
Why do we desire truth?

15 posts in this topic

Why is truth important?

Is truth all we have to go off of in terms of practical function of life?

What is life without any truth?

If there is no absolute material truth, how did we create civilizations that work off of the the idea that there are? What is the point of creating a civilization if there is no absolute material truth to practically hold it in place?

It almost seems that truth is what you decide it to be, if you are in the material world. As there is seemingly no outside argument or debate that can breach one's own personal material experience of any kind of truth.

What does it mean for something to be true?  Why would it mean anything other than your own experience? It seems that the way truth is expressively defined by others is a means, no matter how subtle or subconscious, to get you to align closer to their idea of truth, for the sake of socialization, human connection, & an overall sense of commutative support. There seems to be no absolute truth other than that of one's own experience. And wisdom is just the knowledge of how to practically manage & personally-favorably understand your own experience with that of everyone else's in a self-fulfilling way, such that you can be how you see fit.


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@Zion Truth is the foundation of good life. And people including me think that truth will hurt us but it turns out that truth only hurt in the short term but serves positively in the long term .

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6 hours ago, Zion said:

Why is truth important?

Is truth all we have to go off of in terms of practical function of life?

What is life without any truth?

If there is no absolute material truth, how did we create civilizations that work off of the the idea that there are? What is the point of creating a civilization if there is no absolute material truth to practically hold it in place?

It almost seems that truth is what you decide it to be, if you are in the material world. As there is seemingly no outside argument or debate that can breach one's own personal material experience of any kind of truth.

What does it mean for something to be true?  Why would it mean anything other than your own experience? It seems that the way truth is expressively defined by others is a means, no matter how subtle or subconscious, to get you to align closer to their idea of truth, for the sake of socialization, human connection, & an overall sense of commutative support. There seems to be no absolute truth other than that of one's own experience. And wisdom is just the knowledge of how to practically manage & personally-favorably understand your own experience with that of everyone else's in a self-fulfilling way, such that you can be how you see fit.


Leo does have a video entitled "What Is Truth" if you want to check it out.

Know thyself....

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7 hours ago, Zion said:

What does it mean for something to be true?  

What is true has to be real

What is real has to be you

What is you has to be true

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2 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Truth is non dogmatic, and is not violent, it's just there, waiting for us to be kind enough to notice her.

Dogma and violence can still exist as an illusory expression of Love.

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Hmm, what if the truth is that there is no truth? ;)

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13 minutes ago, Zion said:

Hmm, what if the truth is that there is no truth? ;)

Yes and no. Say no to you and yes to Love. 

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forget the truth, it is too abstract

what is the lie is the initial question

just contemplate

i talked about this in this forum plenty so won't waste your time

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1 hour ago, gettoefl said:

i talked about this in this forum plenty so won't waste your time

I’m dead. 

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On 6/9/2023 at 6:09 PM, Zion said:

Why is truth important?

Is truth all we have to go off of in terms of practical function of life?

What is life without any truth?

If there is no absolute material truth, how did we create civilizations that work off of the the idea that there are? What is the point of creating a civilization if there is no absolute material truth to practically hold it in place?

It almost seems that truth is what you decide it to be, if you are in the material world. As there is seemingly no outside argument or debate that can breach one's own personal material experience of any kind of truth.

What does it mean for something to be true?  Why would it mean anything other than your own experience? It seems that the way truth is expressively defined by others is a means, no matter how subtle or subconscious, to get you to align closer to their idea of truth, for the sake of socialization, human connection, & an overall sense of commutative support. There seems to be no absolute truth other than that of one's own experience. And wisdom is just the knowledge of how to practically manage & personally-favorably understand your own experience with that of everyone else's in a self-fulfilling way, such that you can be how you see fit.


1. Truth is important because it is what remains when all the lies are removed. If you even saw a sliver of truth, you would not ask that question, you would simply know. 

2. Everything that is not you is a lie. 

3. To experience, you create stories, these stories take a life on their own and then you believe these stories to be true.

4.  A "person" can only see truth, only when an identity is created, the lie, things go weird. What happens is that you know Truth when you see it, but you imagine that you don't. So, each identity is looking through his own screen that distorts truth, he knows it's true what he sees but is oblivious to the distortion.  So no, it isn't what you decide it to be. It is what you see and its appearance is changed by the limitations of the identity. However, it doesn't really change. 

5. " What does it mean for something to be true?": You can't explain what it means. It supersedes words.  You can only describe some characteristics. For me an experience was just infinite awesomeness. Imagine the most awesome experience that you have ever had in your life. Then double that experience, then double that experience, and keep doubling that experience to infinity. Another is that you just Know. I can't explain in other than that, it is just know. pure clarity. There is no such thing as complexity, just infinite simplicity. I can't go on about it, it just defies human experience. 

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What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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On 6/14/2023 at 0:40 AM, Zion said:

Hmm, what if the truth is that there is no truth? ;)

That just means that you have never seen truth. Just because you have not seen Truth does not mean others haven't or that it doesn't exist. 

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Because TRUTH is all there is.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Truth is all there is 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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On 6/9/2023 at 7:09 PM, Zion said:

What is life without any truth?

Unconscious illusion, or some say, falsehood.

Living the illusion consciously is Truth because You create all possibilities.

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I see that I got a little to philosophical for the practical nature of this section of this forum, so I will try again. 

On 6/9/2023 at 6:09 PM, Zion said:

Why is truth important?

It solves problems. It makes life better. It is worth doing. 


On 6/9/2023 at 6:09 PM, Zion said:

Is truth all we have to go off of in terms of practical function of life?

No, there is knowledge, power, position, health, relationships, management, technology, abilities and money. Truth is simply a higher power. 


On 6/9/2023 at 6:09 PM, Zion said:

What is life without any truth?


On 6/9/2023 at 6:09 PM, Zion said:

If there is no absolute material truth, how did we create civilizations that work off of the the idea that there are? What is the point of creating a civilization if there is no absolute material truth to practically hold it in place?

1. I have no idea what you mean by "absolute material truth" so any response will be off the mark. The creation of civilizations is a major subject, I don't know what you really want to know with this question. 

2. What?  The point of civilization is to make your life easier by working together with others. What are you asking? Do you even know? 

16 hours ago, Ajax said:

What does it mean for something to be true?  Why would it mean anything other than your own experience?

1. "The Truth will set you free". A very basic meaning is that it is liberating. 

2. When you start learning, experience is the only thing you can rely on. You can only judge truth for yourself. However, the more you advance, the more you realize....experience is bullshit.  It is about realizations, then it is about realizing those realizations are bullshit and on and on....But now, we are going off the rails... Great stopping point.

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What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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