
Best psychedelicum to enjoy media (movie, shows, concerts)

12 posts in this topic

Disclaimer: recreational usage of psychedelica is not recommended for beginners. This thread should not be a discussion about why to "waste" such substances on media. However for me I discovered, that consuming media gave me different insights into spirituality than just closing my eyes the whole time. I could open new chacras through pure enjoyment and entertainment with media. Also I remembered how I experienced these movies as a child. So to all the serious seekers here who get offended by this thread, relax. We are still doing spiritual practices here, just in a different way.

Let us share here experiences with psychedelics combined with media consumption. Which psychedelicum do you prefer on which dose?

I start here with a trip report of DPT:

me and my girlfriend took rectal DPT(me: 25 mg, my girlfirend 20 mg) 30 Minutes before going to cinema and watching the new disney movie Ariel in 3D . My girlfriend had first time DPT, so she was surprised it was like 5 meo and nausea kicked in.Also she had big fear because it was a new substance she is sensitive. Luckily as the new ariel film started her nausea went away. We were clear headed, no one recognized we were on drugs and everything was in control.

My girlfriend had a great time watching the movie on DPT. She said she was fully immersed. However music was normal, not enhanced for her. For me 25 mg rectal had almost no effect on me, so I need to take more. 

Overall DPT could have potential for media consumption but I think it is too hard to find the right dose here.

Edited by OBEler

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I've been watching movies with my GF on LSD for the beginner part while we got used to the substance and slowly increased the dosage.

Its always a beautiful experience. 

Edited by integral

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@integral Yeah lsd is a great substance for Media consumption. 

I think there is big Potential in tryptamines especially 5 meo malt and dpt. But would hear more experiences from others to do this again. 

Playing with such powerful substances needs a lot of experience before

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@Hello from Russia I  think you misunderstood the topic my Friend. 

Not which youtube Video is best for psychedelic but the other way around

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It you are into dissos, I remember having incredible fun doing low doses of 3-meo-pcp while watching stuff.

But not sure if that thing it's still available. 

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watching the chronicles of narnia on around 300 ug of LSD added an emotional and spiritual punch. aided by the nature of the movie itself being very Biblical of course.

I experiened ego death as Asland died and God consciousness when he came back, it was a gorgeous experience. not an easy trip by any means. like when Asland died, it felt truly terrifying. as if I was Asland. 

watched pirates of the caribbean right after and at this point I was profoundly sleep deprived as this was a latenight trip so I had the experience of just goofing off with my mates and wishing the trip would end so I could go to bed lol.

side note we had a friend who wasn’t tripping but he definitely also felt some effects from us. these things alter our brainwaves, which probably can also affect others.

Edited by Oppositionless

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@Oppositionless lol Yeah lsd is great for sure for these Kind of movies. Thanks for sharing the experience! 

300 micro.. Wouldnt the Charakters morph on the screen? 

Lol ego death when a Charakter dies on the screen? Thats hardcore :) this gives a new depth to movies 

Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler it was very much synchronized with the movie. 

and yes all the characters looked like fungi people

surprisingly I’ve had a much stronger trip off just half a tab and a 100 mg thc edible. my mates and I spent an eternity just staring at a neon soccer ball. thats kinda unrelated but yeah lmao just felt like sharing that

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I was watching "The wind rises" - I've got really beautiful emotions few days after it. 

I also was watching SIGGRAPH papers and it made me fall in love with mathematics



Edited by EugeneTheSage

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