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Meditation from Pain Nation

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I wasnt sure if i should be asking this topic in the Consciousness or Mental Health section.

As i myself am suffering from mental health issues, albeit i am suffering from a long journey of pain...

And in regards to meditating or sortve 'imagining'... actualizing... whatever word you would use for contemplating and feeling-out an emotional experience, such as mine.... I'd like to traverse alot of issues involving pain by meditating or... well... you know, obviously im not saying im going to heal myself w/ my mind even though id love to learn how, but rather... ...

... I am now interested in how someone elses experience has gone... In other words, "what am i suppose to be 'feeling' when i meditate correctly... the feeling that would allow me to perhaps -> transcend these un-traversable obstacles and come out the other end with... something that doesnt feel like a loop of pain and totally obliterated physically/mentally."

Can anyone translate what a meditative experience feels like, in terms of the 'feeling' ~ perhaps minus a place of pain, but still applicable in a profound sense and thus it had a sense of enriching importance.

And maybe ill be able to then imagine this myself.

Edited by kavaris

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i suppose it was difficult to interpret.

i'll start with; how we share differences & similarities in sortve the 'ASMR' aspects to a variety of things, such as different youtube videos.

For example, Leo's voice in some respect is like an ASMR experience, right?

... I think there's something to hearing someone in flow state or.... I'm not really sure what it is. Its this abstract thing that (especially while in pain) helps to persevere through. And Leo is a good example. Its a... flo-statey type've thing that registers (to me) better than - the more subtle, gentle aspects of ASMR, as such when you're not in physical pain.

To conclude, there's something to voices for me, while in pain. Its at a specific level of frequency that penetrates the madness, the pain and the indelible thoughts drawing dark matter into my matter. into my soul.

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My paradigm has completely changed, thus i thought i might atleast update this thread, or rather, give it a good refresh.

I'm no longer in pain. I had to have surgery. Although it was not a pain-free exp, i eventually relaxed into my new way of life, which being in pain for so long, it is so utterly different for me now. I mean, i feel like im 3 years old again, internally.

I dont mean to brag, i just simply mean to highlight the difference in paradigms.

I no longer am looking at the world the same. In fact, ive grown closer to a very specific spiritual aspect (i can explain at some other time)

I just recently posted to someone else's thread - in a thread about 'stomach issues', and the stress he is undergoing. It might be important for everyone to go help him, and give him some love and info / especially if you have had the same experience and got through. I know i did. I had very intimate experience, and im even going through now.

So yeah, keep your eye out for others in need.

Edited by kavaris

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Meditation is when you're just observing the feelings and allowing them to be. As you allow everything to be you become like a super conductor. Nothing sticks to you, everything just passes through and you realize you're still there, untouched by any negativity, untouched by any emotion, always perfect, always one with god.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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