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charlie cho

Feeling sensations in the brain - Is this learning? Studying vs meditation

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Reading diligently, I know people call this neurons rewiring, but to me it's not a repitetive action that I feel in the brain, the sensations. It's not pain, it's quite pleasurable at times, but if there is a pain, mildly, there is a pain. 

I first got this sensation in the brain through meditation, doing meditation using a technique I got from a local meditation center. 

I also get this sensation when studying the sciences. But only when I appreciate the sciences interconnecting it to the insights I get in meditation, never before it. 

I know for sure many scientists and mathematicians will feel neurons in their brain rewiring, but I doubt that they feel it to the degree of sensation as mine. It's not only the sensation that exists in the brain, the sensation starts from the root of the brain spreading the 'insight' like a branch to my prefrontal cortex, back of my brain, the whole of my brain, to the whole of my body, and even out of my body and to the world. 

This insight I get is never cumulative. It's always, even when I study the sciences, maths, any reading, accumulation never gets me to the sensation I feel from the root of my brain. It's always that this insight comes about when I discard thoughts from the brain. Whenever there is a discarding, or loss of thought or emotion, or a loss of ideas in my brain, 

when I lose something

I get an insight.

whether that insight comes about because of some reading, logical analysis I've done in order to lose something in my mind, an idea, thought...etc., or simply from meditation

I feel the sensation with the insight.

I asked Chat GPT4, and it said, it's a bit weird, and maybe I should consult somebody. It only references "rewiring of neurons" but the problem is, my sensation in the brain feels or seems vastly different. It's not a simple understanding of a proof in mathematics, and I feel a bit of a connecting sensation in the brain.

The sensation I feel is not just 'a connecting' feeling. It's much more purer and clearer than that. 

The closest thing I read that was similar to this was when Krishnamurti described a 'sensation in the brain' in his diary I read. But I can't be sure that is even the same thing he is referencing to what I'm saying here. 

I really want to know from anyone, to what degree in terms of sensation in the body do they feel when they study maths, sciences, do reading, or even meditate? Sensory feeling, mind you, not an emotion, thought, or an idea. Sensory. 

I just get impatient when Chat GPT 4 says that sensations in the brain can be good when it happens mildly, but not when it's excessive, so go consult someone? Chat GPT can be dumb sometimes, so I ask you. 

Edited by charlie cho

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