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Cornel West For President?

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12 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

Maybe it's good I share my perspective eh? Don't want you guys to get lost too deep in a progressive echo-chamber ;)

How do you even make money?

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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No, calling Joe a pedo is not name calling - it's accurate. Look at the images above. And anyone that disagrees is lying to themselves. Normal healthy adults don't sniff and grope little girls. Period.

And what is the point of a forum discussion anyways if an opposing viewpoint is shoved out and not seriously considered? 

Not one person here seriously considered my points - and yes - I couldve come off "more nice" but thats exactly the problem. Most of what I see on here is a majority of forum members sucking on the tit of this idea that "If I just blindly follow the left, I'm doing the evolved thing!" why? "bEcaUse SpIraL DynAmicS SayS So!"

Which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of thinking for yourself... 

But whatever. I yield. I wasn't trying to start an argument, Just trying to understand why the towns I visited on the coast were so destroyed under democrat leadership, given its "more evolved"...

And if anyone has an answer, I'd love to hear you explain why most progressive run towns/cities are basically warzones.


Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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10 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

How do you even make money?

I create content and have a pretty big audience that supports me. 

I also run a freelancing business that helps brands and creators with online marketing.

Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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12 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

No, calling Joe a pedo is not name calling - it's accurate. Look at the images above. And anyone that disagrees is lying to themselves. Normal healthy adults don't sniff and grope little girls. Period.

And what is the point of a forum discussion anyways if an opposing viewpoint is shoved out and not seriously considered? 

Not one person here seriously considered my points - and yes - I couldve come off "more nice" but thats exactly the problem. Most of what I see on here is a majority of forum members sucking on the tit of this idea that if "I just blindly follow the left, I'm doing the evolved thing!" why? "because SpiraL DynAMiCS SayS So!"

Which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of thinking for yourself... 

But whatever. I yield. We'll see what happens 

Why not gather some serious evidence, instead of taking the lowest common denominator possible at what affects the U.S economy and give a more healthy conservative perspective instead, of "oh look it's a pedophile maga type of rhetoric". How about picking something specific and truely thinking inductively and not caring about pedophila? It's certainly odd. Nobody speaks like this if you notice.

If you actually gather facts you see how difficult it is. Yet this has become so loaded since Trump. I dunno makes me think less of americans generally speaking again, but w/e. It's an issue that americans seemingly lack moderate perspectives on stuff. Pointing out pedophila is the lowest thing you can possibly do. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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4 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

I create content and have a pretty big audience that supports me. 

I also run a freelancing business helping brands and creators with online marketing.

Out of curiosity, what kind of content do you produce? 

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Trump is clearly a child and a liar. Far from being a wise and conscious option regardless of politics.

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6 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Why not gather some serious evidence, instead of taking the lowest common denominator possible at what affects the U.S economy and give a more healthy conservative perspective instead, of "oh look it's a pedophile maga type of rhetoric". How about picking something specific and truely thinking inductively and not caring about pedophila? It's certainly odd. Nobody speaks like this if you notice.

I did. I provided many valid points that have nothing to do with pedophilia. Look at my first post:


The fact that we are allowing him to continue to make executive decisions and don't have in place some standard of cognitive health and mental performance that our President absolutely has to pass is insane to me. I mean this guy has access to Nukes, and he shakes hands with ghosts after he gives speeches NOBODY can understand! 

We are the laughing stock of the world right now, and it's only strengthening foreign relations like Putin and Xi Jinping, as well as China with Saudia Arabia and Iran - which will lead to the world leaders in oil to possibly making the switch from the USD to a new currency. 

I don't understand how anyone could want to re-elect a president that completely blew the withdrawal from Afghanistan, is actively sending billions of dollars to Ukraine to fuel a foreign war that the US will only profit from, now giving illegal migrants brand new iPhones with court dates 5 years out - while our own populations of homeless military veterans with no help of this kind continue to rise, and normal everyday people like myself face increasingly difficult living standards? 

I just pulled the "Joe is a Pedo" card because it's True, a lot of people here like to turn a blind eye to it, and a lot of people point fingers at Trump for much much less. So I wanted to see what was said if I directly pointed that out, and of course...


Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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5 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Out of curiosity, what kind of content do you produce? 

Videos mostly on spirituality.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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@VictorB02 With all due respect, we don't want any of your extreme right-wing dogmatic views on any of your posts here in this forum. 

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11 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

@VictorB02 With all due respect, we don't want any of your extreme right-wing dogmatic views on any of your posts here in this forum. 

You made my independent and valid critiques of the left into "dogmatic right wing views" I didn't do that. You did. You create it to be that if you call it that.

To me, it's intuitive choice based off direct experience and years of observation and study. What about that is dogmatic? Thats the exact opposite of dogmatic. Thats thinking for yourself.

Thats choice. 

Thats Consciousness.

Thats Love.

Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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10 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

Videos mostly on spirituality.

Dude, the point is even if you're correct and "trust me" I've seen the deep end behind stuff and this was pretty insane I don't have that much stamina to do a research that deep, and it was to coincidental. Even if you're a good hearted dude, I would seriously look at some moderate democrats perspective and gather serious data, instead of listening to "feels right bitterness trump" rhetoric. I talked also once to a guy in the military who voted for Trump and did psychdelics, he was open and full of love for beign there for people, yet this does not drive progress. Our technological and economic baseline as to rise and has to be optimized to feed many needs. For me it's shocking, to see that genuiently smart people vote for Trump, I would understand other candidates, but not Trump I would not even get into this guys family history. 

I enjoy healthy conservative and moderate perspective, yet please make a proper evaluation of strength and weaknesses this can even be subjective. I don't even engage in these talks. As I don't enjoy the lefts rhetoric, liberterian as well as right, the point is the moderats are often correct and the far-ends wrong. Of all THREE leanings etc. Just look 

I briefly re-read your post and America is currently nobodies laughing stock besides most likely the news channel, also how much executive power does the American president have? Trump signs thousands of decrees and needs to let this pass and can enact some I dunno, why not speak about the congress and the biden administration, as if it's one man doing all the work is ridiculous of a perspective. 

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1 hour ago, VictorB02 said:

Anyone would be better than the two choices we have now, but in my honest opinion, Trump is 10x better than the absolute disgrace of a president we have now, who definitely has dementia and is most likely a pedophile.

The fact that we are allowing him to continue to make executive decisions and don't have in place some standard of cognitive health and mental performance that our President absolutely has to pass is insane to me. I mean this guy has access to Nukes, and he shakes hands with ghosts after he gives speeches NOBODY can understand! 

We are the laughing stock of the world right now, and it's only strengthening foreign relations like Putin and Xi Jinping, as well as China with Saudia Arabia and Iran - which will lead to the world leaders in oil to possibly making the switch from the USD to a new currency. 

I don't understand how anyone could want to re-elect a president that completely blew the withdrawal from Afghanistan, is actively sending billions of dollars to Ukraine to fuel a foreign war that the US will only profit from, now giving illegal migrants brand new iPhones with court dates 5 years out - while our own populations of homeless military veterans with no help of this kind continue to rise, and normal everyday people like myself face increasingly difficult living standards? 

At least with Trump I could fill up my truck for less than $100 and buy eggs for less than $7.

It's insanity to me, and I know a majority of people I've interacted with recently feel the same way. 

Trump is by no means the highest potential of who we could elect for president, but out of the two evils - thats who my intuition tells me to go with. I've seen and experienced to much insanity from the left to feel safe giving them a vote to continue running things how they are. I mean just visit Seattle or any California Coastal town. These places are nightmares and warzones underneath democratic leadership. I just visited the Northern California and southern Oregon coast about a  month ago and my direct experience of these places is: HOLY SH*T! What an absolute nightmare of poverty. 

Reading this entire post was an incredible mind fu**.  Trump.....a man who stored classified documents concerning our nuclear weapons in an open ball room is 10x better than Biden...? Brother, you can't be serious with this. I could break down pretty much everything you mentioned but I don't think its worth it.

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@ValiantSalvatore Yeah I get what you're saying. I see what you mean. I just felt compelled to share my perspective, especially because I feel this forum is really missing intelligent right leaning perspectives, but we can put it to rest. I was a bit too fiery today.

7 minutes ago, abundance said:

Reading this entire post was an incredible mind fu**.  Trump.....a man who stored classified documents concerning our nuclear weapons in an open ball room is 10x better than Biden...? Brother, you can't be serious with this. I could break down pretty much everything you mentioned but I don't think its worth it.

Yeah we can agree to disagree there. Not even worth it.

Now back to the good stuff...


“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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52 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

And what is the point of a forum discussion anyways if an opposing viewpoint is shoved out and not seriously considered? 

There's a distinction between well-thought-out opinions and snappy reactive ones. If you express the latter, expect some pushback.

The reason people don't bother explaining things to you is that your responses lack genuineness and come across as flippant. No one wants to invest time in educating someone who doesn't want to be educated.

I get it, you feel like you're swimming against the current when expressing your right-wing opinions, but this forum is filled with edgy 20-year-olds who hold the same political views as their grandparents. This is not new, this is not revolutionary, this is just lackluster political analysis. This is not your fault, it takes time and effort to understand these topics.

The appeal of leftist ideas isn't because of some complex concept like spiral dynamics that hardly any leftist even knows about. People are drawn to leftist ideas because they often provide more systemic solutions to issues compared to the right. If you take the time to think about it, leftists care about the same problems you do. They want to address issues like homelessness by redistributing wealth and establishing stronger social safety nets. The right will try very hard to make you focus on some Biden LGBT pedo propaganda bs to shift your focus away from the issues you and leftists would like to fix.

This is not meant as an attack, but consider that you might not be as well-educated as you believe and open yourself to learning new ideas. Most people aren't very educated on these topics. You've identified significant problems, and if you genuinely want to find solutions, do some serious research. If politics isn't your thing and you don't want to invest your time in it, that's okay too, just don't be surprised if people confront you when you share half-thought-out opinions. 

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2 hours ago, VictorB02 said:

I don't understand how anyone could want to re-elect a president that completely blew the withdrawal from Afghanistan, is actively sending billions of dollars to Ukraine to fuel a foreign war that the US will only profit from, now giving illegal migrants brand new iPhones with court dates 5 years out - while our own populations of homeless military veterans with no help of this kind continue to rise, and normal everyday people like myself face increasingly difficult living standards? 

At least with Trump I could fill up my truck for less than $100 and buy eggs for less than $7.

Trump is by no means the highest potential of who we could elect for president, but out of the two evils - thats who my intuition tells me to go with. I've seen and experienced to much insanity from the left to feel safe giving them a vote to continue running things how they are. I mean just visit Seattle or any California Coastal town. These places are nightmares and warzones underneath democratic leadership. I just visited the Northern California and southern Oregon coast about a  month ago and my direct experience of these places is: HOLY SH*T! What an absolute nightmare of poverty. 

@VictorB02 Your points sound like they are coming STRAIGHT from some conservative media outlet. There's hardly any depth to anything you are saying.

All of this is highly nation-centric which is a very limited perspective. I'm hearing the narrative that what you're saying is about me, my country, my nation, my people...but at the end of the day, it's not about the US, it's about the whole entire world. As the leading military power, the US has a duty to maintain peace on this Earth...it would be an abomination to not help Ukraine in this situation, who Russia wants to usurp literally just because they don't like the fact that Ukraine has become more westernized (more like the US) and has swayed from Russia's collective values. It would be extremely concerning if we simply just allowed Russia to annex Ukraine.

The illegal migrant issue as well as the homeless and homeless veteran issue is a very complex and nuanced topic. Yes, all these illegal migrants and the perks they get do get mess with the balance and make life more difficult for a lot of people in the US but they come here in the first place to escape actual "nightmares of poverty"...I find it absolutely atrocious that you called the PNW  a nightmare and war zone...dude I have lived there my whole life and if you call that a nightmare then you better call Mexico the absolute darkest depths of fucking hell.

What we should be doing is funding and setting up more projects in Central America to help develop them so these countries are no longer shitholes that people need to flee from. I would gladly pay 2% of my income to these projects if they were set up correctly...but of course conservatives would lose their fucking minds if this happened and call it an infringement on their freedom and liberty and continue to get angry as hell when illegal migrants enter their country without ever fucking acknowledging why they came here in the first place.



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49 minutes ago, Godhead said:

There's a distinction between well-thought-out opinions and snappy reactive ones. If you express the latter, expect some pushback.

The reason people don't bother explaining things to you is that your responses lack genuineness and come across as flippant. No one wants to invest time in educating someone who doesn't want to be educated.

I get it, you feel like you're swimming against the current when expressing your right-wing opinions, but this forum is filled with edgy 20-year-olds who hold the same political views as their grandparents. This is not new, this is not revolutionary, this is just lackluster political analysis. This is not your fault, it takes time and effort to understand these topics.

The appeal of leftist ideas isn't because of some complex concept like spiral dynamics that hardly any leftist even knows about. People are drawn to leftist ideas because they often provide more systemic solutions to issues compared to the right. If you take the time to think about it, leftists care about the same problems you do. They want to address issues like homelessness by redistributing wealth and establishing stronger social safety nets. The right will try very hard to make you focus on some Biden LGBT pedo propaganda bs to shift your focus away from the issues you and leftists would like to fix.

This is not meant as an attack, but consider that you might not be as well-educated as you believe and open yourself to learning new ideas. Most people aren't very educated on these topics. You've identified significant problems, and if you genuinely want to find solutions, do some serious research. If politics isn't your thing and you don't want to invest your time in it, that's okay too, just don't be surprised if people confront you when you share half-thought-out opinions. 

Sure. I would say there is some Truth to that. And in many ways, I'm just acting out my Karma as a 23 year old, lol. But can you seriously say my points aren't valid, just because of my age?

I'm open to being educated. I didn't mean to come in hostile. But these are just very serious questions that I have that seem to be the downfall of the left for me. This is why my intuitive alarms are going off. That's why I'm asking here:

Why are democratically run towns destroyed by poverty and republican ones seems to be well kept, maintained, and cared for?

Why are we allowing a president to continue making decision when he is obviously not cognitively healthy enough to do so?

Why are we allowing thousands of undocumented immigrants and caring for them more than our own homeless citizens?

Why does mainstream news outlets and the left hate Trump so much? Why are they so afraid of him? Why do they favor the left so much more?

These are legitimate questions I am seeking answers for.

Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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29 minutes ago, Wyeth said:

@VictorB02 Your points sound like they are coming STRAIGHT from some conservative media outlet. There's hardly any depth to anything you are saying.

All of this is highly nation-centric which is a very limited perspective. I'm hearing the narrative that what you're saying is about me, my country, my nation, my people...but at the end of the day, it's not about the US, it's about the whole entire world. As the leading military power, the US has a duty to maintain peace on this Earth...it would be an abomination to not help Ukraine in this situation, who Russia wants to usurp literally just because they don't like the fact that Ukraine has become more westernized (more like the US) and has swayed from Russia's collective values. It would be extremely concerning if we simply just allowed Russia to annex Ukraine.

The illegal migrant issue as well as the homeless and homeless veteran issue is a very complex and nuanced topic. Yes, all these illegal migrants and the perks they get do get mess with the balance and make life more difficult for a lot of people in the US but they come here in the first place to escape actual "nightmares of poverty"...I find it absolutely atrocious that you called the PNW  a nightmare and war zone...dude I have lived there my whole life and if you call that a nightmare then you better call Mexico the absolute darkest depths of fucking hell.

What we should be doing is funding and setting up more projects in Central America to help develop them so these countries are no longer shitholes that people need to flee from. I would gladly pay 2% of my income to these projects if they were set up correctly...but of course conservatives would lose their fucking minds if this happened and call it an infringement on their freedom and liberty and continue to get angry as hell when illegal migrants enter their country without ever fucking acknowledging why they came here in the first place.



Dude, I live in the PNW which is why I am so saddened by the current state of it. This is my own home too. You think I want it to be a war zone?

And I know it's not all about us. But what help am I, If I can't even afford to fill up my vehicle, buy food, and rent a place for myself? Thats real life shit man. Thats struggle. Thats not coming from some news outlet. Thats coming from me going to the gas station, going to the store, and going to the apartment listings and realizing just how hard and difficult this is going to be given our current economy under the Biden admin. If we get 4 more years of Biden and no change to the economy, there is no fucking way I'll be able to meet my basic survival needs without serious help. Thats why this admin is frustrating to me. 

Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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Trump literally disbanded the national pandemic response team before covid, persistently dismissed covid's seriousness as a 'liberal hoax', and once the pandemic had ravaged countless lives he took action to diminish covid testing, willing to sacrifice human life to preserve his public perception regarding covid numbers...

What kind of gullible mental patient looks past this heinous shit?


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Im super pumped about his announcement, I've been following him for years and saddened to hear that he wasn't treated at Harvard with enough respect.  

Even if he doesn't win, its going to be important for America to move in the direction of a 3rd, 4th party.   

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1 hour ago, Tanz said:

Im super pumped about his announcement, I've been following him for years and saddened to hear that he wasn't treated at Harvard with enough respect.  

Even if he doesn't win, its going to be important for America to move in the direction of a 3rd, 4th party.   

If West gets just 2% of the vote and paves the way for a Trump or DeSantis victory, there will be no viable path for a 3rd party. It will permanent one party rule. 

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