
Is a 100 hour work week viable?

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You can try it but if you get too stressed it won't be worth it if it makes you sick.

It will most probably work for a certaint amount of time while you're in your twenties. I worked and went to night school for 2 years to get access to universities and it sucked. I had maybe one day a month off to see friends because I was learning, was sleep depraved and gained almost 15 kg because I had no time to prepare food. At least I had good collegues and friends at school. I liked my job so I extended my contract longer and longer.

Finally I had to work far less and  a different job because I the stress stressed out my nervous system and I got autoimmune disease. 

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You need some forms of rewards to keep going. Elon Musk has rewards because the whole world is watching him so he has the attention and he keeps going. Of course, you can also argue that he's a fanatic or that he has a vision of what he wants to do.

For normal folks, you are going to have to push through the work to do 100 hours of work weekly or you have to let go of the fact that you won't be getting enough rewards but you still have to push through.

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You need to put in unconventional efforts if you want unconventional results.


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Its possible but you need to be extremely driven and resisilient(especially mentally) and you will need to sacrifice a lot to pull it off. 

But in most cases quality work is not possible if you push yourself that hard and most people are not really built for that kind of lifestyle. In most cases when you work that much, you don't really work, but half of your time and energy is just being spent on you trying to cope with the stress that coming from your work + from the fact that all the other parts of your life (outside of you work) is shit and not maintained and or underdeveloped.

+ sometimes you have to wonder whether you are doing that much work because you actually want to do it vs you are using it as a coping mechanism to not have to deal with all the other issues in your life that you can't necessarily solve or that are really hard to solve and maintain (ie relationships).

Edited by zurew

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On 2023-06-09 at 11:02 PM, Leo Gura said:

Because they are workaholics who got nothing else going on.

If they had even an ounce of spiritual sense they would not be promoting such crap lifestyles.

The most successful people tend to be unbalanced, obsessive workaholics. Because that does tend to produce success. But at what cost? There is way more to life than business success. To reduce life to that is an abomination onto God. So it's no wonder that these people are godless materialists.

@Leo Gura

To play devils advocate, What about Sadhguru?  He probably works more than Elon musk and is one of the most spiritual developed avatars in the world.

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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2 minutes ago, SamC said:

What about Sadhguru?

Sadghuru is an incredibly exceptional person, but even him would be probably 2-3x more developed if he wouldn't care about helping humanity and would just purely focus on his own development.

Most people probably won't reach his level even if they start their spiritual work from their childhood.

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No one can answer such a highly original question as no one ever thought of it. And you can't answer it through logic as well.

I recommend you try the 40h work week, work yourself up to 80 and report your findings.


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19 hours ago, SamC said:

@Leo Gura

To play devils advocate, What about Sadhguru?  He probably works more than Elon musk and is one of the most spiritual developed avatars in the world.

You are not Sadhguru. Be ware of trying to emulate genetic freaks.

It also matters what kind of work you do. It's not like Sadhguru is coding at a computer or flipping burgers 80hrs a week.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 hours ago, zurew said:

Sadghuru is an incredibly exceptional person, but even him would be probably 2-3x more developed if he wouldn't care about helping humanity and would just purely focus on his own development.

Most people probably won't reach his level even if they start their spiritual work from their childhood.

You are helping yourself when you help others. It is called giving and receiving. They are one of the same.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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If you really love your work, working 100 hours a week is easy. I think what Elon Musk says here is a little bit of an exaggeration. 

You have to take into account Elon Musk has a peculiar brain that is unlike most of us, with a tinge of aspergers syndrome, which would have isolated him greatly. With great isolation, of course you will read read read, but with a cost where his kinisthetic intelligence or social intelligence will be at risk.

It's not too difficult to imagine Musk being hyper obsessed with his science and engineering work as he does.

Imagine, Edison or Tesla being like Elon. I would tell you, Elon is far obsessive than Edison because Edison and Tesla were able to socialize easily since they were children, but not Elon. God's sake, with a brain like Elon, and adding to that! Aspergers, You would be retarded not to be isolated and introverted forced by nature. Of course he is a mad scientist, more so than Edison, because Edison, though he was a scientist, was able to negotiate well, speak much better, be much more charismatic than Elon Musk. 

Of course it's possible to work like Elon Musk. You don't have to be have his brain to do that. If you love your work it's possible. But I don't know if it has to be 'hard' as he tries to show it to be. There may have been a tinge of his difficult past put into that.

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If it is in your nature you should do it. Try it out and see it for yourself. Not everybody's nature is the same so nobody can tell unless you tried it out.

I think Elon Musk is a freak of nature and he is in his element, if he would give his shit up and make a podcast and socialize and stuff that would take his fire away.

Elon Musk is a great model for SD orange which is an essential for the progressive stages. No value in being a SD green hippy who provides no value and talks smack all the time.

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