Being a Man - Daniel Schmachtenberger

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@SOUL They can.

The title is about Man because of his article.

But humans in general can adapt that to their own genders or no-genders.

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On 6/6/2023 at 8:54 PM, CARDOZZO said:


  • The highest value for men is serving women, nature, and children (future generations).

This whole list sounds rather traditionalist

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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1 minute ago, CARDOZZO said:

@SOUL They can.

The title is about Man because of his article.

But humans in general can adapt that to their own genders or no-genders.

That's my point's closed-minded stuff to think this is gendered advice from him. Or course I only looked at your list and didn't watch the video so maybe he says it's good advice for all in it.

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Man has a deep need to serve.

Just do a thought experiment:

Let’s say you’ve discover electricity and now billions of people use it.

How does it feel to serve billions of people?

How does it feel to help billions of humans?

Service/Giving value is one of the most beautiful things.

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@SOUL The list is related to his childhood/what he learned from his father or how his father teach him about being a man.

It’s gender-biased because of the article.

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24 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

@SOUL The list is related to his childhood/what he learned from his father or how his father teach him about being a man.

It’s gender-biased because of the article.

Yes...and it's closed minded rhetoric when he could have easily stripped the advice of gender regardless if it was his father telling a son this and presented it as suitable for all people....which it is. Of course, right wing traditionalist grifting is very profitable and allows him to avoid being called woke which apparently is the most evil thing to be according to his target audience.

Understand my point yet?



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@SOUL Understood.

I think that his general audience is a broad spectrum of humans.

2nd-Tier-Thinking/Holistic/Integral Humans tend to resonate with his content.

He talks in the podcast that generally man have more issues with their fathers than woman.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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Thank you for this amazing share, a lot of points to ponder on! Daniel is truly something else.


P.S: I believe it is best for you guys to read the referenced article and its' notes instead of merely the principles shared here, so that you can minimize the chance of misinterpretation and avoid bringing up the gender question unnecessarily.

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This actually brought me to tears. So beautiful how loving and wise some can be. 

I’ll get this book


thanks for sharing

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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On 2023-06-08 at 8:56 PM, SOUL said:

So a woman or nonbinary person shouldn't adhere to this? It should be for everyone...but sure...a 'man', too.

   Kind of like giving an advice for overcoming procrastination to a lazy person, but the same advice the workaholic hears and thinks it's affirming his situation when he should have the opposite advice of being lazy.

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@Husseinisdoingfine @SOUL Like your posts here.

On 2023-06-08 at 9:29 PM, SOUL said:

That's my point's closed-minded stuff to think this is gendered advice from him. Or course I only looked at your list and didn't watch the video so maybe he says it's good advice for all in it.


On 2023-06-08 at 10:20 PM, SOUL said:

Yes...and it's closed minded rhetoric when he could have easily stripped the advice of gender regardless if it was his father telling a son this and presented it as suitable for all people....which it is. Of course, right wing traditionalist grifting is very profitable and allows him to avoid being called woke which apparently is the most evil thing to be according to his target audience.

Understand my point yet?



   Oh, so Daniel Schmachtenberger was intentionally manipulative in framing these principles male centric and traditional, to avoid being called woke? Sounds reasonable, also has sunk cost fallacy and the moot and bailey fallacy and probably others because it'll be harder to appear persuasive and charming calling him woke when his format is male centric and trad, but again that's not some guarantee of not being called woke, he'll be called woke by some smart and wise enough to see what he's doing manipulation wise in some other angle. 

On 2023-06-08 at 9:26 PM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

This whole list sounds rather traditionalist

  It's definitely male centric, but the principles could be generalized and abstracted by your mind to suit you in some way after contextualizing these principles to you, your life situations, your aspirations and so on via for example NLP(neuro-linguistic programming).

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@Danioover9000  I don't know that he was being all that manipulative in a malicious way. I understand the context of how this 'wisdom' was conveyed to him under the guise of father to son but I suspect it was simpler originally when he received it and then he filled it out to the form he is presenting it as now.

He is a smart guy and I'm sure he is well aware of how this 'wisdom' isn't gendered but he also is smart enough to know where most of his bread gets buttered so he's definitely going to lean in to what he knows will be heard by those who have been his core audience that has brought him to his current notoriety.

I don't think he was trying to be demeaning or dismissive in his traditionalist framing as others in that space who use similar framing can be but I'm going to guess he'd rather not incur the wrath of people in that space who aren't as smart as him and might get triggered by a more 'diverse' framing.

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3 hours ago, SOUL said:

@Danioover9000  I don't know that he was being all that manipulative in a malicious way. I understand the context of how this 'wisdom' was conveyed to him under the guise of father to son but I suspect it was simpler originally when he received it and then he filled it out to the form he is presenting it as now.

He is a smart guy and I'm sure he is well aware of how this 'wisdom' isn't gendered but he also is smart enough to know where most of his bread gets buttered so he's definitely going to lean in to what he knows will be heard by those who have been his core audience that has brought him to his current notoriety.

I don't think he was trying to be demeaning or dismissive in his traditionalist framing as others in that space who use similar framing can be but I'm going to guess he'd rather not incur the wrath of people in that space who aren't as smart as him and might get triggered by a more 'diverse' framing.

   I would have preferred he did the same if not similar to @Leo Gura's 65 plus principles video, and just presented it that way in a clear and concise manner, instead of having to construct a narrative that drag your father and make it seem like it's only available from father to son coming of age ritual or something that's 'only between father and son for 30+ years' trad angle and story. BTW I'm being facetious, the mode of enjoyment and guilty pleasures to me, in light of recent events. Also all this could be wrongful of me, as I'm female centric and that's just my bias speaking, maybe manipulative was too strong and instead persuasive or charismatic? Clearly it's just defending himself from being accused of going woke, when in comparison someone like Jesse Lee Peterson, despite how deeply distorted his worldview, has the courage, conviction, faith and wisdom to say and behave his TRUTH from his POV and not cater or defend himself from accusations that leads to cancelations and censorships. Now that's a bit closer to what a man is from a more traditional and conservative side with solid rationale and Socratic questioning, and grew up from from the 50's mind you, where there's little margin for error, none of this too fearful and too scared to step on eggshells that stage green is typical of, the more vocal and emotionally whiny and crazy parts of the online SJW greens anyways that my 2 cents! If ya gonna give advice, better make it genderless and general, not this male centric and a bit specific to that demographic risking pigeon holding the principles into one area when it can spread to several basically.

Edited by Danioover9000

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A lot of new stuff in this one I didnt heard him expressing before. 

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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On 7/13/2023 at 5:14 PM, Cireeric said:


A lot of new stuff in this one I didnt heard him expressing before. 


Just finished listening to this, it's amazing. Here's a few of my favorite excerpts

"A huge part of psychological health is realizing that when I die, life doesn't end. My life in this form ends, but life continues. I get to be here, part of this whole game of life for a little while, and like what a fucking miracle that there's experience as opposed to no experience. There could just be nothing. As soon as I realized like, I got to see a tree, I got to see a sunset, I got to see color, I got to hear sound, as opposed to just nothingness … the mindset of "what's in it for me I need more" is a fucking mental illness. The realization that existence exists and I'm apart of it for a little while is awakeness, and then I would totally choose to incarnate just to have experience at all, even a little bit of it as opposed to nothing. "

"Before, when I reflected on last year, what do I do this year, what to do this coming year on January 1st, etc., whatever it is, I'm always reflecting in light of thinking I can do it over differently next year. When people are on their deathbed, that doesn't happen. There's a deeper type of reflection. I've been on so many death beds with people, Daniel's parents were awesome to take him to assisted living homes and could have that experience. He's never met old people who spent their time wishing they had fixed themselves more and their "if I could do it over again" wasn't a narcissistic focus. That just never happened. 

What was really meaningful was always the ways they express love to people and the ways they offered things. It will outlast them and the ways that they appreciated life. "

"It is from my open heart that I will mirror you, and reflect back to you all that you are:

As a being of love, of energy, 

of passion, and truth."

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On 20/11/2023 at 10:47 PM, CARDOZZO said:

Awesome video about Meta-Crisis



So many crises. Where the hell do they spring up from?

Can you give a brief summary? What is the "meta-crisis"?

Edited by UnbornTao

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