deci belle

Realizing Effective Meditation

25 posts in this topic

Sso muuuuch better!!❤︎ Very simple and very difficult, because it's so subtle— which is the whole point of refining away one's habituation to following thoughts unawares.

Buddhism uses the disease as the cure, so watching over psychological momentum with nonpsychological awareness (once we recognize it as such), is the ancient method of subtle observation. To get to the point of recognizing the nonpsychological is itself a very subtle but tremendous insight to arrive at. It simply takes a long long time of 24/7 subtle, continuous unbreakable intent (subtle concentration). Rote formal meditation regimens are a way for some people to get started (in terms of enlightening practice), yet the formality of the (quiet sitting) method itself is neither the goal nor an effective venue for dealing with the Creative directly. As such, it is an entry-level introductory practice designed to help beginners recognize potential without getting hung-up on the environmental (ritualized culturally-identifiable "religious") trappings and associated habit-forming psychological factors.

I never got involved in formal meditation practice. I was tanned, took mushrooms and peyote, had committed lengthy simple relationships, wore killer lunettes (sunglasses) and still do, studied intense subjects deeply and thoroughly, alternately followed along and released according to conditions as natural as can be (with much suffering, I can assure you). Eventually, the film/fashion career passed away and my passion (for optics) has turned into pure observational astronomy (meaning no use of computer-guidance, motor-drives or cameras). I'm still guiding professionally in the field of ski-alpinism, and I have a very closely-aligned gig developing as a dominatrix. I posted a "mission" paper here on this forum in the Sexuality section of this forum a few years ago on the subject of BDSM. Nevertheless, I began to see potential and started learning the ins and outs of adapting potential to conditions on my own over a long period of time.

Just sayin,' meditation, per se, isn't a cut and dried "thing." The critical factor is the resultant nonpsychological rapport, which has no remainder; which means authentic subtle spiritual operation does not reify the person. It's a matter of working with essence directly without intermediary.

Getting back on-topic; perhaps you are already acquainted with such long-practiced non-formal meditative observation, Breakinkthewall? I mention it here for the benefit of the readers, 90% of which are not registered members of this forum. 

Due to the subtlety of the work, all on account of the extreme subtlety constituting the quality of awake, a deceptive strategy of unbending yet easy-going intent coupled with a relentlessly continuous non-discursive (nonjudgementa) scrutiny is what eventually cracks the euphemistic shell of unquestionable ego-identity issues. There isn't really a "shell" of sorts, but, as don Juan Matus described it, our being constitutes an egg-shaped luminously fiberous matrix on which is located an "assemblage point." Emanations from the source are perceived by the being at this assemblage point which can be moved at will by those with the skill. All beings are such, but only people look like "eggs" to sorcerers who see. I'm not a sorcerer or even a sorceress, for that matter. Sorcery can be taught, it's part of the science of Life. I do not have the predilection for such learning.

The challenge involved in this type of self-refining deep-psychology is in softening ego's shell without damaging it's inconceivably quickened functionality. Ego-consciousness is not another mind— there are no two minds. Mind is one. It's just that the psychological apparatus, through habit-energy, obscures the spiritually (nonpsychological) transcendent function— to its detriment. Whereas enlightening potential (the selfless intent of our Changeless nonoriginated nature) does not employ differentiation in psychological/nonpsychological operation because, already being the nature of transcendence, it obviates the divisive methods divorced (unevolved) ego-function employs.

I could also say that nondifferentiated awareness isn't "mechanical" in the way the discursive intellectual function is. It doesn't have physical or virtual neurological connections or "circuitry" if you will. What's crucial is that, being your own mind right now, just this is the functional perspective of real people 24/7. It is so in terms of karmically transcendent (non-suffering as Breakingthewall put it) liberation, whether you know it or not. Yet only those who know AND can act on that knowledge have the power to effect its liberative aspect in everyday ordinary situations unbeknownst to anyone.



ed note: changed "extended" to "lengthy" 1st line, add "(meaning no use of computer-guidance, motor-drives or cameras)", spelled BDSM wrong, added last line —all in the 3rd paragraph

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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22 hours ago, Yimpa said:

I’m trying to find the me who is meditating, but it seems that I went on vacation. Not to worry… by letting myself be, I set myself free :x

Haha~ join the club. It's just that you can't see yourself seeing is all. No one is different in that regard. The experience of sudden illumination is just one such occurrence of seeing seeing. It only happens once, though and you never do see seeing other than in terms of a knowing palpable (nonoriginated) potential being (as such) on the verge of going into action in perpetuity. That's as far as anyone ever gets (obviously, it's not the person who sees).

In practical terms, occasionally, the selfless aspect of awareness-potential surfaces in everyday ordinary situations. Those who practice some form of subtle observation eventually see "their own minds" on such occasions. It's not some other mind. What you recognize is a radiating presence subtly, as it were, in accord with reality. it's definitely you (but not the personality). This hide and seek game goes on for years and years until the effect of one's unbending intent starts stabilizing the shining mind more and more. It's a life-long process. There's no end to it, Yimpa.

it's never another time or place. It's not a mystical psychedelic experience. Such nonpsychological knowing, neither the person nor otherwise, is your birthright. People should avail themselves of this potential and endeavor to develop its potential according to one's own unique predilection. It's pointless to speculate on what it is. It's just the way it is and no one knows why. What is the point is to be ready when it arises, in order to become familiar with its (your) transcendent inconceivable nature.

This is realizing effective meditation, or, rather, realizing the effect of authentic enlightening practice, which is a seamless accord with nonoriginated potential (knowledge) in reality.



typo and finesse a parenthesized line in 2nd paragraph

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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14 hours ago, deci belle said:

This hide and seek game goes on for years and years until the effect of one's unbending intent starts stabilizing the shining mind more and more. It's a life-long process. There's no end to it, Yimpa.

There’s either no end to thoughts and beliefs, or there’s no end to your infinite nature. 

It’s the choice-less choice that is freeing 

14 hours ago, deci belle said:

It's pointless to speculate on what it is. It's just the way it is and no one knows why. What is the point is to be ready when it arises, in order to become familiar with its (your) transcendent inconceivable nature.

Good, I wouldn’t want one person to monopolize the truth anyway ;)

I AM Godzilla

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Two out of three isn't too bad, Yimpa. But it's still a twisted and inverted view. I'm going to get utterly granular for a little while, so bear with me…

As for "There’s either no end to thoughts and beliefs, or there’s no end to your infinite nature." I should point out that realizing effective (as in 24/7 authentic enlightening activity) meditation, cessation of thoughts and beliefs is precisely what occurs. Therefore there is an end to thoughts and beliefs because the psychological apparatus isn't used to adapt to delusion based on one's personal views. That's cessation in terms of subtle spiritual adaption. But we cannot separate "thoughts and beliefs" vis a vis "infinite nature" because the nature of both is ultimately the same. It's the view of "either/or" is what is tripping up the fact and power of reality in one's personal existence, because it is imposing a dualistic view (that destroys potential) onto what isn't dual in reality. It's the dualistic view itself which creates and perpetuates karmic evolution and its delusional existential paradigms. This is not a philosophical discussion because the truth is that when we create or own dual reality even by a universally and ancient human consensus, it's still a deluded view.

That's ok, because that's how it is (for the deluded). But even for those awakened and actualized to transcendent reality in the midst of delusion, it is possible (and necessary) to actually see reality. Knowing reality and being able to describe it in words isn't enough. The ancient saying is, "If you know but cannot act on that knowledge, it is the same as not knowing." The context of my writing is the deliberate expression of the fact that nondual (selfless) perception itself constitutes transcendence on the spot. Nondual in this context pertains to not employing views of self and other in terms of adapting to conditions. Self/other is a dualistic view. Spiritual adaption to delusional creation doesn't require action outside of the norm. It's simply a matter of seeing. When one sees reality, one responds to reality, In responding to reality, karma doesn't exist, so it isn't perpetuated in terms of the person because the perspective of enlightening activity is not relative to the person, it's relative to potential, which is inherent in the situation. That's why one does not depend on one's own power to adapt spiritually (selflessly) to conditions. Deluded conditions are seen as reality by perceiving potential instead of things (things being relative to personal views, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs).


The context of my writing is the deliberate expression of the fact that nondual (selfless) perception itself constitutes transcendence on the spot.

That one's personal views aren't employed to adapt to conditions is why it's selfless. Selflessness isn't a moral issue, it's just how it works. When one sees reality, it is because one sees potential (nature) instead of things. In seeing potential instead of things, one can use the spiritual (selfless nonoriginated) potential inherent in the situation itself to transcend karmic bondage while in the midst of delusion unbeknownst to anyone. It's totally natural. Since reality is inherent in delusion, there's no change. Expressing the Changeless in the midst of changes is the accomplishment of enlightening beings because they see Change. Those who see Change do not go along with its changes. And that, is transcendence.

In terms of "your" infinite nature, it's neither infinite nor yours (by my definition— and I'll say why). I'm only getting unnecessarily "granular" in order to express the truth of the fact that "your" nature has never begun. That's not a word-game, nor is it philosophical speculation. The term nonorigination points directly to the nature of awareness (that's what you are calling "yours."That's perfectly proper, but I'm making a special point here.  Awareness, the quality of awake, the spark of life itself, does not exist because it's not dependent on creation, whereas creation is dependent on "our" nature to exist. This statement is only a way of discussing what is really one and the same.

The highest teachings of all authentic wisdom traditions express the fact that the nature of reality and the nature of delusion is the same. That's why it is possible to transcend karmic (cyclic) bondage from within delusion itself by virtue of delusion. What else would one work with? Enlightening activity is simply a matter of seeing nondifferentiation where ordinary people see duality. Real humans (enlightening beings) do not have a mind for duality, so they don't see it. It's not a problem, though, because it's the truth. Deluded people don't have a problem either, because it's as false as their seeing is. So it's really a matter of whatever works.

 Nonorigination is another way of saying "not created." Therefore, "your" selfless nature has no beginning nor end. Now to say that "no end" is the same as infinite is a good point, but I like to save the distinction of "endless infinity" for the realm of creation, ie: the realm of thoughts and beliefs, because it's true. There is no end to them. Nonorigination, on the other hand, is beginningless. That is not to say far away in time or space— but simply due to the fact that it has never begun. And THAT, is "your" nature. It's called inconceivability, the same way that everyday ordinary nonpsychological awareness is inconceivable— and for the same reason. The only reason it's real is because it's not created. And why is that? Creation is not primal, but to say that means it comes "after" is not valid. There is no "before" or "after" in terms of reality. Therefore it can be manipulated. One can only say that the creative aspect constitutes duality, and duality isn't real, because it's not undifferentiated essence; it's only "apparent."

So, not to be too picky but still needing to make that distinction and saying why is the only reason I seem to be such a ball-buster here.

Actually you are describing the essence of both delusional and absolute natures in one sentence, but you are intending to separate them, so that's why I said "two out of three."

As for one person monopolizing the truth… have you seen your nature lately? Let me put it another way, rephrased from above: if you know the truth, but can't act on it, you don't know the truth.  How then can you monopolize it? If you cannot monopolize it (because you don't know or cannot act on it), why worry that someone else can? It's just a bad habit, Yimpa. If one wants to penetrate the subtleties, one must be commensurate with the nature of the subtleties. And since the truth of reality is not only the nature of nonorigination (transcendent knowing), which is nondifferentiated, there's nothing to monopolize nor is there monopolizing by selfless adaptivity. It's neither here nor there in reality. So, I wouldn't worry about one person monopolizing the truth, unless it were you…

There is an ancient sickness, as old as sin itself. It is the sickness of appearing to know when one does not know. Real knowledge is power based on seeing potential, which is not relative to the person. What would be monopolized by one person in terms of the truth of reality being neither conditional nor absolute, hmmmm?



ed note: whooops~ change first word from "one" to "two"; add quote (4th paragraph); add "What else would one work with?" in 7th paragraph; add last half of 8th paragraph

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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On 2023-06-22 at 3:31 AM, deci belle said:

Of course you can, because it's your nature and you are amply clear enough to resonate with just this when you sense it environmentally.

Since it's already you, you can cherish its resonance in your life as evidence of open essence perceiving itself, Sugarcoat.

That may sound très cosmique, but it's just how it sounds when someone like me uses words to describe the fact.


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