
Stayed away from this forum for 1 year. 80+ awakenings later, this is what I learned.

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Hello Actualized community, 

Some of you might remember me from a long time ago when I was just beginning to awaken, and I contributed some of my knowledge and tried my best to help the community with these subjects. I purposely stayed away from this forum and Leo's videos to dig deeper into awakening, god, reality, whatever you want to call it. 

I'll be speaking with a relative "I" — before anyone frets. 

I've had 80+ awakenings in the span of a year. I have been spiritually gifted since I was a kid, without even knowing it, but I seem to have a pretty easy time creating the experiences that lead to awakenings. There were periods where I had multiple awakenings in a single week, and the majority were NOT drug induced. I made sure to always write down the revelations that I learned and I am ready to share them with you all.

I had experiences where I was literally sucked out of the scene I was in and thrown into an empty void of pure light, love light. 

I am going to make this short and sweet. This is meant to help you awaken quickly. 

Before I start though, you're going to have to accept some shocking truths, so before you read this, please open your mind. Trust in what I am telling you here. I have personally verified every single thing I am about to share.

I will refer to God as "That which cannot be spoken" — as the word God is a bit silly.

1. You don't have a face. Notice for yourself, that you feel like you are located above your neck, but notice that instead of your face, you have a huge open window. This open window is your view of the world. Instead of your head, you have the world. The world is your mind. But it's not your physical mind, somehow inside a brain. No, no, no..... your mind is absolute and is shared with everything else.

Prove it to yourself. Try to locate your head, and point to your face. At no point does it reach you. There's nothing there. Instead, you have colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, touch, etc. The entire room in which you are right now is a "part" of your head. 

Your head is the godhead. It is completely empty, is nothingness, yet it exists. 

2. Reality is a moving painting. The colors, sounds, smells you are experiencing are NOT the byproduct of your brain. I repeat. They are NOT a product of your brain. There is no light going into your "eyes" (you have no eyes, or face) — there is no brain to turn audiowaves into music. 

When you hold an apple, you think that you are seeing the redness of the apple in your brain, but notice that you aren't looking at anything.

The apple is existing, IN your consciousness. It is BEING inside of your head. You are not seeing it through no mechanism. Reality is RAW and you are compressed into it and through it.

When you see the red of the apple (unlike science which says that colors only exist in brains) what you are experiencing is what Gnostics call The Truth.

Sounds, colors, smells, feelings, thoughts. – THAT IS OBJECTIVE REALITY.

You get it? You aren't hearing or seeing at all, because reality appears 1:1 instantly in the screen of your consciousness, which is that void that we talked about.

3. Close your eyes. Realize that when you close your eyes, that dark field is really you. You are the entire dark field in which reality appears. When you close your eyes you cannot locate yourself. You just see an endless void of darkness with no edges or divisions. This is what you would call your soul.

Your head is a projector.

The colors you see are not happening in a brain, because the brain would need to have a physical screen upon which the colors are looked at. They have to exist in some way for your visual field to appear. Therefore this is false. No brain.

4. Is Solipsism true? No. Other people ARE in fact conscious as they are other *instances* of yourself in a parallel timeline being imagined by consciousness simultaneously. 

REMOVE the idea that only your individual ego is having a conscious experience. Drop it. IT'S NOT TRUE. Other people are as conscious as you, but because THEY ARE YOU.

Other people are other POVs that "That which cannot be spoken of" is creating and animating through its presence.

The entire universe is like a program running in the mind of this unknowable conscious being. Your life is a program, my life is a program.

We are divine expressions of that being who is on an eternal quest to understand what it is, and it cannot do it without your point of view, because reality would be finite without your existence.

4. Is this being knowable? No. And please don't refute this with "But awakenings!" — "That which cannot be spoken of" is completely out of reach and is the literal bedrock of existence. It does not have a subjective experience like you and I do. It's asleep forever. 

Any awakenings you may have, are a connection to its SPIRIT, not its mind, as its mind is busy imagining everything.

5. Is there an objective reality? Yes. Even thought the entire universe is the dream of this being that is asleep, it exists, but not physically. The universe is all mind. But yes, there ARE people doing other things outside of your POV. It is all happening simultaneously, and through relativity.

But those people ARE you. Just in other avatars for that lifetime. Other people exist, and your ego is not alone in the universe.

You are at all times surrounded by infinite copies of yourself.

6.  Ghosts, demons, gnomes, fairies, and all other mythical creatures are real. I have verified this myself through multiple instances where I communicated with extra-real entities.

7. Magic is real. That's right. Magic IS MIND. Magic is reality. Magic is the power that was required to bring this dream into being.


Reality is NOT a simulation, NOT solipsism, NOT eternal suffering, NOT physical, NOT awful, NOT evil.

Reality IS a gift, IS a moving painting of pure light, IS magic, IS mystical in origin, and IS eternal.


I cannot express to you the absolute truth because I cannot communicate the experiences I've had, as they are ineffable. But trust me on the following:

  • Solipsism is false
  • There is no infinity of Gods, this is another trap. There is only ONE being who makes infinite copies of itself to embody avatars in its dream. They aren't separate gods. 
  • Reality is, again, a moving painting, and the painter is a being that is "asleep" and dreaming the entire universe up.
  • Reality was NOT created. It ALWAYS was.
  • Colors, sounds, feelings, thoughts are objective reality. The apple is really red. Water is really wet. You aren't seeing anything. Objects are existing in you.
  • Your visual field is a window or a negative sculpture. There is no actual "you" anywhere specifically. Rather, you are the entire visual field, and all the content inside of it. 

Hope that helps.




Edited by justfortoday

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Good stuff.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I would agree and have confirmed it all except for what you say about brains and solipsism. Brains and solipsism are unknowable. We cannot know for certain that reality right now is or isn’t rendered in a brain. However, we have evidence of other brains but not much our own. Because if reality is occurring in the brain, then I can never study my own brain because the brain I see in the mirror is a representation of what my brain is creating. The claim that the brain does not exist is like saying there is no camera that took the picture. It’s absurd. The Universe invented the brain to have a human experience. There is no human experience without a brain.

But what is interesting is that you claim that the brain isn’t perceiving reality but you claim that solipsism is false and others are conscious. You can never confirm this because like you said, what is in front of you is all that exists. You can’t see your own brain now head, so it doesn’t exist. Apply that same logic across the board and you will reach solipsism. This conscious field right now is all that can be known. There is no way I can know if anyone is conscious but myself. But I believe others are conscious because it helps me function in this social world to maintain my human existence/survival. 

You contradict yourself when you say the apple exists as its beingness without a need for a brain. But your ideas of timelines and other consciousnesses are not taking place where the apple is. The apple and another human is just your consciousness. The apple does not have a separate field of experience and neither that human. Your mind is drawing these lines of a rock has no experience whereas the human bodies I see walking do.

If you think others are conscious and have a brain to perceive reality, then so do you by that logic. Hence, the contradiction. I hope I made that contradiction that I am seeing clear to you.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@justfortoday  when god revealed my soul to me it literally ripped me off the field and was like this is you i love you forever

I always pictured myself as not having a head but not having a face is better its like a beautiful painting flowing into my skull

that you can look further into where you look is where you are

Edited by Hojo

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Think of the brain being like a camera that filters consciousness. When I take a picture or take a video, there is a camera required for that image and video to exist. That image/video is a subjective representation of objective reality (AKA consciousness/existence/universe).

Of course there’s no right way of perceiving reality. You can do it with a telescope or microscope or naked eye. It’s all reality.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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9 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

I would agree and have confirmed it all except for what you say about brains and solipsism. Brains and solipsism are unknowable. We cannot know for certain that reality right now is or isn’t rendered in a brain. However, we have evidence of other brains but not much our own. Because if reality is occurring in the brain, then I can never study my own brain because the brain I see in the mirror is a representation of what my brain is creating. The claim that the brain does not exist is like saying there is no camera that took the picture. It’s absurd. The Universe invented the brain to have a human experience. There is no human experience without a brain.

But what is interesting is that you claim that the brain isn’t perceiving reality but you claim that solipsism is false and others are conscious. You can never confirm this because like you said, what is in front of you is all that exists. You can’t see your own brain now head, so it doesn’t exist. Apply that same logic across the board and you will reach solipsism. This conscious field right now is all that can be known. There is no way I can know if anyone is conscious but myself. But I believe others are conscious because it helps me function in this social world to maintain my human existence/survival. 

You contradict yourself when you say the apple exists as its beingness without a need for a brain. But your ideas of timelines and other consciousnesses are not taking place where the apple is. The apple and another human is just your consciousness. The apple does not have a separate field of experience and neither that human. Your mind is drawing these lines of a rock has no experience whereas the human bodies I see walking do.

If you think others are conscious and have a brain to perceive reality, then so do you by that logic. Hence, the contradiction. I hope I made that contradiction that I am seeing clear to you.

You can use logic all you want. The experiences I have had and the extreme awakenings have revealed this information to me.

What I said is absolutely true and if you wanted to investigate your own existence you’d come to realize how absurd Solipsism is.

And I’m not saying that you don’t have a head for others to see. What I’m saying is that for your POV “that which cannot be spoken of” placed your center of consciousness right where your head should be.

where is your visual field happening? Where are the colors in your brain. Absurd.

my awakenings tell me what I said is accurate. I trust experience more than I trust logic.

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5 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

Think of the brain being like a camera that filters consciousness. When I take a picture or take a video, there is a camera required for that image and video to exist. That image/video is a subjective representation of objective reality (AKA consciousness/existence/universe).

Of course there’s no right way of perceiving reality. You can do it with a telescope or microscope or naked eye. It’s all reality.

This is backwards.


the colors instantly appear in your consciousness.

I had an NDE which was documented in this forum years ago. Trust me bro. This shit is crazy.

Don’t try to use logic to understand the ineffable. 


Edited by justfortoday

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This is very helpful, thank you for taking the time to write it so well and concise. 

The way I understand it right now, ''my'' experience defines actuality, so EVERYTHING ''outside'' ''my'' experience is (second order) imagination. 
So everything that is not within the now of experience is potential and everything that is is actuality. What is within or without is completely relative to where I draw lines between forms of course, but this distinction has been very useful to me to articulate my understanding of all of the solipsism talk. Actuality and potential is one, but due to limits of the mind and it's compulsive thirst for sense-making actuality is what feels really real. Then everything outside is graded on an arbitrary scale of 'real, even though I can't see it' to 'completely imaginary'.
Both Paris, France and Gondor, Middle Earth are potential, but the world has given me the confidence to assume that I can, right now, book a flight to Paris and it will be there. It's faith. Same with people. All other POVs are potential, ''my'' POV is actual. Even further, my mother's POV and Gandalf's POV are also both potential. One is not more real than the other, that would be bias. 
''I'' like to think I am special and everything revolves around me. ''My'' body moves the camera and is the center of action, it holds the thoughts and sensations, it is the main actor. This is, of course, bias and delusion, there really is nothing special about my body and my thoughts, but it feels so because I created this duality actual - potential.
Actual is not better than potential, my character is not more real than other character, my thoughts are not more real than other's thoughts, it's all bias and sense making.
So there is one moving picture that is everything and whatever appears or disappears is a matter of the ''main'' character making distinctions. The picture is God, it's all there is, God is Oneness, he can't really talk to anything but itself, it's Absolute Solipsism for God, the silent witness, show and the audience, but a dream full of people for me, the character, the one who talks.

Am I on the right track? I only recently started piercing the veil while sober, I am well behind in terms of amount of awakenings.

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Bro. In the solipsism video leo admitted he is imaginary and that he doesn't exist if im not looking. Once on LSD i had an awakening in my bathroom that while I was in it all that existed was the bathroom and nothing else. 

You are my mind participating in self deception.

I already seen how other people are manipulated by god and do things that don't make sense. My father knew things he couldn't possibly know. 

My POV is absolute in this instance of reality. In the next reality someoje else's POV will be absolute and the only thing in existence. Other people arent feeling anything right now, it's impossible because there is only one consciousness, one instance of feelings. Other people are just objects in my POV. It's just a simulation of how they would act and feel if they were real.


Edited by Holykael

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40 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Bro. In the solipsism video leo admitted he is imaginary and that he doesn't exist if im not looking. Once on LSD i had an awakening in my bathroom that while I was in it all that existed was the bathroom and nothing else. 

You are my mind participating in self deception.

I already seen how other people are manipulated by god and do things that don't make sense. My father knew things he couldn't possibly know. 

My POV is absolute in this instance of reality. In the next reality someoje else's POV will be absolute and the only thing in existence. Other people arent feeling anything right now, it's impossible because there is only one consciousness, one instance of feelings. Other people are just objects in my POV. It's just a simulation of how they would act and feel if they were real.


You're not well, I can't believe nobody tells you to get help?

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52 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

You're not well, I can't believe nobody tells you to get help?

Lol if you actually existed you wouldn't be well either.

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I’m here giggling because you are clearly delusional.

You sound like a fool.

I am as alive as you cannot imagine because you are letting yourself be guided by videos on YouTube versus TRUTH.

I will let you dive further into your Solipsism.

Maybe don’t litter this thread with your Bullshit with capital B.

Seek help.

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8 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Lol if you actually existed you wouldn't be well either.

I also find it offensive that you reply to something I put my life on the line for while having these awakenings.

You think you just get to override that with your solipsistic bullshit?

have some fucking respect, you philosophical zombie.

If you’re so sure that you’re all alone, WHY ARE YOU EVEN REPLYING TO A THREAD AND CALLING ME BRO?

I’m calling you out big time right now.


No wonder why you are still trapped in misery.

I won’t honor you with another response.


Edited by justfortoday

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@Carl-Richard Feel free to lock this thread before the same fools turn this into a solipsistic orgy of self delusion.

Edited by justfortoday

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The first point is pretty similar to the concept of Having No Head by Douglas Harding.

Anyway, good stuff, this is real spirituality.

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55 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

@Carl-Richard Feel free to lock this thread before the same fools turn this into a solipsistic orgy of self delusion.

You know for so many awakenings you surely sound like you have a big, fragile ego that can't be argued with. Holykael is literally telling you that he had proper awakenings as well and ended up with different conclusions than yours and you immediately try to discredit him because you feel threatened by it. 

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solipsism, as explained in this forum, is absolute, but absolutely silly. it is obvious that if reality is infinite, so it's one, here the solipsism is true, but there are infinitely many versions of it. everything has already existed infinitely many times, that is, it exists now infinitely. that is what infinity means. Of course, if you try to define infinity from the limited mind, you will reach limited and relative conclusions, and quite toxic for credulous minds. 

Btw, The description that the op made is quite good, but i think it's limited. You can penetrate deeper. I'm not agree when he said that the deep reality is always sleep

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 hours ago, justfortoday said:

@Carl-Richard Feel free to lock this thread before the same fools turn this into a solipsistic orgy of self delusion.

I'm accepting more and more that people will use whatever pointers they want, and even though some pointers absolutely suck and are constantly misunderstood in my opinion, most pointers kinda do suck and are constantly misunderstood. That is the case no matter how enlightened the messenger is, and in a space like this where all kinds of people can inhabit the role as a teacher, these things are inevitable. I don't often give this advice (because it's obvious), but if you want the truth, go discover it for yourself. In spirituality, forums like these are best used as practical advice and social support as a means to that end. If you like listening to people talk about awakening, actually listen to somebody speak in audio and preferably video format, even better face to face. The words are only a fraction of the communication.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, michaelcycle00 said:

You know for so many awakenings you surely sound like you have a big, fragile ego that can't be argued with. Holykael is literally telling you that he had proper awakenings as well and ended up with different conclusions than yours and you immediately try to discredit him because you feel threatened by it. 

Actually, he is negating MY experience and says that only he exists, therefore negating my existence.

Whether or not I have a fragile ego has nothing to do with my findings after nearly 80 awakenings in 11 months.

He is flat out saying that I am "his mind" performing self deception on him.

If he truly believed his Solipsistic theories he would not be responding to a thread on a forum. 

His findings are absurd, as I am here conscious typing on my computer, which is very much real. 

I am not claiming I am enlightened, or that I don't have imperfections in my character. 

Enlightenment does not exist, it's pure fantasy. You cannot EVER fully awaken and stay enlightened. It's a never ending process of self discovery.

Others are extensions of yourself, but they too have an internal and private experience which is MORE real than what materialistic, or solipsistic theories posture it to be.

Holykael keeps spewing Solipsistic bullshit yet being inconsistent in his reasoning, and furthermore, keeps talking to "others" on a public form, do you not see the inconsistency? 

So please, spare me your defense of the indefensible. Holykael's behavior clearly shows that he is not mentally well.

And that is why I called him out.

And now I am calling YOU out for not being honest with him and also realizing that Solipsism is a mental disease.

I cannot agree with his findings, because they are not true. And I can prove at least to myself, that I am here responding to your defense of his idea that he is all alone and that we are all his own mind trying to deceive him.

Wake up. It's not that complicated to understand the truth.

The truth is that reality is INFINITE ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more real than you think.

I stayed away from this forum to actually figure things out by myself instead of looking for validation from others. 

You are reducing the Absolute Truth and beauty of "That which cannot be spoken of" — in which we are all existing.

You're not all alone, everyone is real.

The end.

Edited by justfortoday

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