
Why do LGBT people go after kids?

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6 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

@StarStruck how dare we tell your kid that he deserves being loved and treated with dignity even if he is gay.

How do you tell they are gay? Is there a process? Where is it written? Can a child self determin? Especially before puberty? Crazy how none of it is explained to anyone. Ofcourse it is not, because as proven by some conservatives it doesnt hold any scrutiny. It all falls apart after coouple questions. And to be honest I dont like those questioning conservatives either who immediately cashed in all their half-assed inquiry. Disgusting.

So to respond to your ironic remark: yes gay kid deserves being loved and treated with dignity. But go ahead and convince me there is such a thing as gay kid to begin with.

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badguy.jpg@Something Funny is angry. Let’s teach kids to respect him by sending drag queens to schools and teach them how to twerk and perform sexual acts. 

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Are there people on this forum who are still aware that Spiral Dynamics is an arbitrary sociological concept, not a universal truth?

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2 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

@Zedman Heterosexual preferences are already taught to children, which is innately sexual, you've just been trained to see it as normal.

According to the conservative narrative, a cartoon of a man and woman kissing is fine and innocent, but if it were two guys then it's lambasted as sexual indoctrination even though the focus is exclusively on the romantic affinity and nothing sexual. Literally nobody is talking to kids about gay sex, this is a complete lie made up by hate-filled inbreeders.

"Conservative" literally means nothing.

The majority of conservatives are in fact liberals who see LGBT organizing as a mixture of symbols, codes and above all as a lobby, as a potential threat of alienation for children.

There are also authoritarian tendencies, how to force football players to put up signs of support for LGBT people, etc.

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@StarStruck lol we on same side but if i remember correctly I have called you out before on bs attitude and 0 engagement skills. This kind of response serves 0 purpose but to feel good about yourself. I am guilty of trolling sometimes but it usually has a purpose. You are just going berserk.

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@Something Funny from the first reaction in this post you were laconic and trolling me so you can’t expect me to engage you in this way. 

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This kind of low-quality and reactive threads should not be allowed.
This shit throws off the entire forum its productivity, harmony, and purpose.
Most people here are nice, civil, and constructive while some ruin it.
The moderators and users here like to be spiritual and "Turn the other cheek" too much.
Turns this place into a place for petty sandbox fights.

Edited by TheNovice

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6 hours ago, Zedman said:

@Recursoinominado @trenton @Something Funny

You well know what OP is trying to inquire. If we didnt use "going after the kids" phrase, how would you put it?

Also what is even the official narrative as to why exposing kids to this stuff is a good idea? All you do is deflect and point in the opposite direction. Can you put it bluntly why is this happening/ needs to happen? Can there be compromise? Is it ok for a parent to opt out from this exposure?

This isn't hard. You could say "teaching kids about LGBTQ." The way it is phrased falsely implies grooming.

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4 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Are there people on this forum who are still aware that Spiral Dynamics is an arbitrary sociological concept, not a universal truth?

True. Some people attach too much significance to the SD stages. It is a maps of consciousness. The map isn’t the territory. Maps are just maps but it should be used for practical purposes only. 

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For the same reason math teachers groom kids by teaching them math.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Jeez can't escape the hyper-polarized twitter shitshow even on actualized forums now. Is there anything good that can come out of these outraged twitter "discussions"?

Edited by TheAlchemist

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

For the same reason math teachers groom kids by teaching them math.

Knowing math will help kid to survive. You know I actually see your point now.

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@StarStruck I grew up in a very stage green school and higher education system. I always was cringed out by all of the gay propaganda because that is exactly what it is: propaganda. Though it's obviously not the same as some nazi or communist propaganda so at least I am grateful for that. And I did not turn out homophobic so it worked on me haha. 

I definitely can see the advantages of all of that gay propaganda because it does stand for acceptance and in a bigger picture a more free and compassionate society. Though the danger lies in a complete overthrow of healthy good old down-to-earth conservative values, and that was missing a lot I was feeling. I see a lot of young people in society very confused and just not ready for the real world because they were always treated like a special snowflake, things like 'work', 'masculinity' and 'ambition' get too demonized nowadays.  

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Another thing;

Tbh I bet they're projecting; Christians have been indoctrinating children for thousands of years lolll in hundreds of ways, some extremely abusive 

Some fun facts on how christians indoctrinated [in relation to school systems]:

In 1925, there was a Scopes "Monkey" Trial, John T. Scopes, a high school teacher, faced legal consequences for teaching evolution, a practice that was against Tennessee law (teaching Christian world view over science)

Until 1962 supreme court case Engel v. Vitale, Christians put Bible teaching first thing in the morning until it was declared unconstitutional (for trying to mix church and school/state) 

Christians have had a serious role in not teaching proper sex education for hundreds of years 

Dozens more

A conscious stance is still pro lgbt in schools. But not the bad parts. But the stance is rooted first in pro. Just to teach it in healthy ways 

And what's funny is that the pro lgbt crowd comes from undoing  indoctrination from Christians 


Also this is not true "teach them how to twerk and perform sexual acts"

Edited by Jacob Morres

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Every society indoctrinates children. That's mostly how children are raised. Because if you believe in some set of values as the ultimate good, you would be negligent not to instill that good in your children.

It's just that one person's good is another's evil.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I do need to put my input here. It's not ''indoctrinating children'', as much as it is about educating children. Introducing education of the LGBT community into public schools is not about brainwashing children to be gay because that's impossible, you cannot groom people into being gay just as how you cannot use conversion therapy to make people straight. The reason why this education exists is to provide children with the resources to understand if these feelings arise within themselves. As well as how to make sense of how some of their classmate might have two moms/dads.

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Food for thought: if someone taught your children about the existence and history of psychedelic use by humans, would that be grooming?

Edited by Leo Gura

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To the progressives here - the issue isn't the teaching of the theory of LGBTQ+. It's the role-modelling and embodiment of it. 

If what parents considered 'normal' people taught about LGBTQ+ as this arbitrary conceptual 'group of people fighting for their rights', everyone would be fine. But, if the teachers belong to this group and appear to have their own personal agenda, this is where parents start to have a problem. This is where they get suspicious. 

Are their suspicions justified? No. The suspicions are an overreaction. But, if this conversation is happening before an age at which it should happen, that's concerning. 

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3 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

If what parents considered 'normal' people taught about LGBTQ+ as this arbitrary conceptual 'group of people fighting for their rights', everyone would be fine.

Nah, they wouldn't because they are ignorant morons. No amoung of argumentation will be enough to breaktrough their moral panic.

Pastors ans priests are fucking kids since forever and you don't see conservatives saying a word about "indocrination".

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