
For a Self Actualized Person

3 posts in this topic

What goes on your regular day? The first thing I found when I searched YouTube was a parody of "a day in the life of a self actualized being"

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Before: Suffer while anticipating chopping wood and carrying water, suffer while chopping wood and carrying water, suffer even while distracting myself from chopping wood and carrying water

After: Meditate, contemplate, create, celebrate, and integrate, regardless of chopping wood and carrying water

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I expected a different kind of answer, that was more explanatory( like habits, career, family information etc...)and less philosphical. But this explains a lot, as it is dense and feels very true. Thanks @Moksha

Edited by Blackjack38
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