
Right wingers believe Trump indictment is just a political play due fear of Trump win

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I’ve got family members who support Trump and every time I ask them what it’s going to take for them to be convinced he’s a criminal, their response is that it’s purely a political play due to the democrats being scared of losing against Trump. So let me ask all the lefties here, how confident are you that Trump won’t win?

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While Trump himself as a political candidate is likely doomed, Trumpism (ie crypto-fascism) is likely here with us to stay, since none of the underlying issues which have given rise to Trump's authoritarian cult of personality have been addressed. What will be far more dangerous is when someone smarter than Trump takes the reigns of the violent nationalism he gave voice to, without being an unstable baffoon that alienates everyone who hasn't drunk the cool aid.

Edited by DocWatts

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It's scary how rotten some minds can be. (The minds of Trump supporters.)

And that's just one example of rotten minds.

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Right-wingers in America are such idiots it's hard to believe it's not some kind of twisted performance art.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Conservatives in a nutshell


"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Right-wingers in America are such idiots it's hard to believe it's not some kind of twisted performance art.

I'm not American, can you explain how come Trump can win the Republican primaries? Isn't he less likely to win the elections than De Santis for example?

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Right-wingers in America are such idiots it's hard to believe it's not some kind of twisted performance art.

A lot of my family is totally brainwashed. And they’re very good people, like give-you-the-shirt-off-their-back people. Quite an ample source of depression. They’re convinced that if trump goes to jail then Biden deserves it double. Though luckily it does seem they’re more for desantis/not-trump these days.

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10 hours ago, Romanov said:

I’ve got family members who support Trump and every time I ask them what it’s going to take for them to be convinced he’s a criminal, their response is that it’s purely a political play due to the democrats being scared of losing against Trump. So let me ask all the lefties here, how confident are you that Trump won’t win?

That basically goes along the lines of what I've been saying in the "Breaking News: Donald Trump has been indicted again" thread:

On 6/8/2023 at 6:45 PM, Hardkill said:

Some analysts are saying that this federal indictment and the other new indictments that Trump will probably get might very well be what will cause Trump to not even win the 2024 GOP nominee for president, given how much more serious his criminal charges keep getting. I am personally skeptical of this, because most Republican voters are too dumb, too paranoid, and too brainwashed by all of the extreme right-wing propaganda out there, and love Trump too much that they will never ever believe that Trump is a criminal.

Instead, they will keep believing more and more that all of these charges made against are the worse witch hunts ever made on anyone and the most unjust partisan attacks ever made against everything that Republican party has always proudly stood by including American traditions, American Christianity, American Whites, and American exceptionalism. In the minds of a MAGA Republican or even a regular staunch conservative, regardless of whatever your reasons are, if you're not 1000% loyal on Trump and American conservatism, then you are without question a traitor and enemy of America.

My dad and my uncle both think that there's a strong chance that the RNC leaders and the GOP elites could decide to intervene by not allowing the GOP convention of delegates to grant Trump the republican nomination for president.

I am personally skeptical of that happening because would the Republican establishment even dare to risk their political careers by doing something like that?

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7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

I'm not American, can you explain how come Trump can win the Republican primaries? Isn't he less likely to win the elections than De Santis for example?

The MAGA Republicans don't just believe that DeSantis is a copy cat of Trump. They now, see him as someone who is really stabbing Trump and the Republican party in the back.

Have you read some of the comments on DeSantis's instagram pics? The ReTrumplicans are now really angry at him for trying to take down Trump an and say that he really should've stayed in his lane by sticking with being governor of Florida. 

A lot of Republicans in the country are also believing what Trump said about how DeSantis has now been letting Floridians down. Btw, did you see Trump's ad on Ron DeSantis wanting to mess with people's Social Security and Medicaid with his "pudding fingers"?


A lot of Republicans are already considering turning on DeSantis:


Trump does a much better job than DeSantis with presenting himself to the Republican base as the "True Alpha Male."

Edited by Hardkill

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A conspiracy theorist dies and ask God who killed JFK. God looks in his eyes and says "it was Lee Harvey Oswald, with A Rifle, and on His own". The Conspiracy theorist scratched his head, looking suspiciously and answers "oh man, this goes deeper than I thought". 


When I hear such stories I often think about this joke. However it has also a bitter after taste because it reflects the stupidity and closedmindedness very acurately.

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19 hours ago, Romanov said:

I’ve got family members who support Trump and every time I ask them what it’s going to take for them to be convinced he’s a criminal, their response is that it’s purely a political play due to the democrats being scared of losing against Trump. So let me ask all the lefties here, how confident are you that Trump won’t win?

   I understand why some of those claims were made, due to the timing of Biden charging him with those indictments. Personally I'd advice to not dissuade them of following Trump directly, talk of religion and politics less and not bring up the trump thing yourself and only them if you want to continue a family relationship with them. Reason why is in Stoicism, you can't control other people directly nor the world and it's events, but you can control yourself and your thought/actions to a degree, so don't go trying to convince them you're right and they're wrong. If they made up their mind, they made up their mind, and trying to prove a made up mind them wrong will only sour your relationships with them and make them feel bitter towards you. 

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