
Why do LGBT people go after kids?

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4 hours ago, gettoefl said:

who arbitrates such matters

Power. And when you have a lot of it you dont even need to explain anything.

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How do such low-quality homophobic posts get to stay up on this forum? There are people here equating gay people with pedophilic predators.

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20 minutes ago, Peter-Andre said:

How do such low-quality homophobic posts get to stay up on this forum?

I'm not sure we'll ever get an answer. We're just going to have to continue to deal with all these disgusting people in the name of open discussion I guess.

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1 hour ago, thepixelmonk said:

We're just going to have to continue to deal with all these disgusting people in the name of open discussion I guess.

That's what democracy and free society entails.

You can't just silence everyone with regressive or ignorant views.

Edited by Leo Gura

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18 hours ago, Kid A said:

I have friends who believe homosexuality is a mental illness, and I live in Norway, which may be the most developed country in the world. Nothing was won 5+ years ago. Homophobia is still a HUGE problem in the world. 

People can still silently or vocally aspouse their opinion. We live in the free(ish) world. You will NEVER eradicate racism/phobia completely, and the tools and policies you'd need to implement to do so would lead to a nightmarish reality, that thankfully we will never live in.


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13 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

When Hasbro rebranded their "Mr. Potato Head" item to "Potato Head" conservatives absolutely lost their shit. How can something so innocuous, so incontestably harmless possibly provoke an entire political group's fervorous call-to-arms as predictably as it did?

I'm not familiar with this case, but just reading this sentence and knowing the social climate we are currently in I highly doubt is was just an innocent coincidence from clueless decision makers in the company, but a political brand decision from Hasbro to insulate themselves from the Progressive mob that could attack their name and therefore hurt their profits from negative PR.

Nothing is innocuous, don't pretend to be deliberately naïve. You aren't stupid.

13 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

Nobody is talking to kids about gay sex.. ANYWHERE

While I'm sure they aren't being explicit about it or it being in a curriculum, the topic is needlessly exposed to kids in education (among other things). Obviously (being kids) they will ask questions. If they don't get those answers from the teachers (which I'm sure indulge them sometimes), they will figure out the answers from somewhere. All complicated and mostly needless information for those of such a young age. It's just a different flavor of the same kind of food of ideology, like religious conservativism.

Edited by Roy


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50 minutes ago, Roy said:

Topic exposed to kids in education

What is that you dislike about LGTBQ? 

I'm just going off your comments of not liking pride month, not wanting it talked about it schools, not wanting there to be gay sex etc. 

Genuine question nothing srs 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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26 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

What is that you dislike about LGTBQ? 

You are making assumptions about me and misinterpreted just about everything I posted. Not a big deal, just letting you know.

I never said I dislike LGBTQ, or pride month, or that there "shouldn't" be gay sex wtf?

I just think it's annoying and imposing how much it's advertised, and the insane amount of bandwidth it takes up in our culture. It's like trying to watch YouTube without an adblocker. Just endless pop-ups and ad's before, during and after every god damn video. People just can't shut the fuck up about their identity and how everybody still isn't accepting them, when we clearly don't live in the 1920's anymore.

The planet is literally on fire at increasing amounts every year now and instead of mobilizing everyone for an environmental war we should be fighting, we need to hear about genitals constantly. It feels like a collective insanity.

I guess something has to fill the void though in the never ending ideology battle to win the minds of the people.

Edited by Roy


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1 hour ago, Roy said:

I'm not familiar with this case, but just reading this sentence and knowing the social climate we are currently in I highly doubt is was just an innocent coincidence from clueless decision makers in the company, but a political brand decision from Hasbro to insulate themselves from the Progressive mob that could attack their name and therefore hurt their profits from negative PR.

@Roy Admittedly knows nothing of the case but already has mind made up that the woke mob forced Hasbro's hand ?.  Quite the opposite... Hasbro yielded to conservative backlash and reversed the decision very quickly. It's interesting how self-assured you are in matters which you admittedly know nothing about.

Now that we know it was actually the angry mob of inbred conservatives who forced their hand, will you concede that you've misinterpreted the political climate in favor of anti-LGBT sentiment while scapegoating leftists as the cancelation catalysts? There are plenty examples of this shit, I'm sure you're familiar with the Bud Light boycotts or more recently the Target boycotts, and now even the Chick Fil-A boycotts

Chick Fil-A is literally under attack by conservatives just for hiring a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion... Target is under attack for having shirts with rainbows on them, and Bud Light just for having a trans woman do a couple ads. Which side is the ludicrous angry mob again? No matter how thoroughly I expose your perspective as ass-backwards you'll still stick to your convictions with your head in the sand. It's very sad to watch.

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Get woke, go broke xD


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12 minutes ago, Roy said:

Get woke, go broke xD

That feeling when you fully know that you have no substantive merit to engage with the actual discussion matter, so you defer to some baseless conservative aphorism in lieu of mustering an actual response to the devastating defeat that your arguments just suffered. 


So first you falsely admonish the left for supposedly forcing Hasbro's hand otherwise they suffer monetary loss, then when it's literally shown that your side is causing that exact phenomenon, you laugh it off as "go woke, go broke lul".

This is just unforgivably stupid, embarrassingly inconsistent and outright devoid of any modicum of intellectual integrity. I knew you were never a serious person with any semblance of a respectable thought-process, but this is just pathetic.

Edited by DrugsBunny

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42 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

That feeling when you fully know that you have no substantive merit to engage with the actual discussion matter, so you defer to some baseless conservative aphorism in lieu of mustering an actual response to the devastating defeat that your arguments just suffered. 

Maybe you weren't pretending to be naïve after all. How sad... anyways. You think those companies making those changes are caving into pressure from Conservatives for only political reasons? They are massive capitalist businesses doing what's purely best for their margins. If they thought it was actually right and had reasonable conviction to "go woke", even if it meant taking a hit from alienating some of their consumers, then they would have stuck with it. They predicted they'd come out the other side with more money.

But NO. they did not. Because just like YOU, they can't read the room properly. It's not me misinterpreting the landscape, it's you. You falsely assume the damage is coming from just a fervent right wing mob, but don't realize large companies with that much resources to manage become successful by exercising expedient behavior. You speak about them like you feel bad for them, but don't realize they aren't on your side at all and don't share ANY of the same moral principles.

If you payed attention and followed the money you'd realize the sums involved are clearly influenced by more than just an aggressive conservative minority block of consumers. It's also a shitload of APOLITICAL, REGULAR people who are sick and tired of being force-fed woke ideology at every turn. Your failure and those companies failure to recognize and distinguish the two is exactly why Progressives will continue to fail, delay actual progress, and spark increasing unnecessary backlash for what it otherwise good intentions. You recklessly paint every single non-aligned party with the same brush and wonder why there is so much resistance. It's the stick in the bike spokes meme, but with massive societal consequences.

To quote the wise and mighty Emperor;

 Given your shared age, pretentiousness, and arrogance it's clear you're just another lost crusader. I would want to give you an olive branch if you didn't come off like a dog with rabies like every other progressive I've talked to on this forum. If I were a different mod I ought to have banned you by now, but I'm a good person who sticks to their principles :D even with the power I wield. So I'll let you off the hook.

Understand that I'll have to block you though. Enjoy your weekend!



Edited by Roy


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5 hours ago, Roy said:

Maybe you weren't pretending to be naïve after all. How sad... anyways. You think those companies making those changes are caving into pressure from Conservatives for only political reasons? They are massive capitalist businesses doing what's purely best for their margins. If they thought it was actually right and had reasonable conviction to "go woke", even if it meant taking a hit from alienating some of their consumers, then they would have stuck with it. They predicted they'd come out the other side with more money.

A moderator exposing his bare ass for all to see. ??
Nothing I said denotes that I believed anything different lol my dude, are you okay? 

Yeah, no shit they're just doing it for monetary security. What kind of deranged mental gymnastics have you concocted to convince yourself that I said anything different? Are you having a medical emergency? 

6 hours ago, Roy said:

Understand that I'll have to block you though. Enjoy your weekend!

Lmao, a fucking child. 

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@DrugsBunny You got your liberal points that are true but you get so angry and disgusted at people who have conservative views who don't see these points, while you also don't see their conservative points that are also true. I think you are just slightly less ignorant then a racist, homophobic, right-wing ideologist. It's just different truths you are ignorant about.

You think the majority of LGBTQ+ people who fight for the end of their oppression all have the purest intentions, when they have in fact been oppressed and most of them still carry the trauma from that? You think all the anger and disgust, which you also seem to have, is gonna make the world more just or beautiful? No, propably not. Even though the LGBTQ+ person has been treated unfairly, it doesn't automatically make his/her actions justified or good. Of course it would be just and good to give the LGBTQ+ person more rights and love, however, in this situation it's the job of the conservative person to keep that movement towards more rights and love for the LGBTQ+ controlled, so that the society, how it is, doesn't completely fall apart. And that job is just as important as the job of the Liberal person to push their movement foward. In our world the conservatives definitly deserve critique for their fullfilment of this duty, they don't do it perfectly, maybe even horrendously sometimes, but thats how the world is.

Of course you can blame the Conservative person for all the trauma the LGBTQ+ person had to go through, however would that LGBTq+ person even be alive today, in this relatively great world, without the conservative person? Maybe the Conservative Mindset of today was the Liberal mindset of the past. Maybe a long time ago in the past a woman-controlled, tribal society where everyone fucked everyone hated the idea of a few men who decided it would be best if everyone started strictly following new roles which they assigned the genders, so that they would be more efficent and build a bigger society. Maybe all of this is just an ongoing process of moving the world towards higher love.

Edit: I think the ideal Conservative and Liberal person respect each other.


Edited by Florian

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@DrugsBunny Your tone is consistently so obnoxious, hostile, and disrespectful toward everyone.

If this doesn't change you will soon be banned. Learn to behave yourself.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I think it's a kind of systemic issue resulting from the current manifestation of progressive ideology. I think a lot of people misdiagnose the core of the issue here. It is not that most progressives necessarily support the more extreme ideas on the left, rather if you are part of the progressive majority, you are not capable of ever criticizing any progressive ideas, in fear of being identified as a bigot.

In my eyes this dynamic stems from the way current progressive culture is enforced, which is by means of social ostracization and shaming, rather than through the expansion of empathy and reason. As a side note: That particular change in enforcement mechanisms I believe stems from the emergent dynamics of attention-maximizing social media algorithms.


Authentic progress in the long term cannot be sustained through social ostracization and shaming. There is a simple reason for this: With social ostracization and shaming, ideological adherence is enforced by means of fear, rather than authentic change, expansion of consciousness and understanding. Social ostracization and shaming leads to lack of reasoning capacities, due to a self-preservation dynamic. If I am a progressive, and I question the progressive agenda, I run risk of being ostracized, of suddenly being defined as an outside. This fear will prevent me from truly engaging with any of these topics rationally, because rationality is dangerous. Why is rationality dangerous? Being the process of reasoning requires you to make mistakes, to come to false conclusions. The current form of progressivism does not allow for that type of false conclusion to occur without the reasoner running risk of being framed as an outsider (transphobe, nazi, bigot etc.).

When the ignorant become evil, then ignorance becomes evil. And because reasoning will always reveal ignorance, reasoning is shut off, replaced by mindless adherence to the ideology. This is a stage a blue dynamic, a fear/shame based system, and naturally has the same limitations. It is susceptible to infighting and fragmentation, because different conclusion lead to mutual social ostracization and othering.

But more importantly, new adherers of the ideology tend to not have achieved the growth necessary to come to those conclusions themselves (through an expansion of empathy, understanding and consciousness), but rather have been indoctrinated into.

Because progressive ideology is enforced through group identities, meaning forced adherence to group norms through the threat of ostracization, an interesting runaway effect occurs. In contrast to say islamic ideology, which is designed to remain constant over time, progressive ideology fundamentally seeks expansion and change. In it's current form, it seeks to identify all bigotry and remove it from the world. The idea is: Bigotry is everywhere, we are susceptible to be unaware of our own bigotry, and anyone who is a bigot, even due to lack of awareness, is evil.

This simple ideological structure means any new progressive idea cannot be challenged by individuals identifying with the group, in fear of being bigotted in an unexpected way and therefore not being any different from the people who the group condemns as evil and regressive

This leads to individuals not actually being able to criticize the more extreme ideas on fear of ostracization and shaming, in addition to people no longer being aware of why they hold certain ideological positions, because they are not given enough time to authentically explore them, which inevitably leads to mistakes, which by current progressive ideology would result in your being designated an outsider/evil.


Progressives have an existential fear rooted in their identity, which is shaped by their ingroup: "Oh my god, what if I say something bigotted?"

If you negate a progressive idea, you very well might be revealed as a bigot. And this does not even need to be enforced through the group. Because each individual, as a cultural norm of the group, is engaging in the constant shaming and evil-making of the even the most mundane ignorance of others, the stakes are inherently existential. If you ever turn out to be bigotted, the hatred and disgust you have for so long pointed outwardly towards others, will suddenly be turned inward. This is a hallmark of stage blue dynamics, which are dominant in current progressive culture.

Of course, in the long term this type of system is unsustainable, because individuals fundamentally do not know why they believe in the things they do, making the system fall apart when cultural enforcement ceases, causing a certain level of regression. To the individual, this will be experienced as freeing, not because progressive ideals are all wrong, but because the means by which they were upheld in that individual mind were through shackles, through fear and shame, rather than through understanding, empathy and consciousness.


To the conservative, what is worrisome is not the actual stance of the majority of progressives, but rather the fact that the majority of progressives is incapable of silencing or disagreeing with the more extreme permutations of their ideology.



Fundamentally, when you point your fingers at the evil of others, you will make yourself blind to your own evil, because you will not be able to tolerate your own judgement.

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15 minutes ago, Scholar said:

In my eyes this dynamic stems from the way current progressive culture is enforced, which is by means of social ostracization and shaming

Historically speaking, ostracization and shaming are the least violent way of cultural enforciment. 

Picture what horrors conservatives did to non-heterossexual people until it was socially reprehensible, very recently.

16 minutes ago, Scholar said:

rather than through the expansion of empathy and reason.

That is so naive, it is cute.

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10 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

Historically speaking, ostracization and shaming are the least violent way of cultural enforciment. 

Picture what horrors conservatives did to non-heterossexual people until it was socially reprehensible, very recently.

That is so naive, it is cute.

That's not a very mature response. I recommend contemplating what caused this knee jerk reaction, and how what I described relates to the dynamics at play in your own consciousness.

Edited by Scholar

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Only 17 percent of young adults in the United States could find Afghanistan on a map and math scores have hit an historic low.   Now we know why.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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2 minutes ago, Scholar said:

That's not a very mature response. I recommend contemplating what caused this knee jerk reaction, and how what I described relates to the dynamics at play in your own consciousness.

It was a very reasonable response. 

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