
Stayed away from this forum for 1 year. 80+ awakenings later, this is what I learned.

110 posts in this topic

22 hours ago, Dodo said:

what about those people who can't see colour? Somehow objective reality becomes different for them? How about if someone (god forbid) pulls your eyes out (which you dont have anyway - you wont mind, right?), then you are not going to see that apple.

Hi @Dodo I will clarify some thing from my current understanding.

There is no objective reality. If someone pulls yours eyes then there is no visual reality. All the reality that will be left will be reality of sounds, smells and other senses. Imagine a nigthly dream that has no visuals, but only sounds.



21 hours ago, Dodo said:

Suppose you are an eye surgeon. Guy above will put the dude out of business. 

That is not true. You can play a video game skillfully even thought you know that the eyes of the character do not receive light particles. It does not matter that it is a game, you have fun inside the illusion anyway. And knowing that it is the illusion can actually help you to overcome your fears and become a master at something that  you want, for example being an eye surgeon.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Whoa. This thread grew quickly. 

To my detractors, I think I have some explaining to do, and I’m happy to do it. Also, my apologies for going off on Holykael, I am just passionate about awakenings and I was just in the wrong for discounting his experience. 

Look, I’m not claiming to be enlightened or a zen master or to have all the answers. But the original post is still accurate based on *my* awakenings.

Here is a clarification, short and sweet.

1. *You* reading this post right now, whoever you are, are absolute truth. There is no one else conscious but you. So if we want to get in the weeds, you could claim that. Yes, you’re conscious and your consciousness is absolute.

2. Then HOW am I saying that others are real? Very simple. Relativity. Other people are you in another timeline.

Suppose God wrote a book with infinite pages. On page 450, Jose’s life, it reads that Jose met Diana. On page 789, Diana’s life, it reads that Diana met Jose. 

Can you read a book all at once? No! You read page by page.

You are the only one conscious *right now*, God is living / dreaming your life, but through relativity, god is also able to inhabit the people you interact with, in ANOTHER timeline.

You make two YouTube videos dressed up as different characters. You’re fully Freddie Kruger in a costume in video 1 and fully Jason in video. You record both videos, and what do you do know?

You start watching. Can you watch both videos at once? NO! You watch each video separately.

Gods mind is only where it is. In this case, you. However, the other avatars are also conscious because God “played them” or will play them in a separate timeline.

It’s just that there’s only ONE YouTube screen to play movies. So God lives each life separately and absolutely, yet in the relative domain “others were YOU in a past or future life”.

You indeed don’t have a head or brain or eyes because your POV is just a SCREEN. 

You are NOT the human being you think you are. You are a dark void.

you don’t have or need a face because YOU are the source of the projection. Your POV IS itself the screen and the projector.

These are concepts that are really really hard to translate into words but hopefully this clarified it a bit.

I stand by my claims:

1. Others are real, they are you past or future. 
2. Your experience is a projection and you’re not seeing anything, instead, stuff is BEING in your consciousness RAW without any filtering mechanism.

3. You have no head or brain or eyes.

4. Reality IS a moving painting. You’re projecting it RIGHT NOW.

5. You are real and I am real. We are the same being playing cosplay in different timelines. 


To summarize: You are the conscious YouTube player playing videos thinking he is a human with a brain and eyes, even though your POV you are transparent and void.

you’re on video 156,000 and I’m on video 178,000 - both being played ON THE SAME SCREEN which is absolute. 

But the OTHER videos still exist in the database of YouTube and you can play them anytime you want.

This database of videos is infinite and each video IS REAL WITHIN YOUTUBE but is NOT real OUTSIDE of YouTube.

But only one video can play on the sacred screen.

Your visual field IS the YouTube player and I’m telling you that others are just other videos that you made and you’re just watching them one by one.

The screen is absolute. The videos are relative.

There is no brain, no eyes. No little man in your brain Seeing colors.



Hope that helped

Edited by justfortoday

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To supplement, Solipsism is like saying you are the only video on YouTube. LOL

NO! There’s an infinity of videos and each one is a different life you could say.

Solipsism is literally saying that only YOUR video exists and that the entire platform is just made for YOUR only video.

no no no no…. thats a trap.

There IS AN OBJECTIVE REALITY but it is non physical. It’s like the scene in a game.

The experience is absolute reality, and the apple is really red. You are NOT seeing the apple.

The apple is existing in all its redness - within your consciousness which is the YouTube player.

But reality exists as absolute and relative.

You don’t need a brain or eyes to see the redness of the apple because objective reality is IN your consciousness.

An infinite headed monster penetrating the same ball of light from all angles .

Edited by justfortoday

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To summarize.

You and I are videos in YouTube’s database.

God is watching your video right now, and God is watching my video right now.

But both you and I are being played on the same YouTube player. Literally the same.

The two videos aren’t played at the same time, one at a time.

But the videos still exist in YouTubes DB and are as real as the video being played right now (you). 

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11 minutes ago, justfortoday said:


The two videos aren’t played at the same time


are u sure

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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On 7.6.2023 at 6:51 PM, justfortoday said:




  • There is no infinity of Gods, this is another trap. There is only ONE being who makes infinite copies of itself to embody avatars in its dream. They aren't separate gods.

I think we all knew that. Even the bhagavad gita spoke about that thousands of years ago.

thanks for your insights though

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All that exists is NOW.  Everything else is being dreamed up by Infinite Mind - or that which can't be spoken as it has been called.  AKA Infinity - AKA God.  All objects - both self and other - with brains and without brains - are indeed imaginary.  Formed reality is identical to that of a dream- a dream of One Mind.   

Why would an Infinite Intelligence go through the trouble of keeping a database when it is Infinite and it all can exist as nothing?  Why would it hold a database of so called conscious entities - because remember - humans aren't the only beings with brains.  Even ants have a brain, which supposedly holds consciousness.   Does it have a database of a gazillion ants and there experience?  And why would it limit it to "creatures" with brains?  Why couldn't it experience itself as a chair?   This is kinda where your ideas fall apart.  It would have to hold a database of every experience as a chair, or a couch, or an atom, or a molecule, or a quark..and you see this circles around to everything and nothing, because you can break reality down forever.   Other selves aren't conscious because even the self isn't conscious. This is the materialist or brain paradigm.  Consciousness can appear to take any form and then imagine it is separate from other form.   And thus consciousness is dreaming itself to be a self where there are other selves, both human and animal - all of whom hold consciousness within a brain.  All of this is an illusion.   Because there is no difference between your mother and the couch!!!  They are all fragments of Consciousness...but it is very easy to be fooled about that because the materialist paradogm taught you that because you have a brain you are having a conscious experience.   It is very easy to fall into the illusion.   But really, all there is, is right now.  Only what is actual.  Consciousness was never held in a brain.   

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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5 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

I think we all knew that. Even the bhagavad gita spoke about that thousands of years ago.

thanks for your insights though

Apparently not because a lot of posts in this forum reference the infinity of gods concept. 

I am just trying to help. That’s it. There are spiritual people that could be helped with these insights. It’s not Anything else than that.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

All that exists is NOW.  Everything else is being dreamed up by Infinite Mind - or that which can't be spoken as it has been called.  AKA Infinity - AKA God.  All objects - both self and other - with brains and without brains - are indeed imaginary.  Formed reality is identical to that of a dream- a dream of One Mind.   

Why would an Infinite Intelligence go through the trouble of keeping a database when it is Infinite and it all can exist as nothing?  Why would it hold a database of so called conscious entities - because remember - humans aren't the only beings with brains.  Even ants have a brain, which supposedly holds consciousness.   Does it have a database of a gazillion ants and their experience?  And why would it limit it to "creatures" with brains?  Why couldn't it experience itself as a chair?   This is kinda where your ideas fall apart.  Other selves aren't conscious because even the self isn't conscious. This is the materialist or brain paradigm.  Consciousness can appear to take any form and then imagine it is separate from other form.   And thus consciousness is dreaming itself to be a self where there are other selves, both human and animal - all of whom hold consciousness within a brain.  All of this is an illusion.   Because there is no difference between your mother and the couch!!!  They are all fragments of Consciousness...but it is very easy to be fooled about that because the materialist paradogm taught you that because you have a brain you are having a conscious experience.   It is very easy to fall into the illusion.   But really, all there is, is right now.  Only what is actual

im using the best analogy I can use for explaining.

you’re saying the exact same thing as I am.

there are no Brian’s - there’s only the dream of other people having brains.

that ant is you in a past life.

still no brain. Only the screen of consciousness which is Yea, now.

You’re not getting the larger point I’m making.

kinda sad that I can’t communicate my experiences here with words.

Edited by justfortoday

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1 hour ago, justfortoday said:

You are the only one conscious *right now*, God is living / dreaming your life

I would say that this more like this: nobody is dreaming nothing.  let's see, infinity is, since it cannot not be. the absence of limits makes it inevitable that everything, absolutely, immediately, is. Since there were never limits, everything has always existed. infinite. the absolute total infinity is you, exactly now. Well, you...  the total existence, but it's exactly you. At this exact moment, your experience is being created because the Infinite is blind to everything except the very thing that is creating your experience.  any partition of infinity is complete infinity. then, at this exact moment, infinite experiences are occurring. yours is the only one because you are the infinite totality, and the others are the same. the mechanics of infinity is incomprehensible . if you die, your experience would be the entire infinity. but at the same time you are having all the other experiences, which are infinite. you've had them countless times. infinite, beyond comprehension. the finite is not real, it is an illusion. reality is infinite, and its magnitude is such that is equal to absolutely nothing. 

the cycles in infinity are infinite, it flows infinitely, it cannot not be, it is completely inexplicable because there is nothing else to explain it. something to make you lose your sanity  

That is why you can never be alone, you are always surrounded by yourself, by infinity. one experience is the same as another, they are only forms, and all the forms are perfect because they are. the essence is being, and it is you, always here, existing. It's an abyss. looking at it is vertigo, but it is total freedom

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@justfortoday well I prefer to think of it as every other possibility, exists as nothing, or pure potential.  But of course, even something IS nothing.  But what I added to my post above is that because brains are irrelevant, you also have to concede per your explanation that there must be experiences as atoms, or molecules, or quarks, or.....you see where I'm going?

Edited by Inliytened1


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Hey guys, 

I’ve tried my best to communicate what happened to me…. These are not conclusions of logic and reason but I actually experienced them and God showed them to me during awakening. 

I humbly present these insights because I am telling the truth and these are the downloads of info I received and became conscious of.

if it helped you, that is great.

im simply humbly sharing my awakenings and I just want to express that these awakenings made me suffer greatly.

through tears, the dark night of the soul, terrible sadness, realizations.

i am not sure how to communicate to you using logic, that I was literally plucked out of the scene I was in and thrown into a white void where I experienced some unbelievable things.

it’s been a really tough time for me. Only in the last couple of months did I put everything together

i hope someone out there is able to understand what I tried to communicate.

I promise that what I am saying is absolutely true, and you can find out for yourself.

sorry for stirring the pot. I was just trying to help.

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11 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@justfortoday well I prefer to think of it as every other possibility, exists as nothing, or pure potential.  But of course, even something IS nothing.  But what I added to my post above is that because brains are irrelevant, you also have to concede per your explanation that there must be experiences as atoms, or molecules, or quarks, or.....you see where I'm going?

What @Inliytened1 refers to as potentiality in nothingness, @justfortoday refers to as database.

I prefer @Inliytened1 use of words because database can suggest that it is actual in some way but only Now is actual.

Just like when you have dreams at night, you only have one dream and your Mind has the capacity to dream every other dream but I wouldn't say that other dreams are "stored" in some part of the brain. It just pure potential of the Mind to dream up something different, so I would not say that others exists. But you will experience their POV. If you will want to as Godhead.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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4 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Hey guys, 

I’ve tried my best to communicate what happened to me…. These are not conclusions of logic and reason but I actually experienced them and God showed them to me during awakening. 

I humbly present these insights because I am telling the truth and these are the downloads of info I received and became conscious of.

if it helped you, that is great.

im simply humbly sharing my awakenings and I just want to express that these awakenings made me suffer greatly.

through tears, the dark night of the soul, terrible sadness, realizations.

i am not sure how to communicate to you using logic, that I was literally plucked out of the scene I was in and thrown into a white void where I experienced some unbelievable things.

it’s been a really tough time for me. Only in the last couple of months did I put everything together

i hope someone out there is able to understand what I tried to communicate.

I promise that what I am saying is absolutely true, and you can find out for yourself.

sorry for stirring the pot. I was just trying to help.

Dude, your post is great. A lot of clarity in it. Thanks for it. Everyone is just always further distilling everything on the forum, but I am sure majority of people can sense your genuine desire to share direct experience :x

Edited by Arthogaan

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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4 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

through tears, the dark night of the soul, terrible sadness, realizations.

That's because they are still limited. In your direct experience, the barrier that makes you seem finite has not been completely broken. If it had, you would dance and shout looking at the sky: Hallelujah! because infinity is total freedom and total love, and apparent experiences are completely irrelevant

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11 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

But you will experience their POV. If you will want to as Godhead.

Precisely.   All of this is as he says- pure magic.   Because it needs not be stored anywhere.   And whats crazier is that what is right now is everything and nothing...right now it is both the Actualized and the potential.  It's just fooling you into thinking it's just one possibility....the possibility that you are being @Arthogaan right now - when in fact you are all of it.  You are me and @justfortoday just as much as you are "you".    It just requires a shift in consciousness to realize.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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19 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Dude, your post is great. A lot of clarity in it. Thanks for it. Everyone is just always further distilling everything on the forum, but I am sure majority of people can sense your genuine desire to share direct experience :x

@justfortoday you are beloved here and it's good to see you back after your long journey.   I have thought about you from time to time.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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22 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@justfortoday you are beloved here and it's good to see you back after your long journey.   I have thought about you from time to time.

Thank you both. I really appreciate that. <3

I hope I can one day communicate the things that I experienced, but I'm not even sure I would be believed.

Ever since I was a kid I have experienced paranormal phenomena, but the things that I saw during my awakenings, I cannot unsee, and I will forever wonder why me?

If you notice my first post, I am not speaking about Love, Purity, being, etc. I am simply giving an explanation as to what reality is, and what was revealed to me.

I had an experience where I became the entire screen and my consciousness was spread out evenly in all directions to infinity.

I can't explain how scary, and terrifying that experience was to me.

Sometimes I cry and cry because I wish I could go back into ignorance some times, and could live a simple life, but my childhood, and my whole life for that matter, has been marked by what I call paranormal.

I've seen dead people, I've taken a photo of a tree, and then saw it was covered with skulls made of smoke, and a few hours later my grandma suddenly died from an abdominal aneurysm.

My life has been very strange.

I hope there was a bigger reason for all these experiences.

What I can *can* say for absolute certainty, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt, ultra-verified experientially, is that this reality is *mystical* in origin. In other words, magic is real. It is literally the force that was needed to bring reality into existence, although it always was. It's the precursor to everything else.

Magic. To realize that magic is at play here. That it is mystical and not mechanical. That we are magical beings.

That reality is weirder than you could ever imagine.

THAT is jaw-dropping when you realize it. Earth shattering when you experience it.

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9 minutes ago, Vibes said:

@Inliytened1hat is Absolute Solipsism. I am Consciousness / Mind, mistaken to be looking through a corner, thinking I'm behind imaginary eyes. My head is the world.

It is Absolute Truth. Your mistake is to label it as some belief and then hold a bias about it.  Notice how your mind holds a bias towards Solipsism or the idea that you are Alone as God.   Notice that.  

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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