
Why solipsism is the only logical explanation of reality

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Either god is a finite being or god is in the god state. When one dies, one goes into the god state. There's either a reality or there is the god formless state.

People die all the time but the god state isn't being manifested when they die. This means these people that die are not the cause of the god state. This means these people aren't actually real or having their own consciousness otherwise the universe would end and we would all be in god form.

Only one person's death matters, mine unfortunately for me. I wish I was an unconscious being. When I die, the universe will end and the god state will come back. This is immutable logic, there's no denying it. No other model of reality makes any sense, only if you deny that god exists.

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19 minutes ago, Holykael said:

When I die, the universe will end and the god state will come back. 

You are the Universe. 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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25 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Only one person's death matters, mine unfortunately for me.

Damn that’s cold hearted 

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28 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Only one person's death matters, mine unfortunately for me.

And mine for me :P

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13 minutes ago, Yimpa said:


Everything is my mind bro. That's solipsism 

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This is how you feel because you talk about things you legit don't understand at all. Sounds like stoned teenager musings... You need to stay away from these places until such a time that you have an encounter with the "divine" or w.e. one would say.

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solipsism is true and false at the same time. your experience now is reality, and always will be, you will never get out of now, it is infinite. but at the same time, there are infinities now. and they are all the same. do you understand? not, right? normal, it is impossible to understand infinity

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8 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

This is how you feel because you talk about things you legit don't understand at all. Sounds like stoned teenager musings... You need to stay away from these places until such a time that you have an encounter with the "divine" or w.e. one would say.

He is correct though - the problem is he hasn't had God realization yet - so he views all of this as something negative.  I don't prefer to use the word solipsism because he isn't a human actually.  He is pure Mind.   All of "his" perceptions are rather recontextualized as Being.  And because he hasn't had a shift in Consciousness to Divine Consciousness- (ego death) which is awakening from the dream - he spins some negative twist to reality when in fact if he awakens to this directly it would actually be liberation.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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34 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

He is correct though - the problem is he hasn't had God realization yet - so he views all of this as something negative.  I don't prefer to use the word solipsism because he isn't a human actually.  He is pure Mind.   All of "his" perceptions are rather recontextualized as Being.  And because he hasn't had a shift in Consciousness to Divine Consciousness- (ego death) which is awakening from the dream - he spins some negative twist to reality when in fact if he awakens to this directly it would actually be liberation.

He isn't correct because he thinks Holykael ("holy cow", get it?! I just did) is the only thing in existence... You yourself also need to have some sort of ego death. And Razard86. And that Nic Cage avatar person but I forget that guy's username.

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1 minute ago, OldManCorcoran said:

He isn't correct because he thinks Holykael ("holy cow", get it?! I just did) is the only thing in existence... You yourself also need to have some sort of ego death. And Razard86. And that Nic Cage avatar person but I forget that guy's username.

I've died.  I died after two weeks of meditation in 2018.   


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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53 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

He isn't correct because he thinks Holykael ("holy cow", get it?! I just did) is the only thing in existence... You yourself also need to have some sort of ego death. And Razard86. And that Nic Cage avatar person but I forget that guy's username.

Im the only conscious being. Other beings exist but they are not aware, they are programmed objects. I'm also a programmed object but I'm having an experience of this body and this person's life which is tiring af, I wish I was just free in a black void feeling an infinite orgasm.

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4 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Im the only conscious being. Other beings exist but they are not aware, they are programmed objects. I'm also a programmed object but I'm having an experience of this body and this person's life which is tiring af, I wish I was just free in a black void feeling an infinite orgasm.

I know we are anthropomorphizing God here, but you did that for an eternity and got bored.   So here you are.  Now you are bored with this experience too.  What is gonna take to make you happy?   Would you prefer to be a chair?  Or maybe the light pole down the street?


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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55 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

I know we are anthropomorphizing God here, but you did that for an eternity and got bored.   So here you are.  Now you are bored with this experience too.  What is gonna take to make you happy?   Would you prefer to be a chair?  Or maybe the light pole down the street?

I'd rather be a chair tbh. Unless I had more options of things to do in this reality like having infinite money to travel the world. Getting back together with the love of my life, flying around, eating at whatever restaurants, getting any job I want. I want the cheat codes man.

In fact I could have programmed this reality to provide with endless satisfaction just by looking at a wall, none of the above is necessary. I just want peace and satisfaction but clearly my true self doesn't want it. It wants tp feel like shit which is beyond my comprehension.

I want an endless lucid dream where I have control over reality. I want an endless LSD trip with synesthesia and heightened art appreciation.

I want the power of god but with this ego so I will feel good for fucking ever.

Edited by Holykael

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14 minutes ago, Holykael said:

I'd rather be a chair tbh. Unless I had more options of things to do in this reality like having infinite money to travel the world. Getting back together with the love of my life, flying around, eating at whatever restaurants, getting any job I want. I want the cheat codes man.

In fact I could have programmed this reality to provide with endless satisfaction just by looking at a wall, none of the above is necessary. I just want peace and satisfaction but clearly my true self doesn't want it. It wants tp feel like shit which is beyond my comprehension 

It is not beyond your comprehension.  You are an extremely intelligent young man.  You should take heart that God - an Infinitely intelligent mind, does not do anything randomly.  Even chaos has order. It has a reason for your existence, you just have yet to discover that.  Perhaps it is to make you understand that "wants" - and I noticed a lot of "wants" in your post - matter little.  This does take much wisdom to realize.  God has to fuck with you to make you understand things- he can't just give you the cheat codes, as much as you want  them.  But rest assured there is a method to the madness, albeit hidden masterfully.   You still have many years to go, and much wisdom to gain.  God wants this for you - even if you dont yet see it yourself.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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How do you know we are not all souls looking into god. You might be locked into an infinite game and there might be right ways to play the game

Edited by Hojo

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Whatever the case may be, solipsism does not exclude a potentially infinite depth of relative development (self-actualization) now, does it? Which in solipsistic terms would translate to exploring all facets of yourself.

I have no doubts about your awakening experiences and intelligence that led you to this insight, however why not dwell a little in the relative realm and see how it goes? Maybe you have the power to change how you feel in this body, like a lucid dream. Who knows?

Take a look at IFS, for example. Just begun and it already helped me take steps on a growth-oriented path in life. I am sure many others can say the same.

Wish you the best!



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2 hours ago, Holykael said:

I want the cheat codes man.

In fact I could have programmed this reality to provide with endless satisfaction just by looking at a wall, none of the above is necessary. I just want peace and satisfaction but clearly my true self doesn't want it. It wants tp feel like shit which is beyond my comprehension.

I want an endless lucid dream where I have control over reality. I want an endless LSD trip with synesthesia and heightened art appreciation.

I want the power of god but with this ego so I will feel good for fucking ever.

A child dreams to drown in corn syrup because he cannot fathom how it is possible to appreciate fine wine, dark chocolate and other exquisite cuisine. Don't be that child - listen to @Leo Gura: the greater your understanding, the deeper your capacity for appreciation. And, vice versa: your inability to appreciate your current state should only drive you to apply all your resources towards the question: "What DO I NOT understand?" It's either that - or a quick and blissful exit by overdosing on opiates, which is the epitome of your current desires.


Edited by WeCome1

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12 minutes ago, WeCome1 said:

A child dreams to drown in corn syrup because he cannot fathom how it is possible to appreciate fine wine, dark chocolate and other exquisite cuisine. Don't be that child - listen to @Leo Gura: the greater your understanding, the deeper your capacity for appreciation. And, vice versa: your inability to appreciate your current state should only drive you to apply all your resources towards the question: "What DO I NOT understand?" It's either that - or a quick and blissful exit by overdosing on opiates, which is the epitome of your current desires.


I don't control how I feel. I don't control my state of consciousness. God is making me feel like shit in the present moment, nothing I can do about it. If god wants you to feel like shit you will. Whatever happens is god's will. How can I appreciate an entity that willfully desires your misery. I desired my own misery and I'll never understand why. I had a great life you know, now I'm paying the cost of having had a great life.

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1 hour ago, Holykael said:

I don't control how I feel. I don't control my state of consciousness. God is making me feel like shit in the present moment, nothing I can do about it. If god wants you to feel like shit you will. Whatever happens is god's will. How can I appreciate an entity that willfully desires your misery. I desired my own misery and I'll never understand why. I had a great life you know, now I'm paying the cost of having had a great life.

It's quite obvious that you are  addicted to that suffering. The question is: do you want to get out of it or not? It is not worth saying: I will only go out if God has decided so before, since there is no free will. just answer yes or no

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