as smart people usually do) - you need to know that you're not that big of a deal. You read some stuff, you studied some stuff and now what? Nothing. You built nothing. You created nothing. You set no change in motion. You have no idea who or what you are and what the fuck you want to do with yourself. So you keep studying bullshit. Building your entire identity around words that others put in your mouth. It's how you attempt to prove your worth. And perhaps that's ok too. It's not like I don't have my ways of trying to feel worthy of life. We all do it. We all feel like we have to do god knows what to earn the love that we crave. 

It's not even that you "know a lot of stuff" that pisses me off.. It's that you think that you're smarter and better than everyone else. 9 out of 10 times. 

You all know this individual, I'm sure. You can tell they're trying so damn hard to be the smartest one in the room. Usually they're the loudest one too. 

Wait a minute...

That's it guys! I think I cracked i! Them trying so damn hard to prove that they're smart is what's making them appear so stupid and annoying. Of course! I am so damn intelligent!

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On 11/6/2023 at 0:20 AM, Osaid said:

Because their bullshit gets smarter too.

this is the word of God

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6 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Wait a minute...

That's it guys! I think I cracked i! Them trying so damn hard to prove that they're smart is what's making them appear so stupid and annoying. Of course! I am so damn intelligent!

It takes two to tango 

I AM reborn

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32 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Them trying so damn hard to prove that they're smart is what's making them appear so stupid and annoying.

The only thing worse than that is somebody trying very hard to prove that they're awake :P

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I used be this type so it's easy for me to empathize with such people... I think of them as a fellow human being suffering a different set of problems than I do. It's a love that one should hold for all people. The aliveness that they are, the body, mind and it's problems are a surface built on top of that 'soul'. If you learn to see that and love that, being seeing them in yourself, not only do you accept them, but also a part of you that you reject.

I think there are various types of "iamverysmart" people but let me tell you of a kid I have met who was promoted a grade recently and she is well beyond her years in terms intellect. Not in wisdom. She is also an exceptional artist(pencil sketches) for her age. She sketches landscapes and other things that looks nothing like an 8 years olds drawings. It's crazy lol. I am pretty sure she has been praised a lot for it, and has developed a sort superiority complex(it's pretty evident if you observe her). She gets angry very easily and often gets into fights, specially with another kid I know who speaks a little slowly, often repeats herself and generally need to be taught slowly so she can understand. There's a lack of patience and wanting things to happen her way. Which directly contradicts (on the surface) another feature of hers which is obeying elders. She understands and obeys orders without question unlike other children who usually follow their emotions, and do not do something unless either made understood or forced. Although I was never as 'smart' as her, I did also used to get more than usual praise as a kid for scoring marks and understanding concepts fast, so I so understand the impatience and superiority complex that develops.

Other such 'intellectuals' have been called intelligent and want to keep that identity intact, that's why they come off as tryhards. There's technical intelligence but not introspective. But you shouldn't hate them for it, just see it as a flaw that one person possesses. The reason you hate them might not be because of how they are, but because of how you want them to be. Maybe you want a person who you can emotionally connect with on a deep level or in a specific way, but because you can't find someone like that, you are frustrated. I am just guessing here, but it's probably along these lines.

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19 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

The only thing worse than that is somebody trying very hard to prove that they're awake :P

Sometimes, definitely, yes. Not this time though. I don't think I'm being all that woke in this thread.

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5 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Sometimes, definitely, yes. Not this time though. I don't think I'm being all that woke in this thread.

I was thinking about the forum in general :D 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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13 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

I was thinking about the forum in general :D 

Leo started it... With his "nobody is as awake as me" statements. Even if that was true, the wokeness in you would never say it out loud. Something else would though. And that we all have in common. Unworthiness.

Edited by ivankiss

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2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Even if that was true, the wokeness in you would never say it out loud. Something else would though. And that we all have in common. Unworthiness.

Reminds me of redpillers who put 'Alpha' in their bio.

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On 10.6.2023 at 5:06 PM, ivankiss said:

Why are smart people so damn stupid?

I hung out with hardcore intellectuals a few times in my life, and they are super annoying. Surprisingly close-minded and stubborn AF. Like stupid stubborn. Beyond rationality.

I thought about it being just me, but I highly doubt it. I think I'm not the only one who noticed this and is repulsed by it.

My guess is that they're perhaps more cognitively developed, but are completely disconnected from feeling and severely lack emotional intelligence/maturity. They are usually very good at learning, they're great scholars, etc. But they're shit in their relationships - for example, have no strong ethical and moral values, no integrity, compassion, kindness, lack authenticity, etc... All they're good at is gobbling up information and then throwing it back up in somebody's face and arguing about those ideas with whomever opposes them.

They usually have no original thoughts and opinions, instead they're quoting things they read or heard somewhere. 'Evidence' and 'research' and 'facts' are their favourite words. Even though it's all bullshit. They spent zero time verifying these truths for themselves. They simply adopted it all, blindly. 

They have no sense of a personal, let alone universal truth. And more often than not, no purpose either. And what's even worse: no interest in any of that. 

I am generalizing here, of course. I'm sure there are many exceptions. But generally, these are my observations/experience.

To be honest, I could read a book or two more. I could memorize a thing or two about that country, or that politician, that war, that leader or whatever. I do feel like I'm lacking a bit in that area, and that might be why I'm that much more triggered by this kind of folks. But I'd say that's not the only reason why.

'Smart people' are just stupid. Change my mind.

Yes, the archetypical "hardcore intellectual"/debunker-skeptic kind of individual can be an immense pain in the ass. 

Yet in stark contrast to that, you will encounter the exact opposite, anti-intellectual sentiment polluting this forum and similar themed platforms. People talking about infinite intellgence, their insane insights under 5-MeO or mushrooms and how they are now enlightened - but then go and share absolute garbage information without a shred of rational examination or epistemic framework. It's really shocking when you just step back and observe the insane amount of gullibility driving most minds. I have been one of the longest active members and seen it all, trust me.

I guess both groups need to somehow integrate those seemingly opposite notions into a more integral framework. 
In fact, the sages I admire the most seem to combine transcended truths with an immensly sharp and clear mind. 
I would even go as far and say Leo does that pretty well (sometimes) ;)


Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

The only thing worse than that is somebody trying very hard to prove that they're awake :P

The proof was in the pudding…

…but then I ate it :o

I AM reborn

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Lol I gave ChatGPT OPs writing and it came back with a content policy violation :D Anyway the answer it gave was kind of boring and lack luster. 

funny answer.png

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But, when I told it to create it into an AI poem it's usually spot on:


In the realm of intellect, where minds collide, There dwell those who often confound and divide. Smart, yet stubborn, they proudly stand, With knowledge vast, yet lacking heart's command.

Their wisdom gleams in scholarly domains, But fails to light the path where kindness reigns. In learning's embrace, they find their solace, But falter when empathy needs a place.

Quoting facts and figures, they proudly boast, Yet seldom ponder truths that matter most. Original thoughts, they rarely possess, Preferring echoes of others' success.

With heads high, they argue, facts in tow, But fail to grasp the beauty they forego. For life's tapestry is woven with care, Not just logic, but compassion's share.

They gobble up knowledge, untested and blind, Unaware of the treasures they might find. Disconnected from feeling, emotions gone astray, The paradox of intelligence on display.

Yet let us remember, not all are the same, Within this group, exceptions bear no blame. For intelligence, like any gift bestowed, Can flourish with warmth and compassion's ode.

So let us seek balance, a harmony to find, Between brilliance of mind and heart intertwined. For in understanding, empathy's art, Smart people may transcend their stubborn part.

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@Revolutionary Think Good point, thank you.

Apologies to anyone who found themselves in my words and felt insulted. I am a bit triggered and I do hold a grudge or two, but my intention is not to harm anybody. I just felt like expressing a thought or two, in a more heated manner. Sometimes that's alright too. 

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@ivankiss Because they think they are smart. 

In the current world: Intelligence = Memory.

Actual Intelligence its knowing how to manage and tweak up your Consciousness (which is where intelligence actually comes from)

Edited by Javfly33

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It takes all types for a society to function. The real question is why are humans so obsessed with what everyone else is doing and feel the need to impose themselves on the way other people live their lives? The answer is simple: genetics and evolution. We are the sum of a few million years of evolutionary history, and I would argue our level of free will is actually rather limited. We are the sum of our culture, genetics, and upbringing, and tend to default to monkey mode, where we let past habits and emotional impulses and drives guide our behavior.

The self mastery process I would define as Leo says in his video on addiction, to sit there and do nothing, observe the craving and sensation, notice it's a full body experience. Self mastery is not allowing impulses to control one's behavior. Self mastery is developing new habits over time. Loots of books on this. Intellects are just addicted to intellectualizing and conceptualizing. They get emotional juice off of it. It's become a habit for them. Anything can become a habit if done long enough. Eventually it becomes a personality trait.  It's no different than if a young buy with an alpha father teaches that kid how to be a smooth ladie's man or have a high emotional IQ.

Personally I am self aware of my deficiencies. I can tell you that the programming to put people at ease and be playful is underdeveloped among my software package. I never had strong peer group bonding as a child. That carried through to adulthood.  Being offended by people's behavior is a trap to one's peace of mind. Most often their behavior is rather impersonal, a result of life circumstances, defensiveness, projection, etc.  Not everyone can be a socially well adjusted happy person plugged into the pop culture matrix. I mean, anyone can reprogram themselves with practice, but that takes emotional labor and discomfort.

Edited by sholomar

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