deci belle

Realizing Effective Meditation

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Someone wrote:



Is witnessing rational thought okay during meditation, or is the object simply to experience open awareness? 

I also find that while witnessing, I witness witnessing too. It feels a bit like ego, but it also feels like something else entirely. What is it that I'm experiencing? Am I on track? Or am I missing something entirely?


Often enough, formal meditation practice comes to be a temporary method of comfort or control, or else an experiential device for entering into “adventure” trance-states, which only serves to strengthen the illusion of psychological identity in the transformation-body.

The object of authentic zazen “just sitting” practice is becoming familiar with impersonal observation of the circumstantial mental activity (or not) of the thinker, knower and liver of life by a subtly quiescent scrutiny. However it is actualized is less important than NOT arousing the trappings of one’s mental activity to any greater degree than at whatever habitual level it is accustomed, in terms of one’s following thoughts unawares. Since such observation is carried out as a temporary expedient in order to dismiss mental adventurism of all kinds, in all times and places, it would hardly do to create minds within minds where there are actually none to begin with. Those who resort to trance-like methods of comfort would do well to reflect on this.

Why?  The profound and ancient traditions’ provisional exercises including specific meditative regimens exist to help eliminate habitual diversions and their spinoffs perpetually devised by the psychological apparatus which only serve to obscure naturally enlightening development in oneself. Such development clarifies an inherent ever-ready capacity to see subtle potential by just observing mind by mind without chasing diversionary sidetracks.

Breakthrough in meditative arts is for the purpose of discovering the hidden potential in situational parameters prerequisite for penetrating situational accord in a selfless (nonpsychological) capacity. Such capacity is real knowledge. That such knowledge has no object or subject relative to the person means that one’s immediate acquiescence into the workings of everyday ordinary situations is naturally carried out without selfishly complacent socially speculative motivation— even if it is accomplished within the context of one's own psychological (ego) enjoyment in trance-states. It's called practice in reference to a disciplined approach to a subject one has not mastered, being non-ego-motivated activity. This in itself is enlightening accord in reality. Enlightenment, per se, has no motive. How could it, in terms of its nonoriginated aspect? This, for the uninitiated, is what constitutes innocence in oneself, and purity in one's purpose.

Once an entry-level capacity for continuous subtle concentration is “isolated” from within the midst of habit-consciousness and other means of deviance from presence, one simply sees reality as is. Just this much carried out over a long time is sufficient to gradually displace egocentric views by natural nonpsychological effect. Observing mental activity at all times by mind does not require a particular posture. It really does not matter at all beyond an unbending intent to simply observe mind by mind.


“Is witnessing rational thought okay during meditation, or is the object simply to experience open awareness?”

One just witnesses mental activity (or not) without following its contents. Resting mind on itself without unconsciously following its activity is an ancient device to develop the basis for simply being in a state of independent awareness at all times. This is the benefit of observing mind. There is no other benefit that truly serves the selfless intent of authentic and gradual self-refinement subliminally entering into nonorigination.

This is so because the human mentality is unable to function independently by force of habitual reliance on externals reifying the person. This is because the psychological apparatus identifies as the being that is going to die, parodying existence only by comparing itself to objects not considered itself. Its function, having become unnecessarily personified, obscures real (selfless) being’s spiritual function. 

The temporary device observing mind by mind jumpstarts the natural process of self-refinement which gradually diminishes the artificial to arrive at the real, in terms of human being naturally independent of pattern-consciousness.

As for witnessing witnessing, this is a perversion of practical mind by mind scrutiny developed by all authentic teachings. Do not let this develop further. When noting this condition and it doesn’t evaporate on the spot, do not follow it. Just take a break for a while and start again later.

As soon as one can observe mind in the midst of everyday ordinary situations without following its thought-streams unawares, one should hasten to do so. Silent sitting is suitable for rank beginners. Real practice and adaptive power that does not depend on oneself develops gradually in the midst of ordinary situations. Though formal meditation is to be considered a temporary expedient, it shouldn’t necessarily be dismissed by adepts of advance self-refining practice altogether.

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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I was attracted to this post but damn that language is difficult 

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1 hour ago, Sugarcoat said:

I was attracted to this post but damn that language is difficult 

Get to the point!

3 hours ago, deci belle said:

This is because the psychological apparatus identifies as the being that is going to die, parodying existence only by comparing itself to objects not considered itself. 


I AM Godzilla

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:D @Sugarcoat Not much different than what’s taught at Yale University 

I AM Godzilla

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9 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

:D @Sugarcoat Not much different than what’s taught at Yale University 

U so silly 

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@Sugarcoat That was a good start, but having failed to gain entry by a hackneyed rationalism, you get impatient and miss what is right in front of your pointed nose. Enlightenment isn't an answer because there is no question. It's already your own mind right now— as in present accordance with reality as is. Meditation is an entry into inconceivability for some. It's not for everybody. I don't meditate.

As for the point of meditation in the first place… it is to stop habitual reliance on rational explanations~ you might very well benefit from that. Therefore it is a provisional teaching for beginners who aren't in a hurry for an explanation dumbed down for a quick fix of intellectualism.

My writing style is a device. There are some who like it— but then they aren't seeking to relieve a psychological itch as perhaps you are.

As for the clip provided by you tube poster: really? At least you satisfied mr Sugarcoat. Yawn…

I provide threads such as I do for those who already resonate with the content. For those who don't, there's nothing to explain because the subject is inconceivability itself. For those who do, no comment is necessary.

Otherwise, as I have been doing for the last fifteen years on a number of perceptually resonant forums, I'll clue you in: I'm not here for the social scene. Hopefully that won't come as a shock or as an affront.




Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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9 hours ago, deci belle said:

@Sugarcoat That was a good start, but having failed to gain entry by a hackneyed rationalism, you get impatient and miss what is right in front of your pointed nose. Enlightenment isn't an answer because there is no question. It's already your own mind right now— as in present accordance with reality as is. Meditation is an entry into inconceivability for some. It's not for everybody. I don't meditate.

As for the point of meditation in the first place… it is to stop habitual reliance on rational explanations~ you might very well benefit from that. Therefore it is a provisional teaching for beginners who aren't in a hurry for an explanation dumbed down for a quick fix of intellectualism.

My writing style is a device. There are some who like it— but then they aren't seeking to relieve a psychological itch as perhaps you are.

As for the clip provided by you tube poster: really? At least you satisfied mr Sugarcoat. Yawn…

I provide threads such as I do for those who already resonate with the content. For those who don't, there's nothing to explain because the subject is inconceivability itself. For those who do, no comment is necessary.

Otherwise, as I have been doing for the last fifteen years on a number of perceptually resonant forums, I'll clue you in: I'm not here for the social scene. Hopefully that won't come as a shock or as an affront.




To be honest, I find non dual talk quite boring and no “food for thought” ? So there isn’t really a psychological itch here related to that (although I can’t deny having psychological itches at all ?)

It was more that meditation has been on my mind recently and the energy I sensed from you created in me a sense that whatever you would have to say about meditation would be something that I could draw from in my understanding of it.

And I was genuinely impressed by your language level as I myself have this desire to improve my language skills , particularly in English (it’s my second language) . So reading what you wrote is actually helpful for me in this regard. 

I can sense what kind of impression you got from me - and I can totally see how what I wrote could give off that impression- but it isn’t really where I’m coming from with this ?


and yes it’s pretty obvious you aren’t here for the social part. We differ there? and hopefully me and that other persons silliness doesn’t seem disrespectful or something 



Edited by Sugarcoat

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No worries, Sugarcoat— now you know… there's not one bit of it to understand rationally.

In the midst of everyday ordinary situations, it took me fifteen years to hone myself in the struggle, then another fifteen years after the inconceivable breakthrough to stabilize the "achievement." I never dared utter a word of it for thirty years.

Now I hear those who immediately spray about every little supposed epiphany they have on this forum~ the Art of War refers to this kind of behavior as "the spoils of victory are lost in celebration." I've said it often enough on this forum, in an unrelated context, that the most difficult aspect of spiritual refinement is in the aftermath of experiencing authentic insight. In the context of alchemy, when one "takes over creation, and steals its potential— one must then withdraw the alchemical fire with haste, and seal the elixir in the empty vessel, void of intellectualism." If you really feel you have gotten it, be as if you had not. Otherwise you will have realized its potential in vain. Heed these words, because it happens to everyone, when they least expect it. I would not deign to fool anyone. The only way one benefits by absorption of spiritual potential is in NOT using it.

So, mr Yimpa… Yale? As if you have a familiarity with its button-down culture, hmmmm? Ugghhh. I hope not!

I had a free-ride at Harvard, only due to the fact that my family is one of the founding progenitors of that institution. I would have none of it. As a born and bred southern California native American (Juaneño Band of the Atahum tribe— Shoshone linguistic group), I opted for a much more casual experience at a Juliard-rated UC campus, majoring in dance and social science~ 3.00 GPA … by the skin of my ski-bum~ only because I defied the utterly childish dialecticism of the academic chair of my department (Princeton) pfffffff. He was the kind of person who could brag about his status as a psychiatric patient.  I told him to give me a D; I didn't buy his emic/etic dialectic— like I needed a degree where I was headed.

Otherwise, food for thought is precisely what the OP of this thread (and my content as a whole) is not.

Being relieved (in more ways than one) of one's preponderant reliance on intellectualism and literally taking a break from one's overweening thought-provoked psychological apparatus to the exclusion of one's enlightening potential is the lifelong process and WORK of self-refinement.

What is being refined away? The human mentality. It is only forgotten for an instant. The point of authentic self-refining enlightening activity is to learn to use the rational capacity sparingly, instead of exclusively. It's called liberation for a reason. The reason is MInd; it's not about the person.

One must either meet the challenge of lifetimes as perception presents itself or else stumble on as before when having conceived a glimpse of open wonder. Only the audacious have the wherewithal to forego the conventions of complacency and opportunism after such an event spontaneously occurs.

As for those who take it upon themselves to seek out such an event— and then artificially induce a deliberate interruption in conditioned consciousness by their own device with drugs because enlightenment isn't happening on its own fast enough? This kind of malpractice is to be pitied. It is much better to take really good recreational drugs (mushrooms and peyote, for example), recreationally— ask me how I know.

The futility of ego. There is a name for this kind of relationship with one's life: it's called spiritual materialism.

A few lines by Juan de la Cruz:



The conditions of a solitary bird are five

First, that it flies to the highest point

Second, that it doesn't suffer for company, not even of its own kind

Third, that it aims its beak to the skies

Fourth, that it doesn't have a definite color

Fifth, that it sings very softly


Aspiring to this in the context of a life lived in the midst of ordinary delusional existence and then carrying it out effectively with unbending intent through thick and thin unbeknownst to anyone is an incomparably more powerful practice than endeavoring to be initiated into a fashionable lineage, build altars, wear robes, endure "retreats" and other intrigues while bobbing up and down awash in samsara, only to gather thirty years of dust on the meditation cushion.

Don't get me started.



ed note: typo 3rd paragraph; change "in" to "into" in penultimate sentence

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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3 hours ago, deci belle said:

The conditions of a solitary bird are five

First, that it flies to the highest point

Second, that it doesn't suffer for company, not even of its own kind

Third, that it aims its beak to the skies

Fourth, that it doesn't have a definite color

Fifth, that it sings very softly


Great quote.

3 hours ago, deci belle said:

As for those who take it upon themselves to seek out such an event— and then artificially induce a deliberate interruption in conditioned consciousness by their own device with drugs because enlightenment isn't happening on its own fast enough? This kind of malpractice is to be pitied. It is much better to take really good recreational drugs (mushrooms and peyote, for example), recreationally— ask me how I know.

Not agree. if the opening to the unthinkable happens, it happens. the how is irrelevant. the glass is filled, the prodigal son, after years of wandering, has returned.

psychedelics do not guarantee that this will happen, but they do increase the chances. the psychedelic path is a path of surrender and humility. but as you have said very well above, all those who follow this path fall into an mistake, which is conceptualization. the psychedelic should be used as a tool that promotes openness, and not as something to obtain information that is later added to the mental structure. this is hardening the barrier instead of softening it, and is very common. 

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hahaha~ only because you are such a one, dear❤︎ Can you be natural about it? You're still justifying it because you're still too serious.

Forget all seriousness and embrace sincerity… open sincerity. Sincere openness beckons the Virtue of Receptivity to alight naturally.

Wouldn't that be wonderful? Wouldn't you like to enter into its wonder, hmmm?

Not to worry, not because you have room for doubt (I hope not) but because there's nothing you can do to help or hinder conditions. I only say that because I'm still not sure you have grasped that fact effectively. 

It's not about the person, and you haven't harmonized with that yet.

I only make a point of it due to a self-reifying insistence and an impatient bearing. As beings, we are inconceivably insignificant to the way's Power.

Either we resonate effectively with it or we don't. Can you open yourself to arrive in vulnerable submission to such subtle power virtuously— and without the use of drugs? Drugs are too crude for the exquisite field of nonorigination. Drugs are for blockheads, dear. Dismiss them entirely.

Virtue, as such, is not to be gauged by literalistic connotations. It is discussed briefly in a chapter or two of the Tao te Ching. And, while you're at it, make a point of seeking out its elucidation on the Mysterious Female and the Valley Spirit. The Mysterious Female is its opening and the Valley Spirit is its function. Anyone would benefit greatly by entering into its secret, but you especially, would do well to find expression in its incipience, mr Breakingthewall. When one passes through the aperture of the Mysterious Female, one can then make use of waterfire, and the alchemic process.

When you have succeeded in doing so, be sure not to tell anyone… not that Mother Nature won't know. You will then be a marked man.

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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On 2023-06-15 at 4:51 AM, deci belle said:

No worries, Sugarcoat— now you know… there's not one bit of it to understand rationally.

In the midst of everyday ordinary situations, it took me fifteen years to hone myself in the struggle, then another fifteen years after the inconceivable breakthrough to stabilize the "achievement." I never dared utter a word of it for thirty years.

Now I hear those who immediately spray about every little supposed epiphany they have on this forum~ the Art of War refers to this kind of behavior as "the spoils of victory are lost in celebration." I've said it often enough on this forum, in an unrelated context, that the most difficult aspect of spiritual refinement is in the aftermath of experiencing authentic insight. In the context of alchemy, when one "takes over creation, and steals its potential— one must then withdraw the alchemical fire with haste, and seal the elixir in the empty vessel, void of intellectualism." If you really feel you have gotten it, be as if you had not. Otherwise you will have realized its potential in vain. Heed these words, because it happens to everyone, when they least expect it. I would not deign to fool anyone. The only way one benefits by absorption of spiritual potential is in NOT using it.

That´s probably what I was resonating with, that energy of it having "settled down" for you. It gave me old wise woman vibe haha. Soothing to read in a way because of this straightforwardness. 

I relate to this tendency of keeping things to myself (my creativity, and all sorts of insights, even "shifts" I don´t understand yet, if I ever will...) as I sense how it has not "matured" yet so whatever comes out would not be a fair communication of it. 

On 2023-06-15 at 4:51 AM, deci belle said:

I had a free-ride at Harvard, only due to the fact that my family is one of the founding progenitors of that institution. I would have none of it. As a born and bred southern California native American (Juaneño Band of the Atahum tribe— Shoshone linguistic group), I opted for a much more casual experience at a Juliard-rated UC campus, majoring in dance and social science~ 3.00 GPA … by the skin of my ski-bum~ only because I defied the utterly childish dialecticism of the academic chair of my department (Princeton) pfffffff. He was the kind of person who could brag about his status as a psychiatric patient.  I told him to give me a D; I didn't buy his emic/etic dialectic— like I needed a degree where I was headed

Lova that independence of you!


On 2023-06-15 at 4:51 AM, deci belle said:

Otherwise, food for thought is precisely what the OP of this thread (and my content as a whole) is not.

Being relieved (in more ways than one) of one's preponderant reliance on intellectualism and literally taking a break from one's overweening thought-provoked psychological apparatus to the exclusion of one's enlightening potential is the lifelong process and WORK of self-refinement.

What is being refined away? The human mentality. It is only forgotten for an instant. The point of authentic self-refining enlightening activity is to learn to use the rational capacity sparingly, instead of exclusively. It's called liberation for a reason. The reason is MInd; it's not about the person.

One must either meet the challenge of lifetimes as perception presents itself or else stumble on as before when having conceived a glimpse of open wonder. Only the audacious have the wherewithal to forego the conventions of complacency and opportunism after such an event spontaneously occurs.

Love this WORK

On 2023-06-15 at 4:51 AM, deci belle said:

As for those who take it upon themselves to seek out such an event— and then artificially induce a deliberate interruption in conditioned consciousness by their own device with drugs because enlightenment isn't happening on its own fast enough? This kind of malpractice is to be pitied. It is much better to take really good recreational drugs (mushrooms and peyote, for example), recreationally— ask me how I know.

For a long time ive intuitively doubted the importance of such drugs (have never used myself) . Cant know unless i try i guess.

On 2023-06-15 at 4:51 AM, deci belle said:

Aspiring to this in the context of a life lived in the midst of ordinary delusional existence and then carrying it out effectively with unbending intent through thick and thin unbeknownst to anyone is an incomparably more powerful practice than endeavoring to be initiated into a fashionable lineage, build altars, wear robes, endure "retreats" and other intrigues while bobbing up and down awash in samsara, only to gather thirty years of dust on the meditation cushion.

Don't get me started.

I love your "attitude" towarss life, can recognize a bit of it in myself.  

thanks for sharing!

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On 16/6/2023 at 6:23 AM, deci belle said:

Drugs are for blockheads, dear. Dismiss them entirely.

They are too powerful and wonderful to do that. They exist to be used. wisely, with balance, but dismiss them? Never. 

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Power is what's powerful. You are only playing with drugs at this point—  seeking to justify its use is self-importance perpetuating the false identity.

When will you sweep it all away?

When are you going to be done fooling yourself, mr b?

Now that you have used your enlightening drugs, what now, hmmmm?

You are holding out; hedging your bets. I keep telling you it's NOT the person. It's not the person who sees the Absolute.

Drugs have never and will never take the person there, because it's not the person. It happens (if it does) of it's own accord, not yours.

Audacity is just that. Audacity is daring to do NOTHING. Why? How else do you prove that it's already the who that's always been aglow?

Doing nothing is having swept the field of perception right here right now, preserving the fundamental ,and maintaining clarity 24/7.

Gautama buddha admitted that absolutely nothing is gained by complete perfect enlightenment, and it's true. An instant of the Absolute is just seeing essence in terms of essence for the first time. It doesn't change anything. That's the point. Immortality is expressing changelessness in everyday ordinary situations. If it changed anything, it wouldn't be enlightenment. If you've already gotten that much from drugs, then it's time to move on. You don't need drugs, you need purity and selfless sincerity to cultivate a gracious emptiness to make room for grace to alight.

While you hide in plain sight, hoping Power takes you under its wing… hahhahahhahahhahhahahaahahahhahahahaaa

As soon as you stop fooling yourself, it's as easy as turning over your hand.

Hongzhi admonished students to simply accept the (nonpsychological) function, take the forward step, and share openly according to conditions.

Drugs won't do that for you. Have you seen nonpsychological potential obviating the personal perspective in the midst of situations? If so, then why pimp drug use? If you haven't arrived at such functional certitude, you aught to ask yourself why you haven't.

When you get the one, your work is done~ that is, when you know you're not fooling yourself anymore, or anyone else, for that matter, you know what you're waiting for. Taoism says to refine the self and await the time. What is the time? The time is the spontaneous arising of incipient celestial potential.

I temporarily took a time-out from ignoring you lately, dear~ don't make me change my mind…❤︎



ed note: typo, 1st line; hahahahhaaa~ shorten my script to make it fit in one line


Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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4 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

I love your "attitude" towarss life, can recognize a bit of it in myself.  

Of course you can, because it's your nature and you are amply clear enough to resonate with just this when you sense it environmentally.

Since it's already you, you can cherish its resonance in your life as evidence of open essence perceiving itself, Sugarcoat.

That may sound très cosmique, but it's just how it sounds when someone like me uses words to describe the fact.

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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11 hours ago, deci belle said:

When you get the one, your work is done

Well, perhaps some do a job to reach an end, I do it because I like it, so if I come to an end, I continue doing the same work, deeper. Those things that Buddha says that he has reached enlightenment, good for him. What I want is to expand my consciousness, to deepen in existence, because it is beauty. drugs, used well, are a first class tool.

one question: have you tried high doses of 5meos, lsd, psylocybin, alone? If you didn't, you don't know what is their potential, you're just expressing prejudice

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May you achieve the object of your tool-use, dear~ hopefully much sooner than you would have ever imagined …❤︎


My problem is that I like what this person has to say when he's not defending his precious drug-habit. Such a pity.

In case you were wondering, drugs aren't that great, and it is important for impressionable people who hear talk of sophisticated daring-do from the likes of one such as referred to above, and feel it's something they really ought to try— ESPECIALLY the synthetic derivations. I have absolutely zero (yawn) interest in tripping on chemicals. I worked on set as a cinematographer for over twenty years and hardly ever watched a movie I didn't have to be seen and screened. Why? I find ordinary reality infinitely more authentic than your average made for popcorn movie storytelling. I do not miss the Biz.

The real mystery isn't outside of everyday ordinary situations when one finally begins to see real potential and begins to responsibly manage liberation from karmic bondage while in the midst of delusional environments. Who knows there's nothing wrong or bad about delusional environments when one isn't perpetuating them in their midst— but that doesn't make them any less than dangerous. Really!! If you don't believe karma is dangerous, how can you hope to transcent its influence?

Taoism is VERY carful to warn people not to even let one's own mental concentration focus on any part of the physical body. There is a type unfocused but disciplined observational inner gazing that is safe and quite effective in one's guiding of psychosomatic energy or studying one's own body for health and sexual reasons, but it takes WORK and a long time to arrive at such proficient use of even these entry-level skills.

And yes, I do treat the kind of drug abuse that people tout on this website with extreme prejudice, simply because I've been there and done that (with natural plant psychotropics). As if I was going to get guilt-tripped by such a pathetic maneuver~ after all, it's a purloined, spiritually materialistic path that is ultimately, dangerously harmful.


Enlightening activity isn't a matter of getting there by self-justified drug-abuse; it's seeing your nature stone-sober and accepting the world as yourself without resorting to arbitrary chemical assistance. Enlightening activity is seeing delusion without minding— without knowing enough to mind. If you need drugs to do that, ok— but graduate already.

Drug ingestion isn't hard to do. Drug connoisseurs ought to be dedicated to the experience, having developed regimens for the purposes of "debriefing" in their aftermath, but it still comes at suuuch a cost to the totality of the being that is going to die.

The real work always comes after insight— regardless of the way it is "accomplished." One who has fathomed profundity knows insight isn't real either. Eventually, one has got to face reality without crutches— that's what ego is in a nutshell.

The reason drugs aren't worth the price of admission is simply because they're so self-destructive. Nevertheless, such drug-abuse is effectively identical to even common addictions to the various meditation-states some seek or even retail-therapies others indulge in on a regular basis (ask me how I know)~ there's really no difference at all.

Getting off isn't liberation. A profoundly lived spirituality isn't a psychologically attributable activity that transcends anything but the psychologically attributable. And the profundity is already who you are before the first thought. The work is all about recognizing that point of illumination and harmonizing your life to its naturally resonant unified awareness. No one knows that you do~ and that's not simply because there's nothing to know. 



ed note: fix the quote box

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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1 hour ago, deci belle said:

May you achieve the object of your tool-use, dear~ hopefully much sooner than you would have ever imagined …❤︎

I’m trying to find the me who is meditating, but it seems that I went on vacation. Not to worry… by letting myself be, I set myself free :x

I AM Godzilla

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I would say that the matter is simple and at the same time extremely difficult. it is about clearing this experience of the karmic and allowing a complete opening. Why? because the karmic, at the end, is basically suffering. Not because it's unpleasant, just because it's a veil.  One would say that it is a configuration of reality designed to evolve in this sense, but this is complicating things. I don't know the purpose of this and for now I don't pretend to know, I only pretend to clear the view. It is one thing to say what I have just said, and quite another to actually see it, and quite another, much more difficult, to do it, or allow it to happen. Any help will be welcome, and if the drugs are there, it would be absurd not to take advantage of them. rather unthinkable. This is serious and difficult work, and if we start with fears and prejudices, bad business. the goal is not to see the deceit as you have said, it is to realize the truth, and seeing the deceit is a means to it. the truth is revealed by itself to itself, we are talking about something extremely difficult, something that many have tried very seriously and has not happened in most cases, it's not an easy path. Here we have to go with everything.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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